Should I gv up???


New Member
Ok as I stated n a precious thread my hair has taken a major fall!! I am almost tired of dealing with it! What should I do? I'm thinking cut it in a short bob....
Don't give up! I'm not sure exactly what the problem is... but I suggest hiding your hair before you do anything drastic like cutting it and regretting it later. Don't do anything overwhelmed. :nono:
What the problem? I love bob haircuts. They're stylish and its summer so it will grow back healthy and you'll look fabulous.
Looking at siggy pics compared to the one you posted, yes i can see the difference but you do still have a good length.
Why don't you get a good blunt trim and continiue your long hair journey.
If it's breakage then cut two inches, find out what the problem is, tweak your reggie and continue on your journey.
What is your regimen? How often do you relax? Are you a heat addict? Maybe all you need to do is tweak what you're doing. You don't need to have such a drastic change.
nothing wrong with cutting it if that's what makes you happy. Bobs are cute. Heck, I've been tempted a time or two or six to get a bob. :D But if getting the bob is your way of "giving up," I think you'd regret it later. I can see that you do need a trim of sorts, but not nearly enough to make it bob length.
Im going with everyone on this get a trim and if you are still not satisfied then get a sew-in bob, after that and and only after you have tried both of these then cut it to a bob if still having issues. HTH.

ETA. do you have a relaxer, if you do you might want to give this up...
You didn't indicate what the problem was but I too agree with the other ladies, cutting that much hair is drastic and you'll regret it later... Try doing a weave for a while cut into a cute bob but cutting your hair, I wouldn't recommend unless there is lots of damage and breakage throughout your head. It might not be as bad as you think it is.

Try doing the minimal to your hair - Less really is more...
You can just do a U shaped trim. You would still be APL.

I agree with this. Trim your hair and keep it moving. Don't do anything drastic. If u trim and still aren't happy, you can always do the bob in a month or so.

Sent from my iPhone while out living my best life!
I don't know if anyone will tell you to 'give up'. If you just want a bob then cut your hair. However, if you'd like to keep the length cut off the stringy ends, you don't have to cut it even all around. After cutting off those ends, baby your hair give it some TLC and you'll be back on track.

Good Luck whatever you decide.
I agree with everyone else. Don't give up.

Think about what you want to do before making a drastic move. I've made drastic triming moves that I've regretted and now looking back at old pics, my hair "disasters" waren't nearly as bad as I thought.

I say sleep on it a bit, or hide your hair for a while. If you're set on cutting it, I'm with the earlier poster who recommended only trimming some of the ends and not worrying about getting a perfectly even blunt cut.