Should I Cut Out Strands With Old Single Strand Knots?


On break
Hi, all.

I have noticed that overall my knots and tangles are reducing CONSIDERABLY! Halleloooooo! Thank ya, Jesus! (Where is the stomp-your-feet-while-twirling-around-hitting-a-tambourine praise dance emoticon?)

However, I have a few sections in random places in my hair that have quite a few very OLD ssks. These are ssks that are super tiny but make the strand bumpy. These are the areas that tend to tangle and knot, now.

I believe these developed when I was relying on a stylist, who never clipped my ends or did search and destroy missions. And I didn't know any better!

Do you think I should cut out these strands high up and try to remove these rough, knotty strands? Do you think that doing so is likely to reduce tangles? When I'm finger detangling other areas, the strands slide right apart. In these areas with old, high-up ssks, NOT SO. It's pretty webby.

Thanks in advance!
It pains my heart but I cut all my ssk when I see them. The are usually at least 3 + inches up from the ends so that equals inches lost. Sometimes when the ssk are in formation and I catch it early I gently pull from the bottom and top to undo it.
Usually my SSKs are at the very bottom of my hair. I guess that's because they are the new ones. I snip them and keep it moving. They are very short in length. Not much hair is removed at all.

I think these TROUBLESOME ones that are causing problematic detangling and are higher up are OLD. :nono: I can't believe I'm going to take scissors to my hair so high up.


This emoticon is not an exaggeration. I need hugs.
Usually my SSKs are at the very bottom of my hair. I guess that's because they are the new ones.

I think these TROUBLESOME ones that are causing problematic detangling and are higher up are OLD. :nono: I can't believe I'm going to take scissors to my hair so high up.


This emoticon is not an exaggeration. I need hugs.

Your hair will thrive after taking care of them. Thinking of it as saving hundreds of strands. The few you snip will grow back in no time and be healthier. :yep:

Your hair will thrive after taking care of them. Thinking of it as saving hundreds of strands. The few you snip will grow back in no time and be healthier. :yep:


I was NEVER this emotional about my relaxed hair. It's just hair! What is about me and my natural hair? I'm going to eat my reduced fat ice cream and Ritz cracker mix to self-soothe. :snugglecouch:
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how the hell do ssk's happen? i used to get them more as child when i wore my hair curly. i still notice one from time to time.
it just seems uncanny that such knots can form. are they truly hairs tightly knotted onto themselves or something else?
how the hell do ssk's happen? i used to get them more as child when i wore my hair curly. i still notice one from time to time.
it just seems uncanny that such knots can form. are they truly hairs tightly knotted onto themselves or something else?

I get single strand knots. I guess they happen to all hair types but being coily doesn't help. I wear my hair loose and mine tend to form somewhere around the last inch or two of the strand. If I feel/ see them, I always pinpoint and cut them out (if at home). I don't want them tangling on other hairs and causing larger tangles or breakage. I shingle everything and the thought of knotted strands rubbing against smooth ones disturbs me lol.

@ShredsofDignity what else do you think could be happening?
I just finished a super thorough, full detangling session. I used the NaturelleGrow protein free marshmallow, slippery elm deep conditioner to deep condition then rewet my hair and added it to my ends to detangle. That stuff is a knot destroyer.

I felt around for old SSKs and I just went to cutting them. To calm my nerves and chill out and be playful with it, I just kept saying in my mind stuff like, "Hit the road, Jack, and don't you come back no more, no . . ." and "Adios tangle causer! You won't be missed. And don't let the door hitcha where the good Lord splitcha," etc.

I made peace with this minor cutting: What if over time my hair hardly tangles ANYWHERE on my head, like it already doesn't in areas lacking SSKs? It's worth finding out it now, just shy of armpit length, versus at BSL or WL.

Hair felt good afterwards. :yep: I feel like I whipped those knots' and tangles' behinds! :brucelee:
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I just finished a super thorough, full detangling session. I used the NaturelleGrow protein free marshmallow, slippery elm deep conditioner to deep condition then rewet my hair and added it to my ends to detangle. That stuff is a knot destroyer.

I felt around for old SSKs and I just went to cutting them. To calm my nerves and chill out and be playful with it, I just kept saying in my mind stuff like, "Hit the road, Jack, and don't you come back no more, no . . ." and "Adios tangle causer! You won't be missed. And don't let the door hitcha where the good Lord splitcha," etc.

I made peace with this minor cutting: What if over time my hair hardly tangles ANYWHERE on my head, like it already doesn't in areas lacking SSKs? It's worth finding out it now, just shy of armpit length, versus at BSL or WL.

Hair felt good afterwards. :yep: I feel like I whipped those knots' and tangles' behinds! :nunchuk:
Good for you. Don't be afraid to cut out splits. It's better in the long run. If you have tangles you can lose more hair than that 1 piece of hair. It's for the better good :yep:
I snip my SSKs out.
They're usually in the last 1-3 inches of my hair and I've hardly ever been able to untangle them. I just snip those strands right above the knot and keep it moving.

Yes: I have always snipped new, unresolvable knots. No problem since they are typically close to the ends. But the old higher up knots? Snipping such long strands felt not good at first. It's done, now! Feels fine. :smile:
Just a part of dealing with tightly coiled hair. Especially she hairs getting caught on the ends. Just cut them and keep it moving. Some naturals embrace them.
Wash and gos are a no no when it comes to coiled hair. Like once you reach 3-4 inches, the problems starts. Stretched or protective styles all the way to the ends will help. They even come about doing washing. As soon as the hair is wet, it wants to coil.
Wash and gos are a no no when it comes to coiled hair. Like once you reach 3-4 inches, the problems starts. Stretched or protective styles all the way to the ends will help. They even come about doing washing. As soon as the hair is wet, it wants to coil.

Awww! :cry3:

Do you really think so, @shortdub78? I've been emailing back and forth with someone with super coily 4a hair that works for The Original Moxie. I told her that people have said this same thing. She told me that wash-and-go's are all she wears. She told me that once I get a technique down and discover which products/ingredients my hair loves, that I'll have way fewer issues.

Wishful thinking, you think?

I can say that my hair is already doing better with the clips I just did! I'm loving it. So much easier to detangle. Knots fell apart. Hope it keeps up.

If you end up being right, I'll try loosening my pattern a little with henna and texlaxing if that doesn't work. If both don't work, I'll re-relax it. I'm just not that person who twists (I was losing HOURS of my life twisting and retwisting), and my hair is too short for bunning.
Awww! :cry3:

Do you really think so, @shortdub78? I've been emailing back and forth with someone with super coily 4a hair that works for The Original Moxie. I told her that people have said this same thing. She told me that wash-and-go's are all she wears. She told me that once I get a technique down and discover which products/ingredients my hair loves, that I'll have way fewer issues.

Wishful thinking, you think?

I can say that my hair is already doing better with the clips I just did! I'm loving it. So much easier to detangle. Knots fell apart. Hope it keeps up.

If you end up being right, I'll try loosening my pattern a little with henna and texlaxing if that doesn't work. If both don't work, I'll re-relax it. I'm just not that person who twists (I was losing HOURS of my life twisting and retwisting), and my hair is too short for bunning.
I don't think you should upset yourself over some SSKs. If you have been wearing wngs and your SSKs are manageable keep with it. Curly ladies on this board wear wngs and they just clip and trim when they need to. They also retain just fine. Check out the wng thread. Those ladies have been doing wngs for months.

Now my hair on the other hand does not do well with wngs because my skis are dramatic with 24 to 48 hours. But I can tell by your post that isn't the case with your hair
I'm a type 4 and I only wear wash and goes, with no problems.

Wash and gos are a no no when it comes to coiled hair. Like once you reach 3-4 inches, the problems starts. Stretched or protective styles all the way to the ends will help. They even come about doing washing. As soon as the hair is wet, it wants to coil.
I get single strand knots. I guess they happen to all hair types but being coily doesn't help. I wear my hair loose and mine tend to form somewhere around the last inch or two of the strand. If I feel/ see them, I always pinpoint and cut them out (if at home). I don't want them tangling on other hairs and causing larger tangles or breakage. I shingle everything and the thought of knotted strands rubbing against smooth ones disturbs me lol.

@ShredsofDignity what else do you think could be happening?
im not sure... i was just wondering if they were actually caused by the strand curling around on itself or if maybe it was some kind of damage that causes a ball lol. But I'm sure they are knots. I guess its not so crazy to think hair could curl around on itself and knot.
Before I transitioned, there was a post where someone said that she undid all of her SSKs with a straight pin to avoid having to cut them out. I remembered thinking, If I EVER get this obsessed, then that's my clue that I may want to reconsider relaxing. LOL!
Before I transitioned, there was a post where someone said that she undid all of her SSKs with a straight pin to avoid having to cut them out. I remembered thinking, If I EVER get this obsessed, then that's my clue that I may want to reconsider relaxing. LOL!

LOL! I might try it if my hair was long enough and less fine. It's only a few new knots everyone now and then. I remember watching a youtuber who recommended it. My knots are too tight and small for that, I think.

But, yeah. :laugh: