Should I cut from APL to SL?


New Member
It's a long story of how this happened in the first place but I've moved on. It began last year in April where I noticed how my nape had broken off. (I believe it was due to wrong glue used for a fusion weave put on by a licensed beautician that did my hair every week to two weeks. (poos, t-ups, etc. I didn't have to do my own hair..anyway, let me relax, and breathe...find my happy place..:rolleyes: Looking at the pictures I have posted in my fotki, I'm wondering if I should wait for my nape to grow out a little more before cutting the rest of my hair to even it up. There is progress and part of me wants to leave it alone for a few months longer and just keep trimming the ends. I'm 5 wks post right now. I wash once a week. view my fotki and let me know what you think? :perplexed
I'm going to sleep on it..thx, for the comments in advance.
I was where you were a couple of weeks ago. Either you cut your length now and let it grow back out to healthy APL and beyond. Or you can keep trimming and stay at APL for however long it takes you to grow it out. Either way you loose length, but do you wanna loose it at once or overtime?
I don't see any pics in your Fotki except your avatar. Based on that pic I would say keep it up and let it grow out for a while longer. If you are the type that likes to wear it down then I'd definately cut it to even that up.
I don't see any pics in your Fotki except your avatar. Based on that pic I would say keep it up and let it grow out for a while longer. If you are the type that likes to wear it down then I'd definately cut it to even that up.
I agree. Not only only cut it to wear my hair down, but just on the strength of knowing that it's damaged I would cut it.
I can't see the pics. But, I think you should allow your hair to grow out more. From my experience I also had the same nape breakage. I allowed my hair to continue to grow and my nape caught up a bit. I decided to transition and cut my hair to SL. Now all of my hair is even all around. You can also trim slowly. Make sure you baby your nape. Use extra moisturizer, conditioner, and relax that part last. Good luck!
Thank you all for responding to my post. I don't know why you weren't able to view my pics. The p/w is grateful. If you try viewing it again, please let me know if you were able to view them.thx.
Okay the album is up now. I'm sticking with my original advice. If you don't plan on wearing it down at all then leave it alone. Then cut later. If you are planning to wear it down cut it.

Side note: What happened between July 07 and Sept 07? Looks like there was a huge set back there.

I know you didn't ask but you may want to stay away from that big clip you have for your protective style and use something much lighter. That could be contributing to your nape breakage.
From Belleama: Side note: What happened between July 07 and Sept 07? Looks like there was a huge set back there.

My response: The nape was damaged in the first picture in July as well, I just hadn't lifted my hair to have my daughter take the picture.
From Belleama: Side note: What happened between July 07 and Sept 07? Looks like there was a huge set back there.

My response: The nape was damaged in the first picture in July as well, I just hadn't lifted my hair to have my daughter take the picture.

Your nape may be a problem but that's not what I was looking at. Between pic 1 and 2 your ends when from thick and lush to practically thread bare and see through. Looks like the samething happend again in pic 5, not sure about 6 but it does appear to be the case there as well. The broken off ends seem to get higher and higher as the months go on. Do you know what is causing your ends to break off?
I'm not sure what happened with my ends, I know I had a few trims done in between that time with a different stylist. A lot of time past between the time I took the pics and not loading them until yesterday.
I'll post again after I've had my next relaxer.
i would say cut. i had the same problem at the begingin of my journey, after a loto f thinking i decided to cut it even and start might hurt but its all for the good
If you can't stand it and it just annoys you I would say cut it, but if it doesn't bother you that much then do some dusting until the nape catches up.

Someone else mentioned this, but always relax that area and the front hairline is extremely beneficial in the end.

Also, your hair texture looks alot like mine from your might be a hair cousin.
Maybe you should post your regimine so people can take a look at it and see if there is anything that could be contributing to the problem?
Okay, here's my 2 cents.
1. I would trim it into a U shape.
2. Keep as much length as possible and
3. continue to wear your protective styles
4. balance protein (curb breakage) and moisture (retain length).

Your French braid is absolulely gorgeous.

Can I have my change?:grin:

Good Luck!!!:drunk: