Making it from SL to APL. Its so hard!!!

How did you get from SL to APL?

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With me its a combination of things...

Protective Styles involving your own hair - ponytails, buns
Stopped using heat - only once a month if even thta
Transitioned from relaxer to natural - its been 2 yrs
Stopped trimming - haven't trimmed in almost 1 yr

I have no idea if I have reached APL yet. I haven't flatironed in over a month and even then the heat made my hair shrink up.

Don't let the stylist trim! That was my downfall when I used to relax my hair. I hate scissor happy people. Good luck! You can do it!
Awww, don't feel that way! A few months ago I was all up in the APL threads trying to figure out how to help push my hair past shoulder :yep:. As many of the other ladies noted, it's a combination of things that contributed to their reaching APL. Also, it's important to remember that technically your hair is always "growing," so what you need to focus on is retention. Once I stopped messing around with my hair, with products that it didn't like, manipulation, breakage, etc. I was better able to retain length. I thought I would be APL by Dec 07 and then by March 08, but it didn't happen until now (June/July).

thanks that makes me feel better. All that you said makes sense. I just have to focus on retention.
Yes, it is a hard journey, but for me it became easy once I figured out my protien/moisture balance. I need to do a protien treat once every 5 months...not 6 like Aphogee suggests. I also do alot of mayonaise treatments and condition washes in between. I don't do weaves anymore because I need to pay attention to my hair. I did invest in a really short cropped wig that I love to use every now and then when stretching relaxers.
I drink alot of water and take supplements.
Most of all I exercise 4-6 times a week.
The exercise is what I think really helps with my circulation and getting the toxins out of my system.
I am really consistent with all of this. You will get there!
I'm gettin closer and closer to APL, but it's still not here :( I'm doin rollersets, and tryna pin my hair up for the majority of the time. I'm tryna remember to moisturize every other day :blush: but it's not workin .... :ohwell: I think if I up the cowashes, I'll be APL really really soon....but I'm so durn lazy.....I'm still shooting for December then LOL​
I'm gettin closer and closer to APL, but it's still not here :( I'm doin rollersets, and tryna pin my hair up for the majority of the time. I'm tryna remember to moisturize every other day :blush: but it's not workin .... :ohwell: I think if I up the cowashes, I'll be APL really really soon....but I'm so durn lazy.....I'm still shooting for December then LOL​

You'll get there in no time! You've made great progress already :yep:.
It took me over a year, but my hair grows exceedingly slow, even with protective styles and moisturizing like crazy, my hair just grows slow. What can I say, some of us are lucky, some of us not so much. Hang in there. It'll happen!
I can't remember how long it took me to go from SL to APL but I know that I did it by mainly using the baggy method. I had that baggy on all the time and that was when I wore a phony pony over it.

I can't recall the member's name that introduced the baggy method to the boards ( she occasionally posts from time to time, I think) but the proof was in the pictures. Point blank. Her hair is ridiculous. From that I decided to see if it would work for me and it did. Mind you, what works for one does not work for all. Sylver2 grew her hair without ANY protective styles and frankly, if I did that I'd be in trouble. My hair can't take it as it certainly isn't that strong. BUT what I did incorporate from her was the NO COMB/ SILK SCARF method. Cant tell you the last time I combed my hair. Likewise, I don't use heat often.

Look for members that are the length you want to be, look at their hair types (are they similar to yours) see if some of the things they do would work for you. Once you have your reggie and you are seeing results..that is all. STICK TO IT. Your hair will grow.

I feel as if I've been at BSL forever too...but I know that my reggie works for my hair and this is the longest and healthiest it has ever been. So, I'll continue to plod along.
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I feel u on this thread because Im tryin to reach SL right now and I constantly have to bun and protective style to keep my ends of collars of my shirts!!! Its killin me I just wanna get to SL soon!!!!
I feel u on this thread because Im tryin to reach SL right now and I constantly have to bun and protective style to keep my ends of collars of my shirts!!! Its killin me I just wanna get to SL soon!!!!

You'll be there before you know it, Shetara :grin:.
Well to me it's not necessarily 'difficult' to get from SL to APL.

I think ppl at SL are in a stage when they're more apt to be concerned with the overall health of the hair vs the length.

You want to be long but:
--have to grow out your layers.
--have to Grow out the nape.
--have to grow out your hairline.
--have to snip away ugly ends all the time.
et cetera....
To me it just seems like it takes a while simply because BEFORE you grow to a desired length you have to take the time to get hair the way you want it first.
I dunno.

Personally I've always washed often and I don't have to do protective styling in order to maintain my ends. BUT I cannot heatstyle or I'll singe my ends off!
Heat kills my hair. I wish I could heatstyle every other day and not have an issue.
But I ain't got it like that.
You can look at my hair and tell when I've been heat-styling and when I haven't been. It's a clear difference.

So I have learn to be more flexible with my styling options.
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moisture is the key "i think"...whether your hiding your hair or not....moisture and basically leaving the hair to do its thing...low manipulation.

Cornrow or braids - leave = results.
Still struggling with this, but aiming for Dec :pray: I have a set routine and set growth aides, staying in protective styles, cornrows or rollerset and pin up my hair cause all of a sudden my nape hair is not retaining as well. I finally got my LF unit so not worried anymore about looking cute while trying to grow out my hair (yes I'm vain:look::grin:)
I'm anticipate hitting APL between July- Nov 2008. This allows room for any setbacks that may happen. I decided that I'm going to weave it or kinky twist it until then. It also makes the transitioning process much easier.

How silly was I :wallbash:. I wrote that post in April and I'm basically the same length in August. Now my time frame is Nov 08- March 09. The good news is I'm about to get those kinky twists. :yep:
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To my suprise, I made it from SL to APL in 4 and a half months.
Basically my hair was covered 99% of the time, except for when it was being washed or plaited.
For the most part I washed with Ayurvedic powders twice a week and deep conditioned after every wash.
I always plaited my hair straight after washing/conditioning and I wore a wig whenever I went out (only wore MY hair out a couple of times). In the house I baggied and wore a satin bonnet.
I used minimal heat (blowdrying and flat ironing twice in those 4 months) to check my progress.
I stretched my relaxer 3-4 months. I was very laid back maybe once a month protein treatment aphogee and once a month dc nexxus. I would say get a blunt cut and try to stretch out your trimming. I think there is strength in numbers and maybe having your hair all one length is healthy if you're trying to grow it out. I usually wear my hair down. I guess it took me from December '07 to August '08. Not sure if that's average or slow. Also I can vouch for Surge 14 and WGO. Oh and I don't use a comb much mostly my fingers.
This is a great thread! The trimming is definitely my problem. But I had to trim off certain bits...:ohwell:

From now on:
No Trimming
No heat
More moisture
Less manipulation

Let's see where that takes me.
I stretched my relaxer 3-4 months. I was very laid back maybe once a month protein treatment aphogee and once a month dc nexxus. I would say get a blunt cut and try to stretch out your trimming. I think there is strength in numbers and maybe having your hair all one length is healthy if you're trying to grow it out. I usually wear my hair down. I guess it took me from December '07 to August '08. Not sure if that's average or slow. Also I can vouch for Surge 14 and WGO. Oh and I don't use a comb much mostly my fingers.

what nexxus dc did you use? humectress?
Well I'm almost there now and I think I'll be there in Januray 09 for sure. I guess I need to grow three full inches in 5-6 months. That's possible and shouldn't be a problem as long as I retain the length. Then I want to cut about a half inch off so that I can have blunt ends.

I basically wash once a week, no to low blow dryer (yes, I meant that exactly as it reads:lachen:).

Lot's of moisture, tender care and I wear it down whenever I want. :yep: That works for me.

I may or may not do much protein depending on how my hair reacts. That's about it. I'll chime in again in January with pics and we'll see.
SL to APL is kind of hard only b/c there is sooo much room b/w the two. You can be SL and have your hair only barely touching your shoulders, or you can be SL with your hair above your armpit. I think by next perm I should be APL b/c I'm post about 9 weeks now and Im a tiny bit past APL wet and about an inch from APL when I airdry.

When I make it there, I'm going to continue bunning and protective styles all the way up until I'm a full APL. Then I will enjoy it for a month or 2 and then go back to all the babying.
For me, constant DCing, no direct heat, low manipulation and protective styling seems to be the easiest and quickest way to achieve my goal of APL.
Ok ladies I joined today and apl was my long term goal.
Hold on, and make it happen.
What ever happend to the lady that started this thread?
SL to APL is kind of hard only b/c there is sooo much room b/w the two. You can be SL and have your hair only barely touching your shoulders, or you can be SL with your hair above your armpit. I think by next perm I should be APL b/c I'm post about 9 weeks now and Im a tiny bit past APL wet and about an inch from APL when I airdry.

When I make it there, I'm going to continue bunning and protective styles all the way up until I'm a full APL. Then I will enjoy it for a month or 2 and then go back to all the babying.

This is so true.

But, I usually wear my hair up in a clip, but I really want to try bunning. I just am unsure of how to do it so my hair is tucked in, and it's not too tight. I'm stylistically challenged. :lachen: (always have been...)
Okay, I've been doing research, and searching for this topic and it seems I'm not the only one who understands going from SL to APL is the hardest stage of all because of those ends constantly coming in contact with clothing, etc. My thing is i understand that protective styling is a great way to get to this point but I considered anything that pretty much has you ends up and off your shoulders to be a protective style. I did not know that the ends had to be covered or tucked in as well. I wear my hair in a loose clip 5 days outta the week and keep the ends well moisturized Is this not a good thing to be doing? Has anyone not worn braids or weaves getting from SL to APL? If so, how long did it take you? It seems like everyone has done that getting from SL to APL but I don't do fake hair. I'm just so frustrated and I feel like I'm making little to no progress.

Rant: BTW I get a retouch tomorrow and that stylist is not trimming even 1/4 of an inch off my ends. I didn't put this much into my growth to get it cut right back off. She is so scissor happy its sickening.:rolleyes: End rant.

Sorry bout that lol!!!:grin:

Could you use OCT or Megatek???? could this get you over the hump?
I haven't gotten my touchup yet, I'm pretty sure I'm at APL. What has gotten me there is eliminating direct heat on my hair. Before LHCF I was really reliant on flat irons and curling irons and would use them almost every morning. After I joined LHCF I got into rollersetting and twist-outs. I also wear wigs a lot when my hair gets harder to comb. I think that may prevent me from breaking my hair even more by combing/brushing. Relaxer stretching has also been a major help to my hair. :yep:
Hey guys.. I'm in this too.. I gave myself 6 months ... starting Aug 23... so Feb 23..I'm supposed to be APL. Though last week a got nice healthy trim (read cut) lol.. I'm still aiming on being APL in Feb09. Now I guess I'm what some members would consider a radical and prolly just crazy because I

-Go to the salon for a wash, blowdry, flat iron weekly (but that's the only time there is heat involved; unless I'm DC'ing at home)
-Don't wear any fake hair, baggies, corn rows, braids (nothing against it; just not me)
- I use shampoo... lol..

I've had waist length hair before. I want my hair to grow; but I can't let it control my life. Besides what the point of having pretty hair if you only see it when you're washing it and back into "protective styles" it goes. When I get APL again and subsequently BSL.. I'mma be hanging and swangin'! LOL! The difference between now and then is that I know what NOT to do to my hair and what NOT to let somebody else do to it. I do wear buns for 1/2 the week (my work out days) and will prolly continue that through whatever length my hair takes me. I have a love/hate relationship with doing my own hair. I hate having all that hair in the bathroom (I'm a shedder) and I hate having to do it before I go somewhere. Takes entirely too long! I love trying new products and seeing what works. But I also like the fact that now I can do it if I have to (stylist cancels, there's a humongous snow storm, got asked on an impromptu date on bun day.. :D) something like that.. but for all other purposes I'm keeping my standing..
