Should I asked my stylist about him?


Well-Known Member
While I was getting my hair done, my stylists friend stopped by to take care of something for her. As soon as he walked in he started being really friendly to me. I was giggling like a school girl so not me but I'm trying to appear nicer.

So when he left I asked her if they're related and she responded no he is a family friend and their basically like family. Now I know according to LHCF it is taboo to go after a man but is asking about his status wrong? I know as soon as I do my stylist will get that I'm interested but I'm not sure if I want to put myself out there like that. But then again I'm not doing much to change my single status so maybe I need to be proactive. I'm lost. What do you ladies think?
Well are you looking or open to meeting someone? If yes, I don't see anything wrong with opening the door.

I'm somewhat afraid of looking desperate and making the first move. I've done it a couple times in the past and it did not work. If the guy accepted I felt they wanted sec right away almost like because they were not the ones to go after me it should be easy. It never worked. He was being super friendly borderline flirting but I'm trying not to read too much into that.
While I was getting my hair done, my stylists friend stopped by to take care of something for her. As soon as he walked in he started being really friendly to me. I was giggling like a school girl so not me but I'm trying to appear nicer.

So when he left I asked her if they're related and she responded no he is a family friend and their basically like family. Now I know according to LHCF it is taboo to go after a man but is asking about his status wrong?I know as soon as I do my stylist will get that I'm interested but I'm not sure if I want to put myself out there like that. But then again I'm not doing much to change my single status so maybe I need to be proactive. I'm lost. What do you ladies think?

:nono:.:perplexed:lachen:......................................@ the bolded.

OP ask about him. What's the worse that can happen?
:nono:.:perplexed:lachen:......................................@ the bolded.

OP ask about him. What's the worse that can happen?

I can't see what's bolded on my phone, lol. I should of asked when I was there, now 3 days later she's gonna be like dag you still thinking about him. If he is single I would need her help and some people don't like getting involved.
No she works from home so no one else was there but I do know her family so there may still be some talk amongst them I suppose.
Remember hairstylist usually run their mouth to all of their clients. Not ALL hairstylist, but some, because things come up as small talk.
I can't see what's bolded on my phone, lol. I should of asked when I was there, now 3 days later she's gonna be like dag you still thinking about him. If he is single I would need her help and some people don't like getting involved.

3 days later :nono: if he were interested he would have asked the stylist about you. I have no issue approaching a man but I have to know he is interested before I do so.

One of my married male friends is the biggest flirt in the world and many women always think he's interested in them when he gives that attention to any and every woman.
3 days later :nono: if he were interested he would have asked the stylist about you. I have no issue approaching a man but I have to know he is interested before I do so.

One of my married male friends is the biggest flirt in the world and many women always think he's interested in them when he gives that attention to any and every woman.

This is what I think if he interested he may ask but what if he thinks it's inappropriate? I have to figure out a way to bring this up in conversation or see him again to find out. He was not wearing a ring but I know that means nothing. I'm am so tempted to text her but I'm embarrassed to bring this up.
This is what I think if he interested he may ask but what if he thinks it's inappropriate? I have to figure out a way to bring this up in conversation or see him again to find out. He was not wearing a ring but I know that means nothing. I'm am so tempted to text her but I'm embarrassed to bring this up.

Good luck with whatever you decided to do. Men don't care about being appropriate if they are interested in a woman. If he wanted to get to know you, he would not have allowed you to get away without at least mentioning something to the stylist. Then when you asked was he a relative that would have been the perfect time for her to say "he asked me about you".
I can't see what's bolded on my phone, lol. I should of asked when I was there, now 3 days later she's gonna be like dag you still thinking about him. If he is single I would need her help and some people don't like getting involved.

LOL I bolded the part where you wrote, "Now according to LHCF." chile, please do not listen to everything you read on here. If you feel like it's right, then just do it.
I have to agree with Moda.....if he's interested, he'll ask.

I have no problem with pursuing a man but there needs to be some interest shown by him....also, why didn't you do it day 1 why wait until 3 days later?
I have to agree with Moda.....if he's interested, he'll ask.

I have no problem with pursuing a man but there needs to be some interest shown by him....also, why didn't you do it day 1 why wait until 3 days later?

I don't know why i did not ask, I was hoping when I was leaving he would say something but he just said my hair looked good and he was in the middle of the rest of her family that was sitting there. Once that did not work I thought about it on the drive home. I don't want to step on any toes because he may be her moms young tenderoni who knows. If he is then I will feel awkward going over there cause the mom might think I want her man. I might just let this go cause the more I think about it the more I don't want to look like a fool.
Just ask the stylist. I mean, it's not pursuing him and I consider it investigative work. Plus, she'll let you know if he's available or not and if he's not, then that's it. If he is, then she can give you the tea on him. I mean, pursuing him would be asking for his number. You're just asking for information. Plus, who cares if people talk. Sometimes I think we get in our own way.
The only thing now is it's going to be harder to bring up in conversation. But, I still think you should ask. What's the worst thing she can say? No, he's not available.
The women on LHCF tend to be very passive abt dating and depending on who you are, that may or may not be the best approach for you. I started enjoying my dating life a lot more when I started taking a more active approach. Yeah you have to put yourself out there a bit, but I feel like I've had less regrets that way and better choice in partners.

Personally, I would ask the stylist, but that's just my style. I don't think it's a big deal to inquire abt somebody.... And him not inquiring about you doesnt mean anything.

Ask your stylist about him. Stylists love to talk lol. Is he single, is he really flirtatious? You let her know if you want him to know you were asking about him or not. My friends inquire abt my other friends all the time and I usually try to comply with their wishes. It rarely develops into anything serious though.
The women on LHCF tend to be very passive abt dating and depending on who you are, that may or may not be the best approach for you. I started enjoying my dating life a lot more when I started taking a more active approach. Yeah you have to put yourself out there a bit, but I feel like I've had less regrets that way and better choice in partners.

Personally, I would ask the stylist, but that's just my style. I don't think it's a big deal to inquire abt somebody.... And him not inquiring about you doesnt mean anything.

Ask your stylist about him. Stylists love to talk lol. Is he single, is he really flirtatious? You let her know if you want him to know you were asking about him or not. My friends inquire abt my other friends all the time and I usually try to comply with their wishes. It rarely develops into anything serious though.

Well it has been days and it is kind of odd to bring it up at this point. I am going to wait until I see him again before I say anything. If I don't see him again then it just was not meant to be I guess.