Should A Pastor’s Wife Be Part Of The Same Church?

@mz.rae Yes I believe this could pose significant problems if you all were to marry. The mystery of two becoming one is a mystery but it is still true. How can you be one if you are separate in this important area of your lives? Time together as a couple is a premium - would you want that premium time split for several hours every week? Your separation would also leave both of you vulnerable to the affection of others... What if you have children? Who would they worship with? They would have to choose mommy's or daddy's church which could leave the other parent resentful. Also, the husband "should" be the spiritual leader of his home. Your decision to branch out on your own could in a sense castrate him.
Thank you for your response! I am just now seeing so sorry for the late reply. Me and SO ended up joining the church I was talking about, this past Sunday. It's really interesting that after I was struggling with this and trying to figure out what to do the church he was going to and that I still belonged to ended up closing. Not celebrating the church's closure, but it feels like it happened at just the right timing.
What if they both came to a decision that works for their own family and it's not one that others comprehend? Like others say, unless one is privy to all the details, it might appear to be one thing but may not be. Outside that relationship, one might interpret that she's in rebellion and discord or something when it might not be the case.
What if they both came to a decision that works for their own family and it's not one that others comprehend? Like others say, unless one is privy to all the details, it might appear to be one thing but may not be. Outside that relationship, one might interpret that she's in rebellion and discord or something when it might not be the case.

God has given all of us the gift of 'free will', however what may seem 'right' to us is not necessarily 'right' with God, it is not His best for us, no matter what 'our' reasoning is.

The question of this particular thread topic is, should a Pastor's wife be a part of the same Church?

Indeed she should be; there is something tragically wrong if a Pastor's wife is not there to worship with him and support him in the ministry that God has called him to.

A wife is a man's 'Help Meet Suitable'... period. Meaning she is there for and with him as he ministers the Word of God. Men need the support of their wives in the calling that God has for him and in all that they do. And this does not minimize the wife, for if nothing else it makes her all the more vital, all the more honored, loved, cherished, respected and treasured in this man's life.

She is 'there' for him and with him...she is right there holding him up as he follows God's call upon him, something that no other woman can nor should be doing. How could any woman not be there for her husband? How? Especially when God has called them to be 'One', especially 'One' in worship, honoring God who has joined them together... to be forever 'One'.

Unless her husband is in sin...unless he is teaching corruption...heresy and abomination to the Holiness of God...there is no reason for any wife to not worship in the same house of the Lord alongside and with her husband.
God has given all of us the gift of 'free will', however what may seem 'right' to us is not necessarily 'right' with God, it is not His best for us, no matter what 'our' reasoning is.

The question of this particular thread topic is, should a Pastor's wife be a part of the same Church?

Indeed she should be; there is something tragically wrong if a Pastor's wife is not there to worship with him and support him in the ministry that God has called him to.

A wife is a man's 'Help Meet Suitable'... period. Meaning she is there for and with him as he ministers the Word of God. Men need the support of their wives in the calling that God has for him and in all that they do. And this does not minimize the wife, for if nothing else it makes her all the more vital, all the more honored, loved, cherished, respected and treasured in this man's life.

She is 'there' for him and with him...she is right there holding him up as he follows God's call upon him, something that no other woman can nor should be doing. How could any woman not be there for her husband? How? Especially when God has called them to be 'One', especially 'One' in worship, honoring God who has joined them together... to be forever 'One'.

Unless her husband is in sin...unless he is teaching corruption...heresy and abomination to the Holiness of God...there is no reason for any wife to not worship in the same house of the Lord alongside and with her husband.

We don't have that problem as catholics ;) The married deacons who serve in several parishes in our diocese don't have wives who attend all the parishes and masses they serve but it would be difficult anyway since the next diocese is very far. It's all local. I get the point but I was supporting the other person who said it might look one way but might be another thing altogether for the situation presented and not necessarily for the general situation.
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We don't have that problem as catholics ;) The married deacons who serve in several parishes in our diocese don't have wives who attend all the parishes and masses they serve but it would be difficult anyway since the next diocese is very far. It's all local. I get the point but I was supporting the other person who said it might look one way but might be another thing altogether for the situation presented and not necessarily for the general situation.