Short lived transition I BC'd


New Member
Yeah so I couldn't commit to the transition phase. I just really wanted to experience my natural hair so I BC'd. Now I am exploring what my hair likes and how it reacts to different products. I have not worn it out to work yet because I haven't built up enough nerve :look:
My hair is dry in these photos with no products cause I wanted to see what I'm working with. I think the texture is kinda weird right now...we'll see what happens. Wish me luck ladies. :grin:


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it looks cute it will grow back in no time i wanted to bc but i got scared:lol: any way happy growing:)
Congratulations! Freedom feels so good! Now your products wont be wasted and best of all, you'll get to experiment!!!
LuvLiLocks said:
:scratchch hmmm CVS is only 2 minutes from my house.....

Congrats on your new TWA. I did the BC myself liek a month ago, boy was i nervous. but i said, hey i am not my hair and just rocked that fro.... i'm sure you look really good.
you will definitely enjoy the freedom and yeah i can't keep my hand out of my head either... now about the garnier stuff. let me know how it works out for you. :)
Oh Thank You ladies for all the support :grin: I intend to be updating in a few weeks with mega growth!!! .....
BTW, I love the HIH club! I've been wearing a wig, and I just realized today that I have been putting my fingers thru the wig and playing with my hair...while at work :eek: :lachen: :lachen: