I BC'd!!! No Pics LOL!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, after approximately 1.5 years of transitioning I finally BC'd. There was no reason for it. I woke up and decided to do it. I will post pics when I find time...... shrugs.

My natural hair stretches beyond my shoulders. Im excited and I love my hair!!!

Just wanted to share. MY friends IRL couldnt believe I did it because I loved my hair and the old length. Now I got new hair to love and cant wait for the growth!
How dare you post BC news without proper photoage? This is unacceptable!

I mean...congrats! : P. I bet your hair is beautiful! Enjoy it!
Yeah, after approximately 1.5 years of transitioning I finally BC'd. There was no reason for it. I woke up and decided to do it. I will post pics when I find time...... shrugs.

My natural hair stretches beyond my shoulders. Im excited and I love my hair!!!

Just wanted to share. MY friends IRL couldnt believe I did it because I loved my hair and the old length. Now I got new hair to love and cant wait for the growth!

::puts on Michael Jackson BAD video outfit:: "Ya' know ya' wrong! unh! ah! hee hee!" Girl, give up dem pics!