Short Haired Ladies, How Do You Stretch?


I am trying to figure out how to take better care of my hair. Please advise me of ways to stretch without extensions. My hair just does not do well with them.:nono: I am getting better at wrapping my hair, but it takes forever for my relaxed hair to dry.:rolleyes:
DD -- I can usually go up to 16 weeks (that's my personal cut-off). I keep it DC'ed with Heat once a week. I also use a light/medium recnstructor once a week too. When I was super short, I did a protein DC'er weekly followed up with a moisture DC'er. Stretching was easy. I also did alot of wraps and scarf method too for that slick/sleek look.:look:

Co-washing helps and finding a good daily moisturizer.

Right now tho', I am in a Full Wig. Not so much to 'help' with stretching, but so I don't have to manipulate my hair and I can just co-wash, dc and have daily access to my hair.

You'll do fine.:yep:
I am not stretching, but transitioning. I have been doing it for 9 1/5 months now. What I have been doing is roller setting, braiding, phony buns. I make sure to moisture, deep conditioning and detangling. I do protein treatment if I needed too. I make sure to detangle my hair in section with good conditioner with slip after washing. Starting from the ends slowly to the roots. This helped me stretch for a long time.
It is not easy to stretch with short hair. Better to stick to a regular relaxing schedule making sure to protect the ends of the hair until it grows out. Once it is ear length it is easier to stretch 7wks and longer.

continue wet wrapping after your wash. It will keep the hair straight and help you stay off the flatiron.
I started this year-long stretch between ear and neck length. Halfwigs were/are my best friend :yep:. I bought a curly one so it would blend wth my NG and cut it short 'cause its easier to maintain. I keep all my hair underneath and hide the wig line with a headband like this:

I love them! You never have a bad hair day, and you can do low mani and low/no heat.
I stretch 12 wks, I use wrapping foam to help wrap my wet hair. After I wrap I tie my hair down and air-dry then I flatiron. Most of the time I roller set though and that helps me stretch. My hair is shoulder length btw.
It is not easy to stretch with short hair. Better to stick to a regular relaxing schedule making sure to protect the ends of the hair until it grows out. Once it is ear length it is easier to stretch 7wks and longer.

continue wet wrapping after your wash. It will keep the hair straight and help you stay off the flatiron.

ITA!!! Right now I am on a regular touch up schedule, like today I am doing a touch up, and hopefully soon I can go longer, it has been about 8 weeks since my First texturizer. Good Luck DD!!!!!
I don't stretch, my hair is too short. I relax every 8-10 weeks. As my hair gets longer I will go longer between touch-ups. I don't plan to transition until I'm at least APL. No more BCing for me in this lifetime.
Why can't ladies with shorter hair stretch? I've seen two posters state this.

Probably because of the line of demarcation and the issues with NG.

But.....I did/do.:yep: When I first started my HHJ I took a break from the chemicals and stretched about 16-18 weeks.

*at the time i really didn't realize what it was, i just knew i needed to take a break from the chemicals and concentrate on repairing the damage.*:sad:

So, I just worked on nursing my hair (what I had left) back to health and research what my issues were and concentrated on fixing them.

It was through that, that I discovered I could go much longer (with short hair) than 6-8-weeks w/o a relaxer and that's what I chose to do.:look:

I just kept my hair moisturized, kept the protein/moisture in check worked on my horrible porosity issues and left the relaxer alone in between.:yep:
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Why can't ladies with shorter hair stretch? I've seen two posters state this.

I guess I could, but I don't like the look of puffy, thick roots and stringy hair sticking straight up from it. :nono: :look: :lol:

The only way I can see myself becoming a long stretcher is if my hair was overprocessed or damaged.
I did my corrective relaxer with Optimum Anti Break relaxer and I believe I will use this relaxer for as long as I relax.:spinning: It is the most gentle relaxer I have ever used and even though I am still not relaxed bone strait, it is strait enough to where I can wrap my hair. I plan to stretch for at least 2 months. If I can do more, I will. I never thought that short haired ladies could stretch for 16 weeks.:blush: That's something to research!:lachen::yep:
Why can't ladies with shorter hair stretch? I've seen two posters state this.

Because the shorter your hair is the smaller your relaxed to new growth ratio is. You can stretch longer with shorter hair, but at a certain point, the relaxed hair won't be long enough to cover the new growth. At that point, the only way to wear your hair straight while looking presentable is through the constant use of a flat-iron. The healthiest way to deal with the issue is exactly as HijabiFlygirl said--relax every six weeks until your hair grows longer and start adding weeks when your hair gets to about neck length. You just have to make sure your conditioning regimen is on point.
I stretched my relaxer for 12 weeks when I first cut my hair to the cut seen in my avi (I should point out that the back wasn't shaved). I used a lot of heat and I had to adjust my reggie to accommodate that. During that time, I would wash and DC at least 2x a week, alternating moisturizing DC and protein DC with each wash. I would then wet wrap and flat iron. My hair did just fine. When the summer rolled around, I purchased a wig that looked similar to my cut so that I could give my hair a break from time to time.

You can definitely stretch while your hair is short. It isn't impossible. You may have to tweak your reggie a bit though.
Depending on how short the hair is, it would be difficult to stretch. SL not that hard but ear length and shorter not wanting to wear weaves or extensions may be difficult.. I BC'd in March and right now I am in braids, I am current 4 months post and going 5 months.. Braids is the only way that I can stretch this short...
I am lower neck length. The longest I stretch is 10 weeks. I plan on going longer as my hair grows. For me Monday and Weds co washes with a Saturday shampoo wash including light protein helps. I stop using a comb or brush after week 6 opting for finger combing and low manipulation. I don't have enough hair to bun so I pin my hair up.
Also Infusium and coconut oil every day. HTH:)