Shiny, bouncy 4B Relaxed Hair!!! I love this board!!


Active Member
The last time I remember having shiny, bouncy hair was when I was 10. I am now 30!!!!

I can't keep my hands out of my hair!! Hell, I can't keep my DH hands out of my hair!!!

There are so many suggestions on this board that have truly helped me!!!

For those of you interested, I am five weeks post and here is what I did.

This weekend I decided to try two of the suggestions I got on the board less product and rollerset with serum, leave in and water only.

So I clarify with Redken; washed, DC, and conditioned with Aveda DR.:love: I love this stuff, I am thinking of making it the only shampoo/conditioner that I use.

Then I put Redken Heat Glide and Sebastian Potion #9 on my hair. Next I proceeded to rollerset my hair with just a spray bottle of water. After I greased my scalp(yes, it works for me!!) and two drops of CD Lisa's Elixer Oil......BAM hair was just a flowin!!!!!!!

I am so happy, and I just had to share with my fellow posters!!!!
YAAAAAY! :yay: My hair has just taken a turn for the better, and I'm so grateful to God for leading me to this board. Shake that hair girlfriend! Congrats!
