Shima Hair oil.... Love her! BUT...............

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Agreed. I have no Idea what I said :arguing::huh::huh:

I don't care about replicating or selling anything. Just thought I would share.

I make oils, condish and detangler all the time. I don't have any qualms about it... But I aint sellin' none of it. I don't post recipes much - only because people can google this stuff all day.

Fair enough. Will you be using Aloe Ver gel or juice? ... I'm just thinking there'd probably be some separation ... if so would you use some sort of emulsifier or just shake it up before using?
i don't see why that was nessecary.

I'm not sure why every mention of her name brings negative reactions on the forum and it bothers me a bit as I enjoy her videos. *hides in the bushes*

I'm new tho so I guess i'm clueless. :ohwell:
that's because you don't know her history here... it's funny because i was over on bhm today and someone started a thread about shima and a old lhcf link was posted (i don't know where i was when the original thread was started?) but anyway she, unfortunately, did some shady & unethical stuff w/some members here.... like one of the previous poster said "google" and maybe you'll understand why there is such a negative reaction... tis all
I guess that's possible.
Maybe I shouldn't have posted the picture and should have just said Voldemort. I think the picture induced some knee jerk reactions, while the word may have had some people googling or thinking.
When I posted it, I didn't know people would think that I was personally attacking Shima. She didn't do anything to me, and obviously, Shima doesn't look anything like Voldemort. Shima isn't ugly, and Voldemort....well, he has no nose. I think that explains it all. :lachen:

Anyway, I explained what I meant. If people still want to be mad, ain't nothing I can do about that. Someone always mad/offended about something around here anyway. *shrug*

But I'm surprised that people have zero ideas about who Voldemort is. HP was a big part of popular culture for a long time. Still is.
Even my mother knows who Voldemort is. She calls him Gangadorf, (I have no idea why) but she knows who she's talking about. :rofl:

Anyway, I'm rambling, so I should get to bed. Good night!
maybe cause i'm an hp fanatic i totally got the reference and i feel it's fitting because when "she's" named it seems to bring drama... understandably... considering the history
Whenever I think of Shima, I see him wearing a lacefront wig:


Anywho, I hope your version works well for you. Minus the soybean oil, it does sound like a really great concoction.
:look:.....why what was necessary?

All I said was that when I hear her name, I think of Voldemort in a lacefront wig.
I think Voldemort, because he is known as He Who Shall Not Be Named. I've heard Shima referred to in the same way, except for with She replacing He. Once that connection was made in my mind, I can't help but see him when I hear about her.
I mentioned a lacefront wig because Shima has long hair. Voldemort does not, so in my mind's eye, I give him a long wig to complete the picture. And then I laugh because the thought of voldemort swanging a WL wig tickles me.

I guess I should apologize profusely and crawl on my belly for sharing my vision with others.
May the good Lord have mercy on my evil black-magic soul. :rolleyes:

Bless your soul, my sister. :lachen::lachen: Thanks for the explanation. It was needed. :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::grin:
Lucky's mom are you using the oil for growth? how are you applying the oil? and how often?


Lucky's Mom, I am so happy you started this thread. It reminds me that last year I used to put a mix of some similar ingredients on my hair ... and my hair was so :lick: during our harsh winter time (I live in Montreal).

Honestly, I love Shima's hair even though I dont feel like buying her stuff:spinning: But I never paid attention to her list of ingredients, I know why her hair is thriving now... How did I forget about my own experience :wallbash:

Well, LM I think you and I are mature enough to ignore the drama around, and since we like experimenting with natural products so much, please make sure to share your recipe and results with me. I'll PM you as well. Great stuff, thanks again ... you are definitely saving my winter time:yep:

since I had
everything on her 'list' of ingredients....
I decided to try my own

Ginseng Extract
Soybean Oil
Almond Oil
Coconut Oil
Rosemary Oil
Aloe Vera
Jojoba Oil

of course - who needs fragrance??????
SJ where did you get the soya bean oil - what's the consistency and smell like?

I wonder what makes this oil so unique. Also bear in mind that in order to protect her proprietary interests Fragrance can also include some ingredients not mentioned in the mix. This is the legal way around full disclosure. :yep:
I don't think Shima lists all of her ingredients. At least that's what I read somewhere.

Lucky' Mom, are you going to apply it to your scalp or your hair like Shima does?
Oh and Shima might seem a little "off" but I gotta admit her hair is gorgeous.
thats so funny you said that because my hairdresser saw people doing the same thing to Shima and she found that quite odd. And even AFTER ALL THAT DARNED 'Proof" people were STILL Hating because she told me that were saying Oh she Cuban so she must be mixed so that is why she has long hair. She was like Yeah but I am Afro Cuban and both of my parents are black and the blacks in Cuba did less mixing than they did in the united states. I am not mixed

people were still like :rolleyes: So I have come to the conclusion you can grow you hair out down to your butt, people still won't believe its yours and people even if they know its yours will still be angry in spite of it.

Go figure

All the negativity is getting real old in these Shima threads.
Sometimes, It feels like you are in high school reading LHCF these days!!:nono:

People went to the Bronner Brothers show and had there hands all up on Shima's scalp, because they did not believe her hair was real. Shima is good sitting there smiling- As no one's hands would be rubbing up on my scalp.Most of them were haters/non believers too. But now they are "fans" because they got proof?:rolleyes:

This is the behaviour I personally cannot stand with some black women.

Tis All...
Sometimes some people need an excuse as to why their hair isn't experiencing the same results. It's easier to think long hair sistas are "mixed" with something, than it is for them to admit, it's them and their hair care rituals that's keeping their hair the length it is:grin:

thats so funny you said that because my hairdresser saw people doing the same thing to Shima and she found that quite odd. And even AFTER ALL THAT DARNED 'Proof" people were STILL Hating because she told me that were saying Oh she Cuban so she must be mixed so that is why she has long hair. She was like Yeah but I am Afro Cuban and both of my parents are black and the blacks in Cuba did less mixing than they did in the united states. I am not mixed

people were still like :rolleyes: So I have come to the conclusion you can grow you hair out down to your butt, people still won't believe its yours and people even if they know its yours will still be angry in spite of it.

Go figure
since I had
everything on her 'list' of ingredients....
I decided to try my own

Ginseng Extract
Soybean Oil
Almond Oil
Coconut Oil
Rosemary Oil
Aloe Vera
Jojoba Oil

of course - who needs fragrance??????

Sounds good, how does soybean oil and your hair get along?

I want to start making more of my products and purchasing less...

how do you like your oil so far??
All the negativity is getting real old in these Shima threads.
Sometimes, It feels like you are in high school reading LHCF these days!!

People went to the Bronner Brothers show and had there hands all up on Shima's scalp, because they did not believe her hair was real. Shima is good sitting there smiling- As no one's hands would be rubbing up on my scalp.Most of them were haters/non believers too. But now they are "fans" because they got proof?:rolleyes:

This is the behaviour I personally cannot stand with some black women.

Tis All...

Quoted for emphasis.
thats so funny you said that because my hairdresser saw people doing the same thing to Shima and she found that quite odd. And even AFTER ALL THAT DARNED 'Proof" people were STILL Hating because she told me that were saying Oh she Cuban so she must be mixed so that is why she has long hair. She was like Yeah but I am Afro Cuban and both of my parents are black and the blacks in Cuba did less mixing than they did in the united states. I am not mixed

people were still like :rolleyes: So I have come to the conclusion you can grow you hair out down to your butt, people still won't believe its yours and people even if they know its yours will still be angry in spite of it.

Go figure

:nono: my cousin was at the show, she says it was so embarrassing the amount of women that were weave checking shima and rubbing their nasty fingers in her beautiful hair. stuff like this is just foolishness.
It used to happen to my sister in school, She got bullied because she had long hair!!:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
i don't see why that was nessecary.

I'm not sure why every mention of her name brings negative reactions on the forum and it bothers me a bit as I enjoy her videos. *hides in the bushes*

I'm new tho so I guess i'm clueless. :ohwell:

Uh, I've been so well behaved lately. Otherwise I would put it out there. Just google it and see for yourself:ohwell:
Also, isn't soybean oil used in cosemetics because it is cheap like mineral oil? Personally, I would switch that out.
OP you've been around since 2007 and don't know that Shima threads turn into nothing but drama?

I've been here longer than that and I still don't understand why every thread about this girl ends up with folks getting popcorn, catfish and spaghetti. Seems like she's doing her thing regardless and folks just want to keep up some mess to me.

If i'm not mistaken she doesn't even post on this board anymore. So it's just a bunch of posters reguritating the same ol stuff. Very tired.
Is this thread going to be about Shima or the OP's substitute for Shima's oil?
i don't see why that was nessecary.

I'm not sure why every mention of her name brings negative reactions on the forum and it bothers me a bit as I enjoy her videos. *hides in the bushes*

I'm new tho so I guess i'm clueless. :ohwell:

Better to stay clueless about it; you are 100% right about the negative reactions to this day. I use her Oil and I like it a lot. A bit too expensive to use everyday, so it is my special occasion oil and when I want my hair to smell heavenly.

I watch her videos too and think they are good and funny too. Her getting weaved checked at the Bronner Brothers hair show was so funny.
I don't think Shima lists all of her ingredients. At least that's what I read somewhere.

Lucky' Mom, are you going to apply it to your scalp or your hair like Shima does?
Oh and Shima might seem a little "off" but I gotta admit her hair is gorgeous.

In my understanding there are possibly more oils what not in her concotion.

Ginseng Extract
Soybean Oil
Almond Oil
Coconut Oil
Rosemary Oil
Aloe Vera

I bought her oil, but its to light for me. On her Shima Hair Step by Step Guide on the back. She stated "These are the six MAIN natural ingredients found in Shims's Professional Shima Oil. They are responsible for the brilliant shine, conditiong of the scalp":ohwell:
In my understanding there are possibly more oils what not in her concotion.

Ginseng Extract
Soybean Oil
Almond Oil
Coconut Oil
Rosemary Oil
Aloe Vera

I bought her oil, but its to light for me. On her Shima Hair Step by Step Guide on the back. She stated "These are the six MAIN natural ingredients found in Shims's Professional Shima Oil. They are responsible for the brilliant shine, conditiong of the scalp":ohwell:

Hmm, I'd just make my own concoction at the end of the day. And my hair prefers the thicker things like ORS carrot oil anyways.
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Hmm, I'd just make my own concoction at the end of the day. And my hair prefers the thicker things like ORS carrot oil anyways.
yeah my hair prefers medium to heavy oils on my hair. Idk if its because my hair is natural, but one of shima girls i.m me said its to light for hair also, and shes relaxed.
Over-all I like Shima !! but I guess to each its on with her hair oil.:ohwell:
is this a copy of the Hot Six oil - it may be discontinued. But Wonder 8 is an option.
Wonder 8 :yep: I love it too.
you from chicago too????????
or Memphis LOL
I believe Shima was using Wonder 8 before she made her own. I could be wrong though. Although, I don't think I'm not:look:
Hey Tsmith!!! :hiya: You are right, I am almost sure it was Wonder 8. Because when it was mentioned I thought, "I already use this."

Lucky'sMom, please come back and let us know how your oil works out for you.
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