Has anyone tried Shima Hair Oil?



I was on youtube while I'm twisting my hair. I usually do watch hair vids while I twist my hair to pass the time. Anyways, since shima was fresh in my mind, I decided to watch some of her vids.

Does this look suspect to anyone else? :perplexed

Link to the vid...


I paused at 3:38

Lord, forgive me. but if it's true, that's not right.

If it's just me, I apologize. I may be wrong...

I see it, she aint takin care of that kitchen now is she :thud:
After watching some of her vids, I have no doubt that her hair is her hair. I'm not seeing what some of you are seeing that looks supsect.

With that being said...that lady is off the chain hilarious! Unintentionally, she always cracks me up with her strangeness. Did anyone see her nappy roots video when her comb got stuck in the roots? She is very off, but I enjoy it.

I have seen it :yep: I have watched a few of her vids... but now I dunno anymore :/:lol:

I would honestly be a little ticked off if she really is tricking people.

I dunno... it just looks off to me. I notice that a lot of wigs have unnaturally straight hairlines. I could be wrong though. I have never worn one.


I was on youtube while I'm twisting my hair. I usually do watch hair vids while I twist my hair to pass the time. Anyways, since shima was fresh in my mind, I decided to watch some of her vids.

Does this look suspect to anyone else? :perplexed

Link to the vid...


I paused at 3:38

Lord, forgive me. but if it's true, that's not right.

If it's just me, I apologize. I may be wrong...

I see it, she aint takin care of that kitchen now is she :thud:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Are you guys saying a woman with tailbone length hair can't have a short scraggly kitchen and tables?
I've watched some of her vids and I think she is funny. She has some good advice although i'm not going to buy her Shima Oil, I think you can grow your hair long by using her common sense techniques.
That phone conversation was 2 kinds of LAME..omg:lachen:

I dont know if her hair is real or not. It seems like its real but it looks like its fake.
Maybe some of y'all misunderstood me... it's not only that her nape is short.

I was looking at the back hairline. It just looks funny to me

but then again, I'm not a hair weave or wig expert. So I dunno. I wanted to see what y'all thought.

I'm not saying for sure whether her hair is fake or not based on the pic. I'm just seeing things that are suspect. I've watched a lot of her vids, but I never really looked closely. If she IS wearing fake hair, I would be kinda mad because I wasted my time watching her wacky vids. :lol: Plus, she would be lying to her paying customers. So yeah, I'm gonna question it if anything really is suspect. I trust what other lhcf's have to say. They wouldn't just call it fake for no reason whatsoever.

Not intended to offend anyone.
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Maybe some of y'all misunderstood me... it's not only that her nape is short.

I was looking at the back hairline. It just looks funny to me

but then again, I'm not a hair weave or wig expert. So I dunno. I wanted to see what y'all thought.

I'm not saying for sure whether her hair is fake or not based on the pic. I'm just seeing things that are suspect. I've watched a lot of her vids, but I never really looked closely. If she IS wearing fake hair, I would be kinda mad because I wasted my time watching her wacky vids. :lol: Plus, she would be lying to her paying customers. So yeah, I'm gonna question it if anything really is suspect. I trust what other lhcf's have to say. They wouldn't just call it fake for no reason whatsoever.

Not intended to offend anyone.

Neith I saw the line above her nape. It looks like she's wearing a cap or she has her hair wrapped up. Not sure.
I've seen short nape hair on my work colleagues who have type 2 long hair. It's not unusual. One of my hair idols on fotki does too, and her hair is definitely the real deal!


Ok now that you've shown me her nape, there is no comparison. Redhotlala hair does not have an indentation above her nape. It's not really about the nape.

ETA: I increased the size of the screen and it looks like it's just parted and pulled to the side in a bun/braid.
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Ok now that you've shown me her nape, there is no comparison. Redhotlala hair does not have an indentation above her nape. It's not really about the nape.

ETA: I increased the size of the screen and it looks like it's just parted and pulled to the side in a bun/braid.

Thank you. I thought I was the only one seeing the weird looking hairline. Why is there like a straight line where the long hair and short hair meet?

Again. I'm not a wig expert. I could be wrong. Just being honest about what I'm seeing.

Redhotlala has beautiful hair :up: And it looks natural from every angle. (natural as in it looks like it's comig out of her scalp)
hmmm I saw this you tube today and searched on here for more info....I hope its her real hair but something doesn't sit right with me. I know women who can sit on their hair and I''ve never seen hair that is so stiff and dense at the root to where it sits up. Her hair looks like its either thicker at the roots or as if she has a cap on under it it just looks bulky to me kind of like Oprahs hair looks...But if its hers more power to her its just not like any hair I've ever seen regardless of length. I'm skeptical to try it just because I have a funny feeling and I felt like that before I ever saw a thread about her I got that from her site and videos. If I'm wrong Lord forgive me:perplexed
i did a search on here for the oil b/c my little sis who recently went natural watches her vids and wants to buy her oil.

i read through the thread and really didn't find much (i think one or two comments) in the way of feedback... so i guess i should tell my lil sis to buy wild growth hair oil?:rolleyes:

btw, i've been on here for a few months so i wasn't surprised to find that my search yielded little fruit given the drama.

if anyone has feedback please share info about the product. otherwise, i'm happy to let this post go unanswered. i'm not trying to bring up what one of the ladies mentioned as "she who shall not be named" but i want to help out my kid sister who is just getting into taking care of her hair.
you can make an oil mixture yourself...some very good ones just at the grocery store alone..
wgo is also pretty good stuff
I was tempted to try 'her' oils before I did my research, but I held off instead. But if you watch her videos there are a few ppl who comment and say that they liked the oil...
I hear her oil is good. There are lots of people that buys her oil, even people on this site.:yep:

She's a little wacky but she seems nice, and her hair is beautiful!:yep: I think folks don't wanna believe her hair is real because they just don't like her, but i've seen enough of her vids, and her hair is real.:yep: (It's hard to see folks that you don't like with your DREAM hair).:look:

Oh, and she's hilarious!:lachen:

I love her vids!:yep:

i did a search on here for the oil b/c my little sis who recently went natural watches her vids and wants to buy her oil.

i read through the thread and really didn't find much (i think one or two comments) in the way of feedback... so i guess i should tell my lil sis to buy wild growth hair oil?:rolleyes:

btw, i've been on here for a few months so i wasn't surprised to find that my search yielded little fruit given the drama.

if anyone has feedback please share info about the product. otherwise, i'm happy to let this post go unanswered. i'm not trying to bring up what one of the ladies mentioned as "she who shall not be named" but i want to help out my kid sister who is just getting into taking care of her hair.
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