Shima Hair oil.... Love her! BUT...............

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Lucky's Mom

New Member
since I had
everything on her 'list' of ingredients....
I decided to try my own

Ginseng Extract
Soybean Oil
Almond Oil
Coconut Oil
Rosemary Oil
Aloe Vera
Jojoba Oil

of course - who needs fragrance??????
Here we go.....

Why is this necessary?

Lucky's Mom, let us know how it goes. How are you going about it, formula-wise? Most reviews I've seen on here are positive, it'll be interesting to see if someone could actually replicate it or get something close to it.
Why is this necessary?

Lucky's Mom, let us know how it goes. How are you going about it, formula-wise? Most reviews I've seen on here are positive, it'll be interesting to see if someone could actually replicate it or get something close to it.

Agreed. I have no Idea what I said :arguing::huh::huh:

I don't care about replicating or selling anything. Just thought I would share.

I make oils, condish and detangler all the time. I don't have any qualms about it... But I aint sellin' none of it. I don't post recipes much - only because people can google this stuff all day.
Whenever I think of Shima, I see him wearing a lacefront wig:


Anywho, I hope your version works well for you. Minus the soybean oil, it does sound like a really great concoction.
Lucky's Mom it's not you, you're awsome! it's the name SHIMAAAAA:grin:
Just saying it could umm well you will see
I am still keeping the faith this will stay about your mix.

I am interested to know your results with the oil you made
Agreed. I have no Idea what I said :arguing::huh::huh:

I don't care about replicating or selling anything. Just thought I would share.

I make oils, condish and detangler all the time. I don't have any qualms about it... But I aint sellin' none of it. I don't post recipes much - only because people can google this stuff all day.
Whenever I think of Shima, I see him wearing a lacefront wig:


Anywho, I hope your version works well for you. Minus the soybean oil, it does sound like a really great concoction.

i don't see why that was nessecary.

I'm not sure why every mention of her name brings negative reactions on the forum and it bothers me a bit as I enjoy her videos. *hides in the bushes*

I'm new tho so I guess i'm clueless. :ohwell:
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i don't see why that was nessecary.

I'm not sure why every mention of her name brings negative reactions on the forum and it bothers me a bit as I enjoy her videos. *hides in the bushes*

I'm new tho so I guess i'm clueless. :ohwell:

When your new and don't understand something, google is your friend. If someone mentions something and there's enough clues to get the gist, again, google is your friend. Do a search.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:Shima Oil!!!

YAY! I'm da baby lol! I loved that show.
i don't see why that was nessecary.

I'm not sure why every mention of her name brings negative reactions on the forum and it bothers me a bit as I enjoy her videos. *hides in the bushes*

I'm new tho so I guess i'm clueless. :ohwell:

:look:.....why what was necessary?

All I said was that when I hear her name, I think of Voldemort in a lacefront wig.
I think Voldemort, because he is known as He Who Shall Not Be Named. I've heard Shima referred to in the same way, except for with She replacing He. Once that connection was made in my mind, I can't help but see him when I hear about her.
I mentioned a lacefront wig because Shima has long hair. Voldemort does not, so in my mind's eye, I give him a long wig to complete the picture. And then I laugh because the thought of voldemort swanging a WL wig tickles me.

I guess I should apologize profusely and crawl on my belly for sharing my vision with others.
May the good Lord have mercy on my evil black-magic soul. :rolleyes:
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When your new and don't understand something, google is your friend. If someone mentions something and there's enough clues to get the gist, again, google is your friend. Do a search.

YAY! I'm da baby lol! I loved that show.

sorry to be a pest then..... :nono:
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@ the bolded:lachen::lachen::lachen:
get up off your belly that's funny, I think some of the ladies thought you were saying Shima looked like that picture you posted, I think that's why they are brothered but of course I can't speak for others
it's funny to me now that you have explained it. I was not familar with Voldemort either.

See I was thinking saying her name on LHCF is like shouting FIRE!!! in a crowded theater
even with the best of intentions you will cause a stampeed

:look:.....why what was necessary?

All I said was that when I hear her name, I think of Voldemort in a lacefront wig.
I think Voldemort, because he is known as He Who Shall Not Be Named. I've heard Shima referred to in the same way, except for with She replacing He. Once that connection was made in my mind, I can't help but see him when I hear about her.
I mentioned a lacefront wig because Shima has long hair. Voldemort does not, so in my mind's eye, I give him a long wig to complete the picture. And then I laugh because the thought of voldemort swanging a WL wig tickles me.

I guess I should apologize profusely and crawl on my belly for sharing my vision with others.
May the good Lord have mercy on my evil black-magic soul. :rolleyes:
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i don't see why that was nessecary.

I'm not sure why every mention of her name brings negative reactions on the forum and it bothers me a bit as I enjoy her videos. *hides in the bushes*

I'm new tho so I guess i'm clueless. :ohwell:

i don't think it was necessary either! :nono:
OP.. i hope your oil replica works for you! :)
:look:.....why what was necessary?

All I said was that when I hear her name, I think of Voldemort in a lacefront wig.
I think Voldemort, because he is known as He Who Shall Not Be Named. I've heard Shima referred to in the same way, except for with She replacing He. Once that connection was made in my mind, I can't help but see him when I hear about her.
I mentioned a lacefront wig because Shima has long hair. Voldemort does not, so in my mind's eye, I give him a long wig to complete the picture. And then I laugh because the thought of voldemort swanging a WL wig tickles me.

I guess I should apologize profusely and crawl on my belly for sharing my vision with others.
May the good Lord have mercy on my evil black-magic soul. :rolleyes:

You've lost me...
me and others sitting here clueless while you guys are cracking inside jokes gives off a bit of an unwelcoming vibe.

OT: I don't really buy any commercial oil mixes any more. Straight EVOO works fine for me.
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You've lost me...
me and others sitting here clueless while you guys are cracking inside jokes gives off an unwelcoming vibe.

OT: I don't really buy any commercial oil mixes any more. Straight EVOO works fine for me.

Where it began

And another one

I hope you will be kind enough to pay this knowledge forward when another shima thread gets started and other folks are confused as I usually don't pay much attention to this side of lhcf. There are plenty more threads and if you would like to read them on the right of the screen just type in 'Shima.' Also, keep in mind that there are also many threads that have gone to thread heaven and are not accessible. I hope this helps.

I'm gonna go back to :sekret:

Oh, and :welcome: :grin:

ETA: FOR THOSE CONFUSED BOUT THE LORD VOLDEMORT REFERENCE. Please read the quote, it was 'splained. If you're not a Harry Potter fan, it will be lost on you.

.....why what was necessary?

All I said was that when I hear her name, I think of Voldemort in a lacefront wig.
I think Voldemort, because he is known as He Who Shall Not Be Named. I've heard Shima referred to in the same way, except for with She replacing He. Once that connection was made in my mind, I can't help but see him when I hear about her.
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Where it began

And another one

I hope you will be kind enough to pay this knowledge forward when another shima thread gets started and other folks are confused as I usually don't pay much attention to this side of lhcf. There are plenty more threads and if you would like to read them on the right of the screen just type in 'Shima.' Also, keep in mind that there are also many threads that have gone to thread heaven and are not accessible. I hope this helps.

I'm gonna go back to :sekret:

Oh, and :welcome: :grin:

ETA: FOR THOSE CONFUSED BOUT THE LORD VOLDEMORT REFERENCE. Please read the quote, it was 'splained. If you're not a Harry Potter fan, it will be lost on you.

Well seems Shima threads bring out the nastier/cattier side in some LHCF members so I'll be steering clear.
:look: :hide: :hide: :hide:
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@ the bolded:lachen::lachen::lachen:
get up off your belly that's funny, I think some of the ladies thought you were saying Shima looked like that picture you posted, I think that's why they are brothered but of course I can't speak for others
it's funny to me now that you have explained it. I was not familar with Voldemort either.

See I was thinking saying her name on LHCF is like shouting FIRE!!! in a crowded theater
even with the best of intentions you will cause a stampeed

I guess that's possible.
Maybe I shouldn't have posted the picture and should have just said Voldemort. I think the picture induced some knee jerk reactions, while the word may have had some people googling or thinking.
When I posted it, I didn't know people would think that I was personally attacking Shima. She didn't do anything to me, and obviously, Shima doesn't look anything like Voldemort. Shima isn't ugly, and Voldemort....well, he has no nose. I think that explains it all. :lachen:

Anyway, I explained what I meant. If people still want to be mad, ain't nothing I can do about that. Someone always mad/offended about something around here anyway. *shrug*

But I'm surprised that people have zero ideas about who Voldemort is. HP was a big part of popular culture for a long time. Still is.
Even my mother knows who Voldemort is. She calls him Gangadorf, (I have no idea why) but she knows who she's talking about. :rofl:

Anyway, I'm rambling, so I should get to bed. Good night!
You've lost me...
me and others sitting here clueless while you guys are cracking inside jokes gives off a bit of an unwelcoming vibe.

OT: I don't really buy any commercial oil mixes any more. Straight EVOO works fine for me.

I couldn't agree more. And then you get this helpful response:

When your new and don't understand something, google is your friend. If someone mentions something and there's enough clues to get the gist, again, google is your friend. Do a search.

What the?! I'm ticked that I had to waste more time than I cared to waste just to understand the hostility. I didn't get the gist but, I get it now. Really, a simple synopsis would have been GREATLY appreciated. Why do I have to google or check this link and that link when somebody, ANYBODY could simply be so kind and give a quick rundown followed by optional links.

She came to the board, folks fawned over her while she shamelessly promoted herself, she "misquoted" or otherwise used doctored up statements from members of the board to promote her product(s)/site. The sh*t hit the fan, She got called out for being fake, accused of wearing weaves and lacefronts on her youtube vids and her name has been mud ever since.

Anyone interested in reading the whole, long, drawn out, never-die story, links have been generously referenced by TeeWhyAre.

Wow. Why did I get caught up in the time-wasting wormhole of trying to read the threads for understanding? Waste of time. I'm taking my buns to bed. I hope I save some poor unsuspecting newbie a little time. I'm doing my part, TeeWhyAre. Paying it forward.

OP, you poor unsuspecting thing. you stepped into a pile of stink with this one. Let us know how your concoction turns out. Maybe this thread can be redeemed if we steer aWAY from the dark side and back into the light. G'night, ladies.
There are subjects that shouldn't be discussed on this board, Shima and Ateyaa are two examples. There was nothing wrong with SJ's post but it will get turned into drama, tis the way it normally goes...
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All the negativity is getting real old in these Shima threads.
Sometimes, It feels like you are in high school reading LHCF these days!!:nono:

People went to the Bronner Brothers show and had there hands all up on Shima's scalp, because they did not believe her hair was real. Shima is good sitting there smiling- As no one's hands would be rubbing up on my scalp.Most of them were haters/non believers too. But now they are "fans" because they got proof?:rolleyes:

This is the behaviour I personally cannot stand with some black women.

Tis All...
I couldn't agree more. And then you get this helpful response:

What the?! I'm ticked that I had to waste more time than I cared to waste just to understand the hostility. I didn't get the gist but, I get it now. Really, a simple synopsis would have been GREATLY appreciated. Why do I have to google or check this link and that link when somebody, ANYBODY could simply be so kind and give a quick rundown followed by optional links.

She came to the board, folks fawned over her while she shamelessly promoted herself, she "misquoted" or otherwise used doctored up statements from members of the board to promote her product(s)/site. The sh*t hit the fan, She got called out for being fake, accused of wearing weaves and lacefronts on her youtube vids and her name has been mud ever since.

Anyone interested in reading the whole, long, drawn out, never-die story, links have been generously referenced by TeeWhyAre.

Wow. Why did I get caught up in the time-wasting wormhole of trying to read the threads for understanding? Waste of time. I'm taking my buns to bed. I hope I save some poor unsuspecting newbie a little time. I'm doing my part, TeeWhyAre. Paying it forward.

OP, you poor unsuspecting thing. you stepped into a pile of stink with this one. Let us know how your concoction turns out. Maybe this thread can be redeemed if we steer aWAY from the dark side and back into the light. G'night, ladies.

Thank you for being straightforward :yep: I thought It was just me who thought the google response was bit rude.
When your new and don't understand something, google is your friend. If someone mentions something and there's enough clues to get the gist, again, google is your friend. Do a search.

not the kind of response that leaves a good impression of LHCF on a newbie.
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Ok, I think those who want to laugh and snicker at the reference to Shima have all been heard. Is it necessary to bring out the popocorn or giggling emoticons EVERYTIME ladies? Really? Come on now.

How bout we just talk about the oil?
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