Shikakai! A great alternative to Henna/Cassia! PICS


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies...I've been wanting to try Henna or Cassia for the longest time...but have always been hesitant to try it because of the price as well as the fact that Henna changes the color of your hair. (I know Cassia seems like the obvious alternative...but I am a cheap/broke college nappie.) Recently, while visiting my parents in Atlanta, I decided to browse the local Indian grocer for Alama oil when I stumbeled across Shikakai (Acacia Concinna). After reading the box (which suggested that it was a natural scalp cleanser, hair conditioner, and DETANGLER) I decided to try it. For 100g, I only paid $1.79. hair came out the happiest, coiliest, most moisturized it has ever been.

Anyway, I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this product before but after searching for reviews online after at the longhaircommunity forum...I see that I am a little late getting on the ball...Shikakai was a great shampoo/conditioner/detangler and I just mixed it with conditioner instead of water till I got a thick paste. I think this would be great for some of you nopooers or sulfate free pooers. I've picture of the box as well as a link to the official website and some interesting information I've found about the always, I'm more than happy to anwser any questions about my expierence. (The last page in my fotki, under the album 1 year natural, has pictures of what my hair looked like after using it.)

Thanks for sharing! I always use my shikakai mixed with amla and henna but haven't tried it solo... :scratchch
VWVixxen said:
Thanks for sharing! I always use my shikakai mixed with amla and henna but haven't tried it solo... :scratchch
OT VWVixxen you looked stunning on your wedding day! Congrats!
Your hair is so beautiful! Great job. Is your hair naturally curly or did the product enhance the curls significantly?

cmw45 said:
Hello ladies...I've been wanting to try Henna or Cassia for the longest time...but have always been hesitant to try it because of the price as well as the fact that Henna changes the color of your hair. (I know Cassia seems like the obvious alternative...but I am a cheap/broke college nappie.) Recently, while visiting my parents in Atlanta, I decided to browse the local Indian grocer for Alama oil when I stumbeled across Shikakai (Acacia Concinna). After reading the box (which suggested that it was a natural scalp cleanser, hair conditioner, and DETANGLER) I decided to try it. For 100g, I only paid $1.79. hair came out the happiest, coiliest, most moisturized it has ever been.

Anyway, I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this product before but after searching for reviews online after at the longhaircommunity forum...I see that I am a little late getting on the ball...Shikakai was a great shampoo/conditioner/detangler and I just mixed it with conditioner instead of water till I got a thick paste. I think this would be great for some of you nopooers or sulfate free pooers. I've picture of the box as well as a link to the official website and some interesting information I've found about the always, I'm more than happy to anwser any questions about my expierence. (The last page in my fotki, under the album 1 year natural, has pictures of what my hair looked like after using it.)

Mystic said:
Your hair is so beautiful! Great job. Is your hair naturally curly or did the product enhance the curls significantly?

Thanks so much Mystic. You know that you were one of my health inspirations. My hair is a coily in the back...but not so much in the front just kinda wavy...but after using the Shikakai it was soo coily. My friends definitely noticed a difference and were like, "Can I touch it? What did you use?" In the photos in my fotki, I have nothing in my hair.
:D :D thanks cmw45; I am very proud of you! Your hair looks amazing. I will have to check out that Shikakai.

cmw45 said:
Thanks so much Mystic. You know that you were one of my health inspirations. My hair is a coily in the back...but not so much in the front just kinda wavy...but after using the Shikakai it was soo coily. My friends definitely noticed a difference and were like, "Can I touch it? What did you use?" In the photos in my fotki, I have nothing in my hair.
yoniy said:
Very interesting. This looks like something that would be great for CWs.:scratchch

It's very very moisturizing and would thus be optimal for CW's...and there wasn't a great mix, it didn't stain my bowls and washed out of my towel with warm water (I sat with it in my hair, with a towel around my hair for about 45 mins.) but, I have to warn have to rinse your hair at least two times to make sure that it's all out...or else you'll get lingering bits. But with a good made all the difference in the condition of my hair.
I often use Shikakai and other Indian powders in my deep conditioners. You will remember this from some of my ancient former posts. bonjour.
I have this. In fact when I did my henna treatment I mixed a lil bit in along with the amla but I had forgotten about it. I havent used it on its own yet.
I love the pic of your hair when it was dry. it still lookes soooooo moisturized. And your coils really popped!

Which conditioner did you use when you mixed it? This is very interesting especially since I am anti-henna (because it was making my hair straight and starting to ruin my natural texture)
Mahalialee4 said:
I often use Shikakai and other Indian powders in my deep conditioners. You will remember this from some of my ancient former posts. bonjour.

Thinks Mahalialee, I will try to use the search fuction for other Indian powders...b/c this stuff was amazing.
EMJazzy...forget my hair, look at your gawgeous curls...I really loved this product.

NewYorkgyrl...I am a devoted followere of Suave Tropical Coconut Conditioner. But I found some Suave Milk and Honey for really cheap and bought a couple of bottles. hair hated it. But, I added this to the last of it a voila! A great really really cheap deep conditioner. Worked better than anything I have tried yet.

Enchantmt...I am really going to have to re-read BlackCardinals tips on how to use the search function better because I didn't find where there was a results thread. *Goes off to search for other magical Indian powders*:look:

Lotus and cicilypayne, there really isn't a reason not to...I told you, even a broke college nappie could afford this...please please let me know how it works out for you. :grin:
Was it powdery or did it have bits of leaves and twigs in it?

ETA: I just peeped your album; your hair looks gorgeous.
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I am a researcher by nature and I too purchased Shikaki when I completed my Henna research. Along with a few others - Brahmi, Maka, Tulsi, Amla, and neem.

(I am a proud PJ, but it's fun for me. ;) )

Warning: please sift your powders especially if your hair is kinky/coily. I took a major L during one experiment.

ETA: CMW your hair looks great. I love the density.
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I actually just tried this last night and posted about it on another board. I loved it. The brand, Hesh, makes lots of wonderful products! My scalp was clean w/o my hair being dried out. I am definitely going to continue using it, and I only paid $1.99 for it!
Ms Lala said:
I actually just tried this last night and posted about it on another board. I loved it. The brand, Hesh, makes lots of wonderful products! My scalp was clean w/o my hair being dried out. I am definitely going to continue using it, and I only paid $1.99 for it!

Where did you purchase it for $1.99?
I too buy my shikakai locally, for $1.99. All recs suggest mixing it with amla powder and neem powder. I've only used amla powder. This is a low ph product, which should help with tangles. I'm debating using it with coconut milk....
Miss* isvery should pour it out of the bag slowly...if your hair is coily you will have to rinse well twice. It all came our pretty easily.

Thanks Dynamic1 your hair is gawgeous yourself.

Auntysmoky...haha...I used to have a real one. :grin:

Ms. Lala...I got mine for $1.79...either way it's a great steal.

Mystic and NewYorkgyrl...if you check out your local Indian grocer you should have no problem finding it.
I like Shikakai because it's a good cleanser, as you mentioned and not as drying as Aritha can be.
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WOW!! Your results are amazing. I plan to purchase this and cassia from hennasooq. I want to try it out first before I check it out locally. I'll see if there are any stores where I can get the Hesh brand. Thanks for sharing. God bless you all.