cassia obovata support thread AKA neutral henna

AyurNatural has cassia powder and a cassia treatment. Does anyone know the difference between the two?

When you want to buy something please, always read ingredients, whatever the product is, wherever the shop you buy/go.
the ayurnatural cassia treatment is a blend of lots of plants/herbs while cassia powder is just 100% cassia.
this is the link, and there is the product description with what's in it if you want more info.
I read the info and still had a question. I guess the answer didn't just jump out at me.
AyurNatural has cassia powder and a cassia treatment. Does anyone know the difference between the two?

When you want to buy something please, always read ingredients, whatever the product is, wherever the shop you buy/go.
the ayurnatural cassia treatment is a blend of lots of plants/herbs while cassia powder is just 100% cassia.
this is the link, and there is the product description with what's in it if you want more info.
Okay I did my second treatment of this on Monday. This time I didn't deep condition after.
This time I washed, applied the cassia and then oil rinsed with olive oil, then left to air dry over night. In the morning my hair was still damp and when I bunned I had some visible curls which I don't normally have. Also my hair is stronger as well.
I've still got 3 more uses of cassia left so I'm gonna use that up then I'm gonna to move on to henna.
Does anyone do a Cassia gloss? If so, how do you do your gloss?

I mixed a little Cassia in with my conditioner and a little bit of JBCO. Loved it! So far this is a keeper for me. My hair defintiely felt strengthened and alot smoother.
^^ I'm not an expert at all, but I've read where women just added some cassia to their condish. I like the results that I got. Just wanted to make sure I was doing it correctly. I had some JBCO that I hadn't used in awhile, so I added it. I don't think oil is required to do the gloss.
I'm gonna try another treatment this weekend. Its been a year..I wonder if the cassia goes bad. Its been in the fridge. Hmmm....

ETA: Soaked my hair with Bringraj oil first.
Then applied a cassia powder, water, olive oil, clove oil mix
Rinsed after about 40 minutes
applied my DC oil/condish mix, sat under dryer for 20 minutes

I think its going to be OK this time. I'm air drying so I guess I'll know for sure tomorrow.
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Forgive if my question has already been addressed......

I have used cassia three times so far and I really liked the outcome of my last application.

I haven't used it on a regular basis and would like to incorporate it into a routine.

I'd like to know how often it should be done....weekly, every other week, monthly? I guess I'm really asking to know how long the effects of a cassia treatment actually lasts before its time to do another?

I simply add cassia to hot water, conditioner and whatever oil I have on hand. I put that on dry hair for about an hour. I shampoo and condition afterwards. Love the bright gold color to my grey hair...lovely. I just don't know how long the benefits actually last. I don't want to overdo either.

Thanks in advance for any help on this.
Thank you so much for this thread....I have been trying to find all of the info i can on here, and use those tips to incorporate cassia into my reggie
Hey InBloom, I used to do it weekly but as now I keep my protective style 2 weeks I do it every 2 weeks. I don't do a cassia gloss(I don't mix it up with conditionner, I do a paste.
I tried my first cassia treatment yesterday. I mixed about 50g of powder with greek yogurt, castor oil, honey, and enough water to make it a thin pudding-like consistency, then applied to clean, damp hair, wrapped in a plastic cap and turban, and left it on for four hours. I wanted to leave it on longer, but it made my neck hurt.

I don't really see or feel much of a difference in my hair (at least not the lush heaviness I was hoping for), but it is a little bit shinier. Also, when I took it out of the bantu knots I had put it in after deep conditioning, a few of the knots hadn't dried overnight. I don't know if that was a coincidence, or if cassia affects porosity. I still have 350g left, so I will be trying it again.
just rinsed out the cassia obovata
hmmmm....i hair didn't feel heavier....not sure if it's shinier since it's still wet...BUT my hair hair major slip after i cowashed it out.....

i'm gonna ntry this again in a couple of weeks....
Well folks, it's official. I'm a Cassia head! I tried it for the first time on Saturday night.

I ordered it from I used 100g, added a 1 tsp of Amla powder and a bit of Amla oil and mixed it with warm water until it was yougurt consisitency. I applied it root to tips as instructed. Since this is my first Ayurvedic applicaton ever, I just kept it simple. I left it on my head for an hour and I was very pleased with the way my hair felt. It rinsed out of hair with no problems (it took a while but no grits or issues). I followed with a one hour DC with Creme of Nature Argan Oil Moisture Conditioner. LOVE IT! After that I did a half air dry, half blow dry on low. I have been doing the Greenhouse Effect method at nights so this has REALLY helped me keep my hair moist.

Sadly, my hair is in a deplorable state right now, so I am getting myself back on track to building an effective yet simple regimen. It's kinda depressing because as long as I've been on LHCF, it's a shame the state that my hair is in now. :nono: It is literally the way it was when I just joined LHCF. So a couple weeks ago, I decided to texlax it and leave the Natural thing alone seeing I was having no success. So now, I am nursing my hair back to life with a more simple approach; this is what led me to Cassia, I would love to venture into the use of Indian powders and see how it may help my hair. In addition to the Cassia, i plan to try Kalpi Tone and use that weekly, and use the Cassia every 2-3 weeks.

I would like to know should I still continue with protein treatments even though I'm using the Indian powders. I have Aphogee 2 min on hand and Ion Reconstucter conditioner on hand as well, so I wonder if I should still do these weekly to help strengthen my hair back to life? If anyone know please let me know.

Anyways, excuse my rambling and all over the place update. I will keep you all posted and will be starting a hair diary again so i can monitor my progress.:yep:
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no problem!! can i say that my hair is still sooooo soft and delicious. i used fleurty's curl cream underneath kccc and my hair has been so fab for the past three days.

OMG, I've been on this site every day for six months and I only just noticed you're holding a cigar in your siggy :lol:
Bumping for more success stories. I am looking to add lastig strength to my fine strands and just ordered some of this product.

I have no experience with Indian products, so I am hoping to mix it with oils on hand. I will report on my experience

Sent from my PC36100 using LHCF
I always add cassia obovata to my DC weekly. It works for me, I used to have crazy shedding, which has died down drastically! I use Ayurvedic oils and powders in various ways and my hair loves me and has thrived since September 2011.