Shedding Hair and Growth


New Member
I was wondering, how can a person tell when they are having a normal or healthy amount of shedded hair? A few months ago I hardly saw any lost hair but recently I have been seening more long strands when I wash as well as a few broken ones. How will my hair grow if I continue to see lost hair everyday?
I've been told the red Geritol tablets stops shedding. And no matter what you do, you will experience a certain amoung of shedding. That is only natural. Review your regimen. What have you been doing differently? Have you added anything new? Have you been experiencing stress lately? Also, if you are in an area with hard water, the build up will cause you to lose hair too.
thanks SeaMist! Acutally I have given alot of thought to what I am doing differently these days. Perhaps it's all noramal. I am tempted to count every single hair that goes down that drain.

It's always what's normal for you. From what you described, it sounds like seasonal shedding to me...spring is upon us. Just watch the pattern and then try to remember what has happened in the past. Definitely track your hair patterns


Thanks Jade21, I went crazy worrying but you are probabily right. Plus I read earlier that a good amount of shedding happens daily. I guess I never payed attention before.

What really helped retain my hair was the ApHogge treatment for Damaged hair. I started using it in September and had been doing it once a month. Recently I stopped doing it as much. In fact I have not done it since January. That is the one things that I have changed. I am not loosing alot of hair, I guess it's noticable since I did not see any at all for months.

I guess the ApHogee is alot better than I thought!!!!

Guess what I will be using tomorrow??


I'm glad you isolated the source
It's always good to know that there are products which work well for each of us. Definitely do the protein treatments periodically just like you were doing
Mmmm...I'm going to look at my calendar to see the last time I did the GPB protein..girl, I think it has been a while.

Enjoy the weekend and love,
