A little curious...Who DOES NOT Rollerset?

I get my hair rollerwrapped when I go to the salon. I;m avoiding the direct heat from the blowdrying and flat ironing. My hair comes out really nice as if it was blown strait. The only thing I don't like is, my scalp seems to itch after a few days.

I think with the set, they add a lot or products. I had to tell my stylist to put something on once the rollers are taken out. I experiences broken strands when he wrapped it before. You have to be careful about ends sticking to the tissue paper. It could damage the ends, if not carefully removed.


I get the idea of it but not the mechanics...anyone feel free to enlighten me :yep:
I myself am considering not rollersetting anymore:nono:. Although my hair is healthy, everytime I rollerset I get alot of hair on my comb. I'm doing everything right (or so I think) but I still get clumps of hair, some of the strands are broken too:wallbash:. When I blowdry, I only get a few strands of (shedded) hair. How many of you ladies do not rollerset and why? Thanks in advance!

I feel ur pain. I gave up twice. But its all about finding what works for u. If I didnt buy a Pibbs, I wouldnt do it cuz otherwise I'd be under the dryer for 4 hours! U can check my fotki under "December Rollerset" to see how I do it. IMO it looks and feels better than when I flat iron. My hair can hold a curl better, and it is much, much more moisturized. I had the same problem with all the hair on the comb before. I found that if I detangle when washing out the conditioner, and then comb the section I am going to roll first with a shower comb, and then with a small tooth AFTER I coat it in humectress, QP moouse, and a mix of hot six oil and water, I lose waaay less hair. I really hope this helps u cuz rollerseting has really helped my hair and I hope it does for u too :yep:.
i cant be bothered, i like the fact that i can detangle, wash n condition, my hair, wash an go all in less than 15 mins and be done with it.
I do not and have never done a rollerset,,, heres my theory...i flat iron and i know its damaging,,,, BUT if were to roller set even if there were no direct heat you MUST do a great deal of wet combing,,, i have read EVERYWHERE that combing, brushing or tugging on wet hair is detrimental.. so im very gentle , use heat protectant and flat iron... for me blow outs are a no no also,, all that tugging just doenst seem right....jmo