Shed Hair vs. Breakage


New Member
Maybe all the experts here already know this but I'm a newbie, relatively. It's dawned on me to actually check the hairs during combout. Since my hair is much longer now, shed hair looks like a lot because the strands are all doubled over. It's been 3 -4 days since I combed through my hair and I just condish-washed tonight. Looks like my shed hairs are to a minimum and are long strands...the bulk is breakage, around 4-5 inches or so. This let's me know when the damage occurred and where to give attention to my hair when I hard protein/dc it again. It's getting better but I've got to give special attention to that length of my ends to fortify them and learn not to do that again. I believe this was where I switched from my last no-lye to lye. Bummer....but at least I know about it. Sigh...:rolleyes: