Shea Growth And Retention Regimen 2019

What is the length barrier you would like to break through in 2019, with Shea butter's help?

  • Top of shoulder length

    Votes: 18 10.2%
  • Collar bone length

    Votes: 10 5.6%
  • Armpit length

    Votes: 18 10.2%
  • Between armpit and bra strap length

    Votes: 36 20.3%
  • Bra strap length

    Votes: 28 15.8%
  • Between bra strap and waist length

    Votes: 24 13.6%
  • Waist length

    Votes: 35 19.8%
  • Whip length

    Votes: 12 6.8%
  • Hip length

    Votes: 10 5.6%
  • Tailbone length

    Votes: 18 10.2%

  • Total voters
I don't know what I did differently with this latest mix, but it's really dense, like frosting that's been left in the fridge. Usually I just whip everything together without melting it. This time I melted the butters then added the oils and put it in the fridge for a bit before I whipped it. Maybe I didn't whip it enough? My hand was hurting so I didn't do it for very long.
I don't know what I did differently with this latest mix, but it's really dense, like frosting that's been left in the fridge. Usually I just whip everything together without melting it. This time I melted the butters then added the oils and put it in the fridge for a bit before I whipped it. Maybe I didn't whip it enough? My hand was hurting so I didn't do it for very long.

Are you using a wire whisk?
I used the whisk attachment of an electric mixer but by hand because I was too lazy to get out the whole mixer.

I cant mix butters with a handheld electric mixer either. My wrist is never ready for that type of manipulation. :lachen: I commend all that can, I just dont have that type of patience.

I always use my standing mixer. I purchased this strictly for Shea Butter, and do not use it for anything else.


I use the flat beater attachment.


Gives me perfect results every time.



I see in your post you have a "whole mixer". Does that mean a standing mixer? If so, I'd use that next time.
Found out the wonders of prepooing with Shea Butter. Been doing it for two consecutive full wash cycles. Haven’t even had the need to Deep Condition. I just run some conditioner through my hair to rinse off excess butter and viola! Perfect even coating of Shea Butter.

Am currently air drying my hair, and it’s very soft, fully moisturized and coated. Yay! Happy me.
Also, my braids are so much longer now. I'm not sure if they are just elongated from all this Shea Butter or if my hair is going through a growth spurt. I'm really excited about my fall length check. I may be able to call Classic sooner than I expected.

I'm confused...


Never doubt the power of Shea. It's both. That's definitely the (1) elongation, of a (2) GROWTH SPURT!


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Also, my braids are so much longer now. I'm not sure if they are just elongated from all this Shea Butter or if my hair is going through a growth spurt. I'm really excited about my fall length check. I may be able to call Classic sooner than I expected.

Looking forward to seeing that. Definitely don't want to miss that. So...Fall is September, October or November to you?

I gifted my sister a 10 pound block of Ivory Shea Butter....and by gifted...I mean, I left it in her living room while she was at work. I thought it would be a nice surprise for her to come home to.

She called me just now and was like...ummm take this back...go whip it, then bring it back to me.

No ma'am Pam. I'mma need you to do some of the work miss lady!!!! :lachen: