Shea Growth And Retention Regimen 2019

What is the length barrier you would like to break through in 2019, with Shea butter's help?

  • Top of shoulder length

    Votes: 18 10.2%
  • Collar bone length

    Votes: 10 5.6%
  • Armpit length

    Votes: 18 10.2%
  • Between armpit and bra strap length

    Votes: 36 20.3%
  • Bra strap length

    Votes: 28 15.8%
  • Between bra strap and waist length

    Votes: 24 13.6%
  • Waist length

    Votes: 35 19.8%
  • Whip length

    Votes: 12 6.8%
  • Hip length

    Votes: 10 5.6%
  • Tailbone length

    Votes: 18 10.2%

  • Total voters
I'm trying something new today. I was mixing some rice and oat "milk" as a hair treatment and now I want to mix it with clay to use as a cleanser on my hair. I'm not washing until this evening though so I'll let you ladies know how it goes. It's time for me to finally start putting this chem degree to use. :lol:

Wish me luck!
Okay, so I finally have some free time to talk about how this wash day went. Overall I think this is the best wash day I've had since going natural, although I think I can still do with some tweaks here and there.

So I started out with coating my hair in conditioner and detangling in sections then I put each section in a twist. I had about 12-ish twists in total. I kept the twists in throughout the whole wash process.

I made a clay mix of Aztec clay, white vinegar, and an oat/rice milk that I made that day. The oat/rice milk was 1/2 cup of each, with water added to make 30 oz soaked for six hours, blended and strained. My googling said I should have boiled the rice but I was feeling lazy. Maybe next time I will use my crocpot. Anyway, back to the clay. Off the top of my head I think it was 7 tbsp clay, 3 tbsp vinegar, 250 mL milk. It was a very runny mixture, but that's how I like it. After the vinegar my hair felt a little stripped, but once I conditioned it felt great. And my curls were POP.PING. This may be something I keep in the rotation for when I need extra clarification, because I feel like it may be too drying to use every wash. I may experiment with different types of clay in the future, or infusing the milk with some herbs. I used to do a rosemary rinse during every wash and my hair loved it so maybe I'll combing the two.

Okay, I'm rambling again. :lol: So then I DC'd with Queen Helene cholesterol. That's my ride or die conditioner right there.

Then I took out the twists and gave them one last comb through, just to remove any shed hairs that I missed during the pre-poo. Then I used leave-in (can't remember which) and my Shea mix and air dried. I don't normally air dry, but it was really late and I was tired. For once, my hair was actually okay in the morning. A bunch of shrinkage but it wasn't tangled like it normally would be when I air dry.
Okay, so I finally have some free time to talk about how this wash day went. Overall I think this is the best wash day I've had since going natural, although I think I can still do with some tweaks here and there.

So I started out with coating my hair in conditioner and detangling in sections then I put each section in a twist. I had about 12-ish twists in total. I kept the twists in throughout the whole wash process.

I made a clay mix of Aztec clay, white vinegar, and an oat/rice milk that I made that day. The oat/rice milk was 1/2 cup of each, with water added to make 30 oz soaked for six hours, blended and strained. My googling said I should have boiled the rice but I was feeling lazy. Maybe next time I will use my crocpot. Anyway, back to the clay. Off the top of my head I think it was 7 tbsp clay, 3 tbsp vinegar, 250 mL milk. It was a very runny mixture, but that's how I like it. After the vinegar my hair felt a little stripped, but once I conditioned it felt great. And my curls were POP.PING. This may be something I keep in the rotation for when I need extra clarification, because I feel like it may be too drying to use every wash. I may experiment with different types of clay in the future, or infusing the milk with some herbs. I used to do a rosemary rinse during every wash and my hair loved it so maybe I'll combing the two.

Okay, I'm rambling again. :lol: So then I DC'd with Queen Helene cholesterol. That's my ride or die conditioner right there.

Then I took out the twists and gave them one last comb through, just to remove any shed hairs that I missed during the pre-poo. Then I used leave-in (can't remember which) and my Shea mix and air dried. I don't normally air dry, but it was really late and I was tired. For once, my hair was actually okay in the morning. A bunch of shrinkage but it wasn't tangled like it normally would be when I air dry.

Good for you!

Okay! Let me get these fingers ready to type, got to get to 6000 because there's too much on the line for this Shea 2020 challenge.


@Chicoro Look what you done started. :lol:
Hi ladies! Lil Bamboo here reporting from these Shea streets. I got yet another coffee Shea testimony for y’all.

My stretch marks are almost gone!! I’m so shocked I thought I was seeing things. Now I really wish I had taken a before picture. My skin is tight and glowing. PRAISE THE LORD!!! @SunkissedLife would be glad to know that I moisturize almost daily now. I’m not walking around looking ashy no mo’! :lol:

@ElevatedEnergy I don’t know what hoodoo voodoo stuff is in this thing nor do I care but I’m glad you figured this out!! Another reason I’m glad I renewed my subscription.
Hi ladies! Lil Bamboo here reporting from these Shea streets. I got yet another coffee Shea testimony for y’all.

My stretch marks are almost gone!! I’m so shocked I thought I was seeing things. Now I really wish I had taken a before picture. My skin is tight and glowing. PRAISE THE LORD!!! @SunkissedLife would be glad to know that I moisturize almost daily now. I’m not walking around looking ashy no mo’! :lol:

@ElevatedEnergy I don’t know what hoodoo voodoo stuff is in this thing nor do I care but I’m glad you figured this out!! Another reason I’m glad I renewed my subscription.

Thats awesome!

Okay okay I'm convinced! Let me find some coffee beans and start this coffee oil infusion.
The real kicker is I had some surgical tape on my face. When I removed it, the tape burned my skin and left a mark. Then...


I thought of that coffee infused Shea butter and some pure coffee infused oil and applied it.


Five days later the mark was gone. G-O-N-E! Usually, marks on my face stay a minimum of 15 to 30 days. I am learning I was using an ever-still weak batch because was I not doing the 'starter' coffee oil thing of decanting off and not re-using the same coffee beans?!!! If 1 month old coffee infused can do that...imagine what 1 year old coffee infused oil can do!

@VictoriousBrownFlower , girl...MOVE!

You ain't going to be the ONLY one FINE for the Summer! I'm coming THROUGH!​


Let me up the size of my coffee oil infuser :


That gives me an idea too! Using it on my face to fade hyperpigmentation. My only concern is: will it cause breakouts?

The wash & go of my dreams that I've been attempting to achieve for a long time now. SHEA.BUTTER.ONLY.

Super soft, defined, not an ounce of gel. Exicteeeeed.

Looking at my shea butter mixes like

Thank you for being a team player, shea butter.

Can you tell what my favorite show is?? Lol, but in all seriousness, I figured I'd try to handle my hair the way I do the kiddies and I don't often use gels or stylers in their hair. Alternating between water and two different shea mixes (one light, one heavy but same ingredients except the heavier one also had glycerin). Lots and lots of raking/finger detangling between each application of water and shea. Still a tiny bit damp so I put my scarf back on. Pics later.

ETA: Pics! It's like 80-90% dry now. Will stretch it some later for better shape.
Pretty lady with pretty hair!! I love your wash and go! Giving me Tracee Ellis Ross vibes.
All this praise for shea with coffee oil. I may need to make some. I have stretch marks on my thighs that I’ve had since I was a teenager. I need to go back and find the post with the instructions.....
Super simple. Buy dark roast coffee beans. Fill up a glass jar halfway through with them. Add a ceramise rich oil like sunflower or safflower oil (I used grape seed oil) to fill up the jar. Since I don’t have an oil warmer, I put mine on my windowsill and don’t move it for 2 months. Strain and use the oil to whip your Shea butter with it. Dassit.
Thats awesome!

Okay okay I'm convinced! Let me find some coffee beans and start this coffee oil infusion.
You won’t regret it! Take some before pics though.

All this praise for shea with coffee oil. I may need to make some. I have stretch marks on my thighs that I’ve had since I was a teenager. I need to go back and find the post with the instructions.....
Do it!! Do it!! My stretch marks are from puberty too. You’ll be glad you did. Take pics.
Hi ladies! Lil Bamboo here reporting from these Shea streets. I got yet another coffee Shea testimony for y’all.

My stretch marks are almost gone!! I’m so shocked I thought I was seeing things. Now I really wish I had taken a before picture. My skin is tight and glowing. PRAISE THE LORD!!! @SunkissedLife would be glad to know that I moisturize almost daily now. I’m not walking around looking ashy no mo’! :lol:

@ElevatedEnergy I don’t know what hoodoo voodoo stuff is in this thing nor do I care but I’m glad you figured this out!! Another reason I’m glad I renewed my subscription.

Seeing everyone talk about shea nilotica I order some to try out I can't wait for it to arrive.

Was day results: using my ayurveda shea mix
(please excuse the poor picture I suck at taking pictures)

I, Chicoro, nominate and induct @KonOne into the Shea Made Hair Unicorn Hall of Fame on this 15th day of May, 2019! She was outted in post #2094 where she showed her luscious braid!


@caribeandiva , baby, do your thing!
Super simple. Buy dark roast coffee beans. Fill up a glass jar halfway through with them. Add a ceramise rich oil like sunflower or safflower oil (I used grape seed oil) to fill up the jar. Since I don’t have an oil warmer, I put mine on my windowsill and don’t move it for 2 months. Strain and use the oil to whip your Shea butter with it. Dassit.
I lub you.