Shea Growth And Retention Regimen 2019

What is the length barrier you would like to break through in 2019, with Shea butter's help?

  • Top of shoulder length

    Votes: 18 10.2%
  • Collar bone length

    Votes: 10 5.6%
  • Armpit length

    Votes: 18 10.2%
  • Between armpit and bra strap length

    Votes: 36 20.3%
  • Bra strap length

    Votes: 28 15.8%
  • Between bra strap and waist length

    Votes: 24 13.6%
  • Waist length

    Votes: 35 19.8%
  • Whip length

    Votes: 12 6.8%
  • Hip length

    Votes: 10 5.6%
  • Tailbone length

    Votes: 18 10.2%

  • Total voters
Idk what’s going on with my hair. Well I should say my scalp.....

*giant sigh*


Everything was going really well, and it’s like it slowly just did a 180 in the opposite direction. I tried to give it some time to see if it would clear up, but so far it’s just gotten worse and worse.

I’m blaming it completely on this goshdarn weather. There’s no flaking or anything of the sort, just inflamed, red, sweaty, irritated, and itchy areas all throughout my head. My crown and nape is the WORST.

My scalp will be fine inside my apartment, since it’s a cool setting, clean, and I keep a humidifier in there as well, but as soon, AS SOON, as I step foot outside my scalp goes crazy. I sweat immediately, starting at my nape, and working it’s way to my front hairline.

I’ve done so much within the last month up until now. MCT oil samples, Monistat, anti-fungal creams, water only washing, regular sulfate shampoo, peppermint, keeping it covered just causes more sweat and irritation. I’ve tried rose water, rice water, fenugreek, various herbs, and even my medicated stuff isn’t working anymore. I even made an appointment with a dermatologist sometime back in late April, and she said there’s no signs of anything fungal, dandruff, or something mimicking dermatitis, or psoriasis.

I did mention how I think it’s the season change and our weather here, and she mentioned that being a very big possibility. We agreed on just trying to keep my scalp as clean as possible.

My hair feels so soft and it’s more or less tangle free, since I have no choice, but to wash daily, but my scalp y’all. My scalp! It’ll feel great once I wash, put it up to sleep at night, and in the morning when I’m still inside. It’s just when I get outside.... no Bueno.

I’m pretty good about not scratching. I mostly just massage the itchy parts. Even in public or at work, I don’t care.

I really wish any of my butters could help, as well as Queen Shea, but they just exacerbate the issue.

I think it’s just the climate I live in. Texas. Humidity reaches well over 90% starting in April/May, and it more or less stays that way until somewhere late in December. I think it’s just my sweat. I drink plenty of water, but sweat in general is salty and contains bacteria. It’s normal, but my head is having absolutely none of it.

It’s the start of my annual growth spurt concerning my hair, and I’m seeing a lot of growth already. Nearly half an inch since my relaxer about two weeks ago. But it’s hard to even enjoy with all this discomfort. And I’m starting to think this might just be something I have to deal with around this time of year. But I’m just not comfortable right now, and I’m just disappointed. Nothing I do seems to be working.

I’ll keep looking around though. Not gonna give up. Think I’m gonna go on some herbal adventure. There’s gotta be something I can use.
Idk what’s going on with my hair. Well I should say my scalp.....

*giant sigh*


Everything was going really well, and it’s like it slowly just did a 180 in the opposite direction. I tried to give it some time to see if it would clear up, but so far it’s just gotten worse and worse.

I’m blaming it completely on this goshdarn weather. There’s no flaking or anything of the sort, just inflamed, red, sweaty, irritated, and itchy areas all throughout my head. My crown and nape is the WORST.

My scalp will be fine inside my apartment, since it’s a cool setting, clean, and I keep a humidifier in there as well, but as soon, AS SOON, as I step foot outside my scalp goes crazy. I sweat immediately, starting at my nape, and working it’s way to my front hairline.

I’ve done so much within the last month up until now. MCT oil samples, Monistat, anti-fungal creams, water only washing, regular sulfate shampoo, peppermint, keeping it covered just causes more sweat and irritation. I’ve tried rose water, rice water, fenugreek, various herbs, and even my medicated stuff isn’t working anymore. I even made an appointment with a dermatologist sometime back in late April, and she said there’s no signs of anything fungal, dandruff, or something mimicking dermatitis, or psoriasis.

I did mention how I think it’s the season change and our weather here, and she mentioned that being a very big possibility. We agreed on just trying to keep my scalp as clean as possible.

My hair feels so soft and it’s more or less tangle free, since I have no choice, but to wash daily, but my scalp y’all. My scalp! It’ll feel great once I wash, put it up to sleep at night, and in the morning when I’m still inside. It’s just when I get outside.... no Bueno.

I’m pretty good about not scratching. I mostly just massage the itchy parts. Even in public or at work, I don’t care.

I really wish any of my butters could help, as well as Queen Shea, but they just exacerbate the issue.

I think it’s just the climate I live in. Texas. Humidity reaches well over 90% starting in April/May, and it more or less stays that way until somewhere late in December. I think it’s just my sweat. I drink plenty of water, but sweat in general is salty and contains bacteria. It’s normal, but my head is having absolutely none of it.

It’s the start of my annual growth spurt concerning my hair, and I’m seeing a lot of growth already. Nearly half an inch since my relaxer about two weeks ago. But it’s hard to even enjoy with all this discomfort. And I’m starting to think this might just be something I have to deal with around this time of year. But I’m just not comfortable right now, and I’m just disappointed. Nothing I do seems to be working.

I’ll keep looking around though. Not gonna give up. Think I’m gonna go on some herbal adventure. There’s gotta be something I can use.
could it be some type of allergy??? Have you ever tried taking anti allergy meds??? What about black soap shampoo??? Its suppose to help relieve itching etc...
Idk what’s going on with my hair. Well I should say my scalp.....

*giant sigh*


Everything was going really well, and it’s like it slowly just did a 180 in the opposite direction. I tried to give it some time to see if it would clear up, but so far it’s just gotten worse and worse.

I’m blaming it completely on this goshdarn weather. There’s no flaking or anything of the sort, just inflamed, red, sweaty, irritated, and itchy areas all throughout my head. My crown and nape is the WORST.

My scalp will be fine inside my apartment, since it’s a cool setting, clean, and I keep a humidifier in there as well, but as soon, AS SOON, as I step foot outside my scalp goes crazy. I sweat immediately, starting at my nape, and working it’s way to my front hairline.

I’ve done so much within the last month up until now. MCT oil samples, Monistat, anti-fungal creams, water only washing, regular sulfate shampoo, peppermint, keeping it covered just causes more sweat and irritation. I’ve tried rose water, rice water, fenugreek, various herbs, and even my medicated stuff isn’t working anymore. I even made an appointment with a dermatologist sometime back in late April, and she said there’s no signs of anything fungal, dandruff, or something mimicking dermatitis, or psoriasis.

I did mention how I think it’s the season change and our weather here, and she mentioned that being a very big possibility. We agreed on just trying to keep my scalp as clean as possible.

My hair feels so soft and it’s more or less tangle free, since I have no choice, but to wash daily, but my scalp y’all. My scalp! It’ll feel great once I wash, put it up to sleep at night, and in the morning when I’m still inside. It’s just when I get outside.... no Bueno.

I’m pretty good about not scratching. I mostly just massage the itchy parts. Even in public or at work, I don’t care.

I really wish any of my butters could help, as well as Queen Shea, but they just exacerbate the issue.

I think it’s just the climate I live in. Texas. Humidity reaches well over 90% starting in April/May, and it more or less stays that way until somewhere late in December. I think it’s just my sweat. I drink plenty of water, but sweat in general is salty and contains bacteria. It’s normal, but my head is having absolutely none of it.

It’s the start of my annual growth spurt concerning my hair, and I’m seeing a lot of growth already. Nearly half an inch since my relaxer about two weeks ago. But it’s hard to even enjoy with all this discomfort. And I’m starting to think this might just be something I have to deal with around this time of year. But I’m just not comfortable right now, and I’m just disappointed. Nothing I do seems to be working.

I’ll keep looking around though. Not gonna give up. Think I’m gonna go on some herbal adventure. There’s gotta be something I can use.

Have you considered going natural? I ask because I believe that you mentioned you recently relaxed your hair. Is it possible that relaxing your hair my be contributing to the issue?
Idk what’s going on with my hair. Well I should say my scalp.....

*giant sigh*


Everything was going really well, and it’s like it slowly just did a 180 in the opposite direction. I tried to give it some time to see if it would clear up, but so far it’s just gotten worse and worse.

I’m blaming it completely on this goshdarn weather. There’s no flaking or anything of the sort, just inflamed, red, sweaty, irritated, and itchy areas all throughout my head. My crown and nape is the WORST.

My scalp will be fine inside my apartment, since it’s a cool setting, clean, and I keep a humidifier in there as well, but as soon, AS SOON, as I step foot outside my scalp goes crazy. I sweat immediately, starting at my nape, and working it’s way to my front hairline.

I’ve done so much within the last month up until now. MCT oil samples, Monistat, anti-fungal creams, water only washing, regular sulfate shampoo, peppermint, keeping it covered just causes more sweat and irritation. I’ve tried rose water, rice water, fenugreek, various herbs, and even my medicated stuff isn’t working anymore. I even made an appointment with a dermatologist sometime back in late April, and she said there’s no signs of anything fungal, dandruff, or something mimicking dermatitis, or psoriasis.

I did mention how I think it’s the season change and our weather here, and she mentioned that being a very big possibility. We agreed on just trying to keep my scalp as clean as possible.

My hair feels so soft and it’s more or less tangle free, since I have no choice, but to wash daily, but my scalp y’all. My scalp! It’ll feel great once I wash, put it up to sleep at night, and in the morning when I’m still inside. It’s just when I get outside.... no Bueno.

I’m pretty good about not scratching. I mostly just massage the itchy parts. Even in public or at work, I don’t care.

I really wish any of my butters could help, as well as Queen Shea, but they just exacerbate the issue.

I think it’s just the climate I live in. Texas. Humidity reaches well over 90% starting in April/May, and it more or less stays that way until somewhere late in December. I think it’s just my sweat. I drink plenty of water, but sweat in general is salty and contains bacteria. It’s normal, but my head is having absolutely none of it.

It’s the start of my annual growth spurt concerning my hair, and I’m seeing a lot of growth already. Nearly half an inch since my relaxer about two weeks ago. But it’s hard to even enjoy with all this discomfort. And I’m starting to think this might just be something I have to deal with around this time of year. But I’m just not comfortable right now, and I’m just disappointed. Nothing I do seems to be working.

I’ll keep looking around though. Not gonna give up. Think I’m gonna go on some herbal adventure. There’s gotta be something I can use.

It sounds a lot like an allergy with your symptoms (red, inflamed, itchy) and also the time of year (spring). Have you ever been tested for allergies?
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@PlanetCybertron Are you new to the area? If not, did you experience this last spring? It definitely sounds like an allergic reaction.

You mentioned sweating in the humidity. Can you stay in the AC more? I lived in Atlanta for years and when it was bad I went from AC at home to AC in the car to AC at work to AC at the restaurant. It was hot but I was never really sweaty because I didn't have to stay outside.
Have you considered going natural? I ask because I believe that you mentioned you recently relaxed your hair. Is it possible that relaxing your hair my be contributing to the issue?

It’s something I’m considering. While it’s something that happens pretty much annually, I do believe the less chemicals the better. I’d be a lot more comfortable transitioning for a long time, since I’m not ready to part with large amounts of length all at once. But in the future I do see myself going natural.
It sounds a lot like an allergy with your symptoms (red, inflamed, itchy) and also the time of year (spring). Have you ever been tested for allergies?

I don’t have food allergies, but I do have unruly sinus issues. Pollen, ragweed, pet dander, all that. Most I can do is take my allergy meds, and keep clean. I shower in the morning, and at night since that’s what seems to work the best.
@PlanetCybertron Are you new to the area? If not, did you experience this last spring? It definitely sounds like an allergic reaction.

You mentioned sweating in the humidity. Can you stay in the AC more? I lived in Atlanta for years and when it was bad I went from AC at home to AC in the car to AC at work to AC at the restaurant. It was hot but I was never really sweaty because I didn't have to stay outside.

I am in my warehouse where there’s AC but there’s parts in the day where I have no choice but to be outside. It’s usually an hour or maybe 30 mins, but that’s all it really takes for me to start having issues. I’ve lived in Houston for years though. It’s been an ongoing issue though.
It’s something I’m considering. While it’s something that happens pretty much annually, I do believe the less chemicals the better. I’d be a lot more comfortable transitioning for a long time, since I’m not ready to part with large amounts of length all at once. But in the future I do see myself going natural.

I can certainly understand that!
Just saw the recipe, and wanted to ask, do you have to let the coffee oil soak for one to two months before using it?
It really just depends on the method you use to infuse. Here is an article that can explain better.

You may not want to follow my lead, because my ways and methods are shall I say this?!! Hmmmm.....



I get some dark roasted Arabica coffee beans, put them in a mason jar and fill it to the top with a ceramide rich oil. I place the jar on top of my candle warmer for up to 2 days, remove it off the candle warmer...then place the jar in a dark, cool area undisturbed for many months at a time. Once I use some, I fill the jar back up with more oil and continue to do this for maybe a year or so before I replace the coffee beans. You dont have to do this, just follow the directions in the article I posted. :2inlove:

But at the same time too



So glad @Amerie123 asked this question. I did not know that @ElevatedEnergy decanted the oil off the same beans for over a year. That would make it super concentrated. It's like using a 'starter'. That makes so much sense.

For example, you make sourdough bread by using left over sourdough batter from an original batch. Then, you go back and use that same 'aged' starter to make your new batch of bread. The starter is a concentrated amount that is 'active' and expedites the infusion process of the concentrated active ingredients. I got it now!

Ingenious nod to @Amerie123 ! Thank you for asking the question!​


Ingenious nod for the 'starter' or decanting, or keeping the coffee oil 1 year idea!

To @ElevatedEnergy


You in the RIGHT PLACE for the Doctorate in Plants Degree!

December 2019 is going to be LIT for SHEA HAIR and SKIN!!!!!!


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The real kicker is I had some surgical tape on my face. When I removed it, the tape burned my skin and left a mark. Then...


I thought of that coffee infused Shea butter and some pure coffee infused oil and applied it.


Five days later the mark was gone. G-O-N-E! Usually, marks on my face stay a minimum of 15 to 30 days. I am learning I was using an ever-still weak batch because was I not doing the 'starter' coffee oil thing of decanting off and not re-using the same coffee beans?!!! If 1 month old coffee infused can do that...imagine what 1 year old coffee infused oil can do!

@VictoriousBrownFlower , girl...MOVE!

You ain't going to be the ONLY one FINE for the Summer! I'm coming THROUGH!​


Let me up the size of my coffee oil infuser :

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I was coming here to ask about possibly using coffee EOs instead, buy I think I'll just buy some beans and start. And seeing as I know nothing about coffee -- I'm a tea drinker -- can someone guide me as to the type of beans to buy and how much I should start with?

Get the smallest bag you can find. Arabica is the most prevalent and available and has the best prices. Your oil is important, too. I use sunflower oil because of the vitamin e content. I would check with our resident Mistress, Mixtress and Master Herbalist, @ElevatedEnergy to see which oil she uses and....ask her why she uses it. So we can ALL benefit from the response!
I was coming here to ask about possibly using coffee EOs instead, buy I think I'll just buy some beans and start. And seeing as I know nothing about coffee -- I'm a tea drinker -- can someone guide me as to the type of beans to buy and how much I should start with?

Coffee EOs and Coffee oil ARE NOT THE SAME!

Coffee Bean Oil is cold pressed from the roasted beans, which is an intense process. When we brew coffee, we’re putting hot water into ground beans, which leaves the impact on the water. For the oil, it’s never mixed with another ingredient or distilled. It’s pressed through an expeller which extracts the oil from the bean itself.

Coffee Bean Essential Oil is a different processing method that’s made from putting the roasted beans through a concentrated distilling method that results in the strong scent that’s commonly used in diffusers and scented products, but doesn’t have the same nutrient content.
Coffee has diterpenes which are in the oil of the coffee bean and can be filtered out with paper filters. These are one of the many active ingredients in coffee.

The diterpenes are:
  1. Cafestol
  2. Kahweol
To get the full effects of your coffee oil to infuse in your Shea butter mixtures, you may not want to use a paper filter for the coffee oil. I use a metal strainer which only traps the beans, themselves. Also, if we are infusing the coffee beans in oil, it's going to be REAL hard to find them drops of cafestol and kahweol to remove them, right!

By the way, Shea butter contains triterpenes.

Diterpenes + Triterpenes =

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The wash & go of my dreams that I've been attempting to achieve for a long time now. SHEA.BUTTER.ONLY.

Super soft, defined, not an ounce of gel. Exicteeeeed.

Looking at my shea butter mixes like

Thank you for being a team player, shea butter.

Can you tell what my favorite show is?? Lol, but in all seriousness, I figured I'd try to handle my hair the way I do the kiddies and I don't often use gels or stylers in their hair. Alternating between water and two different shea mixes (one light, one heavy but same ingredients except the heavier one also had glycerin). Lots and lots of raking/finger detangling between each application of water and shea. Still a tiny bit damp so I put my scarf back on. Pics later.

ETA: Pics! It's like 80-90% dry now. Will stretch it some later for better shape.


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@Chicoro I used sunflower oil for mine as well with a tiny bit of safflower oil. I need to re-up on both so I can put my beans back to work.

Grease up them beans, gal!

Put 'em in some heat and ...

365 days of WORK. Work lil' coffee beans, work!


I got scars for you to attend to optimize my Shea Unicorn-ness...Oh, and @water_n_oil too!
I don’t think I took any. this quick snap when I was playing around with the idea of wearing my hair up lol

But also after 2 days of a big ass fro my hair was feeling super dry. So I took a page out of your book on Tues night.
Slightly dampened hair > used ATON leave in (hoping this helps strengthen my hair) > a fingerfull or Shea butter > finger comb and braided. (3 in the back and 4 in the front on each side)

The braids definitely make my hair feel strong and protected if you know what I mean. Also There was something so nostalgic about braiding my hair reminds me of my childhood or maybe the braid pattern reminds me of our ancient African ancestors Idk but it definitely made me feel a little sentimental. Snapped a pic of my braids today just for you guys.

You have such beautiful skin! Your braids are so thick!