Well-Known Member
Chicoro, you are silly.
Nowadays, my hair doesn't feel all that photo ready. I swear as I've gotten older it has gotten -- I don't know. It just seems less voluminous and not as "special." I still have my good days, but I feel like my best hair days are behind me I don't shed a lot of hair, yet my hair seems thinner and softer.
But I promise if I have a really good hair day, I will take a picture and post it. But I'm more of an old princess now, instead of a queen
@Chicoro, it just so happened that this wash cycle my hair came out better than it has in a long time. I think it was because I waited a couple days after wash day to do my twistout. If I do it the same day, my hair is too soft. Also, I used some whipped shea butter that I got from an Etsy seller. Maybe my best hair days aren't behind me after all. Here's the results: