Human being
Last Friday, I was at McDonald’s with a coworker. She’s an early 30 something Jamaican. She’s natural. From the time I met her I knew her hair was damaged. I could tell it was very dry. It had that gray cast look to it (you know the look) that hair that is dying of thirst has. It’s around ear length (maybe SL) right now. I’ve seen her glance at my hair from time to time but she’s never said anything. I didn’t say anything either because I figured out a long time ago that people who want help will come ask for it.
Anyway, we were at McDs to talk business but afterwards the conversation turned to hair (as all conversations between me and black women always seem to
). We had window seats. She looked at my bun and said: “Wow you have such nice hair! And it’s so black too! It’s glistening in the sunlight right now!! I bet you were born with hair like that! I wish mine could look this nice but I know it’s genetics in your case. And wow it’s SOOO black! I can’t get over the color and shine!”
Y’all I just about fell off my seat laughing at the genetics comment. I showed her my before pictures when my hair was brown, dry and broken off during my relaxed days when I first joined the board. I told her if she was serious, I’d teach her how to get her hair like that. You’d think I just gave her the winning lottery ticket she was so excited!
I said: “You too have curly hair if only you’d take care of it!” I asked her regimen. She shampoos with Suave shampoos then uses coconut oil. That’s all. No wonder her hair was so dry! I told her to take out her notebook to take notes and off we went!
I took the next hour and carefully helped her craft a regimen modeled after mine. Told her all about how Queen Shea get the credit for my hair color and the crazy shine. Let her touch my unraveled braid. She was amazed at how soft and moist my hair was. She wrote it all down and went shopping on her own. Well today she showed me her hair and it’s looking so hydrated!! It’s black, soft and no more gray cast! She ordered her Shea online so she hasn’t been using it to seal with yet but she did have the Shea Moisture hair mask at home to DC with. I’m so excited for her! Told her to take pictures, measurements and everything! I know this was long but if you read this far thank you for letting me share.
Anyway, we were at McDs to talk business but afterwards the conversation turned to hair (as all conversations between me and black women always seem to

Y’all I just about fell off my seat laughing at the genetics comment. I showed her my before pictures when my hair was brown, dry and broken off during my relaxed days when I first joined the board. I told her if she was serious, I’d teach her how to get her hair like that. You’d think I just gave her the winning lottery ticket she was so excited!

I took the next hour and carefully helped her craft a regimen modeled after mine. Told her all about how Queen Shea get the credit for my hair color and the crazy shine. Let her touch my unraveled braid. She was amazed at how soft and moist my hair was. She wrote it all down and went shopping on her own. Well today she showed me her hair and it’s looking so hydrated!! It’s black, soft and no more gray cast! She ordered her Shea online so she hasn’t been using it to seal with yet but she did have the Shea Moisture hair mask at home to DC with. I’m so excited for her! Told her to take pictures, measurements and everything! I know this was long but if you read this far thank you for letting me share.