Shea Growth And Retention Regimen 2018

Has Shea Butter 'got you'?

  • Let me look over my investment portfolio and see if I have room for shea related stocks.

    Votes: 21 12.8%
  • I've got 8 pounds in the house, I need to order me some more because I don't want to run out.

    Votes: 29 17.7%
  • 1 Day without sealing my ends is just unthinkable.

    Votes: 12 7.3%
  • It works for me for now.

    Votes: 45 27.4%
  • Nah, I can take it or leave it.

    Votes: 12 7.3%
  • Meh, I'm here for the posts.

    Votes: 28 17.1%
  • That stuff just weighs down my hair. No thanks!

    Votes: 17 10.4%

  • Total voters

Any Shea-Made Unicorns in the house??​
This 3,oooth post is dedicated in memory to one of the original, most beautiful Unicorns,
Allandra, who has moved on to another plain, beyond that of the Shea-Made Unicorns.

Goodbye, beautiful Allandra.


May you always run free.

Hi Chicoro - I haven't been on here in a minute. Just got back from DC. What do you mean Allandra has moved on to another plane? She left the forum? Pls say it isn't so.....she lived in my neck of the woods in MD.....
@Chicoro Have you done any reading on the triterpene alcohol content in Queen Shea? There is valid scientific evidence that confirms Shea’s anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties. Interestingly enough, Shea Nilotica is softer, creamier, and higher in oleic acid content but West African Shea seems to have a higher triterpine alcohol content.

Shea is truly magical.
@Chicoro Have you done any reading on the triterpene alcohol content in Queen Shea? There is valid scientific evidence that confirms Shea’s anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties. Interestingly enough, Shea Nilotica is softer, creamier, and higher in oleic acid content but West African Shea seems to have a higher triterpine alcohol content.

Shea is truly magical.

YES!!!!!!! That is exactly upon what I am focusing. Those triterpines are calling , name, "Chicoro, Cheeee co rowww!"
@Chicoro Have you done any reading on the triterpene alcohol content in Queen Shea? There is valid scientific evidence that confirms Shea’s anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties. Interestingly enough, Shea Nilotica is softer, creamier, and higher in oleic acid content but West African Shea seems to have a higher triterpine alcohol content.

Shea is truly magical.

I am looking high and low for articles on Shea. It truly is amazing. The first thing that blew me out the water was that these trees only grow on the African continent. The second thing is that nobody planted them because they grow wild.
I, Chicoro, formerly nominate @ArrrBeee into the Shea Made Hair Unicorn Hall of Fame, on this date, Friday March 16th, 2018.

@ArrrBeee joins the folds due taking great care of her hair. Do you see that fabulous, healthy new growth she has? Even if that new growth is not Shea made, it shows the shift she has made in her thinking and care of her hair, and therefore, of herself. As I always say, to radically change the health of your hair, you must first change your mind. She has clearly demonstrated that!


Welcome to the Shea Made Hair Unicorn Hall of Fame!

Now, go and join your Shea siblings, little Unicorn!



You have me up in here crying. Thank you so much. I didn't think that I'd reach unicorn status for another year.

I love your supportive and sweet spirit. My hair hasn't been colored so I don't know why it's different. Look at my nape in the straight picture. There's breakage in the back which I think is from my wig comb.

I have started taking multi vitamins and eating healthier. I will meticulously document my progress.

Thanks sweet Shea sissy :bighug:

You have me up in here crying. Thank you so much. I didn't think that I'd reach unicorn status for another year.

I love your supportive and sweet spirit. My hair hasn't been colored so I don't know why it's different. Look at my nape in the straight picture. There's breakage in the back which I think is from my wig comb.

I have started taking multi vitamins and eating healthier. I will meticulously document my progress.

Thanks sweet Shea sissy :bighug:

You may have handled it roughly in the past. Also, not using conditioner can cause that, too.
I just got some shea butter guys! I'm joining you all finally. :) Bout to whip it up and hopefully it works good for my picky hair. I want to start trying new hair styles so I'll have to manipulate and detangle my hair more often (I usually just wash and keep it moving), so hopefully I will receive the reported benefits of the shea. I also realize I need my hair to be more moisturized. I will be trying a whipped shea mix with perhaps just a tiny bit of safflower oil added, since I prefer a product that sinks in quickly and doesn't leave stains. If my hair doesn't like it, my skin definitely needs it. Nivea lotion isn't cutting it. I will use it for both.

And thank you @Chicoro for the beautiful posts dedicated to Allandra. I was deeply touched by them. You have such a kind spirit. I said this once before in the Random Thoughts thread, but may she rest in peace.
I just got some shea butter guys! I'm joining you all finally. :) Bout to whip it up and hopefully it works good for my picky hair. I want to start trying new hair styles so I'll have to manipulate and detangle my hair more often (I usually just wash and keep it moving), so hopefully I will receive the reported benefits of the shea. I also realize I need my hair to be more moisturized. I will be trying a whipped shea mix with perhaps just a tiny bit of safflower oil added, since I prefer a product that sinks in quickly and doesn't leave stains. If my hair doesn't like it, my skin definitely needs it. Nivea lotion isn't cutting it. I will use it for both.

And thank you @Chicoro for the beautiful posts dedicated to Allandra. I was deeply touched by them. You have such a kind spirit. I said this once before in the Random Thoughts thread, but may she rest in peace.

Caution: Shea butter is magical but there are just some things she can't overcome. Over manipulation and too much detangling are two of those things.

Caution: You may need some type of water based product UNDER the Shea butter. Oil in the Shea butter is lubrication. It is NOT moisture!
Ooooohhhh fun. Juicy & fruity, Right?Strawberry, apple, watermelon and a touch of something creamy to balance it out would probably give you something similar. P & J has a set with most of those in it. I think it's called the summer set.

okay I'm thinking of creating a set:
lavender - because it smells soooo good.
vanilla - because I wanna whip with cocoa butter for my body one day
fruity yum - apple, grapefruit, peach, passionfruit

also thinking of switching to Giovanni Direct Leave In based on CurlyProverbz because obvi Kinky Curly Knot Today is not enough moisture, even if it has wonderful slip.
okay I'm thinking of creating a set:
lavender - because it smells soooo good.
vanilla - because I wanna whip with cocoa butter for my body one day
fruity yum - apple, grapefruit, peach, passionfruit

also thinking of switching to Giovanni Direct Leave In based on CurlyProverbz because obvi Kinky Curly Knot Today is not enough moisture, even if it has wonderful slip.

I've come to learn that if your hair looks and feels good, then you shouldn't add more based on what you think you need. Remember that your hairs moisture levels are fully quenched with water alone. Conditioners and leave ins are used for improved feel, slip, shine and to aid with detangling. They Can provide moisture (if they cintain in water) but are not mandatory for it. So if you have good results with water and KCKT all by itself, I would say to keep using it.
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Caution: Shea butter is magical but there are just some things she can't overcome. Over manipulation and too much detangling are two of those things.

Caution: You may need some type of water based product UNDER the Shea butter. Oil in the Shea butter is lubrication. It is NOT moisture!

Thanks Chicoro! I know that no product can completely protect your hair from over manipulation/detangling, but I meant I want to up my hairs feel and health with Shea butter because I will be doing those things more often from now on. (As a side note, I've only been detangling about twice a year since I big chopped. I've been wearing wash n gos all the time. I want to start detangling once a week instead.) I have no intent on overdoing those things, however. I want my hair to thrive! I just want detangling to be easier for my hair, and I want more pliable hair before I start styling/manipulating it, because right now my hair is too dry and coarse for manipulating at all. :rolleyes: So that's where the Shea butter comes into things. I hope what I meant is clear now. :)