She tried to keep me from LHCF!

I give out info freely but I am not yet comfortable with telling people i practically live on a hair site. My close family thinks it's all a tad strange so not going to tell random people about it. However, if I feel that you are about as serious as I am about growing your hair and you are a good friend, I'll go into where I get my info from. That did happen to me and a friend actually. We ended up talking about hair one day over lunchand she says, oh I've found some websites and then names a few, then I'll say oh have you been to Long Hair care forum LHCF yet? But she had already had enough interest to search for hair care info on the net, so she was serious about it. Now we have some long conversations about hair!!:yep: She's on here now too!
i going to keep it real and tell you that i wouldn't have shared nothing with you either. if you want healthy hair, the search for it on your own. she might not have wanted you all up in her business.
All of these are good reasons, and I agree. It could have been any of these, or she probably just wanted to be the only one with nice hair around there. LOL. I share my info to an extent, but i don't share the site because I said it one time, and tried to share and she referred to me as: "you on your little hair blogs again." I'm like, but you wonder why my hair looks nice. and you ask for help. But like i told another girl, but I don't think she was "into it" like that. So, oh well.
You have to realize the information/knowledge is power. As long as she knew about this site and you didn't - kept her ahead of the game. H*** , she may even try to take credit for stuff others have put on the board.

But that is not cool, glad you found it! I know I am glad I found it!!!

Just a thought


Its really not that hard to find LHCF.

I found it by doing 1 search. I had never even HEARD of LHCF and when I first saw it I was HOOKED!

I do agree that if you really wanted to know about haircare a simple search would have sufficed rather than harassing a person who clearly didnt want to help you.

My 2cents.
Believe it or not there are some people who either aren't very technically savvy, or perhaps they just don't have internet access, so access to the LHCF would be difficult for many. There is nothing wrong in spreading knowledge to people who are clearly seeking it.
I found LHCF and on my own and I wanted to share with everyone. I got the blank stares about regimen and all that too.

But I understand all too well about protecting your privacy here too. I no longer share regimens and this site with anyone. I shared with someone and she shared with her family member who joined here and searched all my posts ( hair and off topic and my vents) and sent them all to her. Now we are no longer friends and this other person is still here. Now ask me my regimen time and effort. LHCF is now my secret.
I found LHCF and on my own and I wanted to share with everyone. I got the blank stares about regimen and all that too.

But I understand all too well about protecting your privacy here too. I no longer share regimens and this site with anyone. I shared with someone and she shared with her family member who joined here and searched all my posts ( hair and off topic and my vents) and sent them all to her. Now we are no longer friends and this other person is still here. Now ask me my regimen time and effort. LHCF is now my secret.

That is scarey, I don't think I will be sharing again.:nono:
I found LHCF and on my own and I wanted to share with everyone. I got the blank stares about regimen and all that too.

But I understand all too well about protecting your privacy here too. I no longer share regimens and this site with anyone. I shared with someone and she shared with her family member who joined here and searched all my posts ( hair and off topic and my vents) and sent them all to her. Now we are no longer friends and this other person is still here. Now ask me my regimen time and effort. LHCF is now my secret.
Yeah I only told 1 or 2 people about this site and encouraged them to join.

Its not that I dont want people to have the info, I just dont want people I know personally on here along with me.

Its very rare that anyone asks me any hair care questions anyway.

LDITP-that sucks that your friendship had to end over a hair site. :nono:
Well in a way I agree with her, but just a little bit. I don't tell anyone I'm on here! :sekret: I'm a closet LHCF freak. I have a friend that I knew for years who went from SL the whole time I knew her to in the last 2 year to BSL. She didn't tell me any of her secrets, now she fronts it like she always had long and thick hair when I know the truth! :ohwell:

I know that you feel just because she's your friend she has to tell you her hair secrets but to most black women hairCARE is something we don't really talk about, and when we discover something that most don't it's like we want to hide it, which is not right, but the truth.

Since I been bunning everyday since July I know people are wondering what's going on with me :spinning:, but I don't care and can't wait to reveal my hair when I get to my goal in about 1 1/2 years!
i usually just give advice and thats it. i only gave the url of this site out once, and the girl never believed me
I think it's wrong that she didn't give you any advice. I give TONS of advice whenever someone asks for my help. However, I do understand her not telling you about LHCF. I've told two of my friends about LHCF and they thought I was crazy and didn't even come to the website.
My kids already tease me about being on here too much. I mean, just this week alone I had dreams of being at Sally's! That's just beyond obsessed! :grin:

I definitely give advice, offer to do people's hair at home for free, send emails to my family & friends that ask how to do this and that... I will never direct them here though because they're think I'm crazy.
I'm not surprised. I've always said when you meet some of these people w/beautiful hair, if you ask then who their beauticians are they'll say anybody can do it. I think the women here are very open to sharing the beauty tips but I am not sure if some of them would share if you were to ask them in person..Just my opinion.
i've written down this site for many people and then when i ask them if they've looked at it, the answer is usually "oh, i lost the paper" or "i havent had a chance yet" so im like - OK, i tried to help! and verbally i tell my mom not to RIP her hair out when she brushes it, and to use a leave in - but shes like "ive been doing this since i was young, and all that pulling has made my hair thinner and easier to handle cuz it was sooooooo thick. so she ACTUALLY thinks thinning ur hair out is a GOOD thing :blush:
Okay, I know I'm an addict. I get online to do homework and after 2-3 hours I'm like, what happened to the time. This stuff is serious! I've told my sisters about it but one just wears ponytails and yes her hair grows but it's so damaged/ brittle and she acts like she'll wear ponys the rest of her life. So, I don't tell folks anymore but, I soak up the compliments on my hair.:grin:
I don't understand why women don't like sharing info. regarding hair care and other things. I love sharing info and trying to help others. Also welcome to the board!

I am the same way...I love to help people; too bad there aren't many people like that. :nono:
I will share my regi and websites, but my cheapie products :nono:.

I remember when a huge bottle of Ultra Sheen Setting lotion (you know at Sally's, it is blue, in the clear bottle) was $2.49. Now it's $5.99.
And why is Wal-Mart always out of Pantene Relaxer Natural Mask and the V05 total hair recovery?
I love sharing things...but I find that too many times when you start "sharing", people become disinterested when they find out that it takes time and care to achieve healthy hair. When they find that it isn't some miracle pill, they start tuning me out. Now, I simply say, " I am a member of a hair board. Please let me know if you're interested and I will give you the address." The rest is up to them.

:lachen: Same here... I get tuned out so bad I'm sure I could say "I put doodie in my hair" and they'd just nod and act as if they were listening... Often I can see the let down in people's faces when they realize it is something they have to put work into. You're right, they do want a miracle pill... But you should see their mouths drop open, and all the freakin' questions I get when I blow it out! Usually i'ts at a party, and um... sorry, but sista girl is havin fun okay.. She off, she not talkin hair today.. Hit me up when you really wanna work on yo banchee/sheeps a** combo that I been trying to tell you how to make perty all year, and that I been there but you dont wanna listen, and then, maybe then we can talk! *rolls eyes, flips hair, adjusts pearls*
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A lot of the time I don't share because of the fear that my fellow richly melanated, kinky headed peers would just think... I'm odd :look:.
A shower filter will help with the hard water. :)

Your friend probably isnt protecting her hair secrets, just her LHCF life. It's hard to explain, but you will understand once you come here and become hair obsessed. Not everyone who asks what you do to your hair really wants to know, they sometimes just want to hear about a miracle vitamin or some other short cut. They want the results but the dont want to put in the effort to get them. Not everyone will be supportive of your hair goals either, so some people like to come here where they will get unconditional support. Also a lot of people posts pics, hair albums etc and share a lot of themselves. I tell strangers about in a heartbeat, but closer people get LHCF info, not the web address :lol:. I dont mind sharing hair info, but I'm protective of my private time on LHCF! :)

BTW...Welcome to LHCF!

My exact sentiments dear. I think in a way she was deceptive tho.
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