She tried to keep me from LHCF!

cupcake said:
I dole out advice to anyone that asks and will listen. But recently I was on LHCF at work :)( I know, I know) and this girl comes up and then leaves quickly. 5 minutes later I get an e-mail saying "I just joined!"----->me---->:mad: :mad: :mad: :lol:

:lachen: :lachen: [ok that's my worst nightmare]
I share things freely to friends, just casually, if they asked where I got the information I'd tell them, but they aren't the type to ask. But I've noticed my influence of changing certain things in the regimen due to what I share. They don't know the half though, but then again they aren't the type to ask.
She didn't have to give you the LHCF link, but she could have shared her hair routine.

But, you know, I don't blame her either way because maybe she's been burned too many times with people laughing at her and her regimen. When I tell people I don't comb/brush my hair between shampoos, and that i wash with conditioner, you should see the way their eyes glaze over. :lol:
Jessy55 said:
When I tell people I don't comb/brush my hair between shampoos, and that i wash with conditioner, you should see the way their eyes glaze over. :lol:
I know right! That alone is very discouraging. I would love to share all my info but I get these stares like I just landed from Mars or something! :lol:
WOW...major crab in the barrel move! A had a friend like that (notice had):ohwell: ...Her hair was and still is beautiful! (Waist length)...I never was into hair that much until about 2yrs ago...I hated waiting with her to get her roller sets done, I couldnt understand why someone would spend so much time and energy on their hair:confused: ...b 4 then... was natural (alt btwn locks and a low ceasar) We were the BEST (Shop,Party,Talk,Cry...u name it) of friends until I wanted to grow my hair...oh lawd...why did I tell her that! She switched on me faster than a heart beat...telling me that " my stylist only does long hair and that I should find someone who does short hair...I dont know what she puts in my hair, its something special"...anything to deter me from obtaining her length. The funny thing is that we resembled each other alot and had nearly the same texture of hair...I think she was fearful that she would no longer get all the attention once I had "long" hair too...but she is my inspiration as well;) ...thanks girl...losing u I've gained 10 fold of friends (with "long" hair) on LHCF who are willing to share their knowledge...;) ...p.s. she probably was a member herself when
her hair was to her neck...:) ...thanks 4 letting me vent, god bless!
cmw45 said:
I know this situation would never go down at this forum but...

... She said, "Oh girl, for your hair to grow, you have to put time into it...I'll send you the list of the stuff I do and some other information." I thought GREAT! I caugth up with her about a week later and asked her where she had got her info from, so that I might get it myself, and she said that she had "forgotten" and would e-mail me it later. I sent her an e-mail about two weeks later and after three weeks of no reply, she said that she had, "forgotten...and that it wasn't that big of a deal cause I don't do much to my hair." Well, from one of her other "friends," (who's laptop she often borrowed) I was told that she often frequented this site...and I am.
Too funny...How can people possibly "not want to share" any and all of these great hair care tips?!...I don't get
I told several family members and friends about LHCF. None of them took it seriously except for one friend who now posts here occassionally. Some people just don't want to put the work into going through the site. I can't really give anyone a regimen because I'm so inconsistent with what I do. Also what works for you may not work for someone else. Not to mention a quick search on African american hair care will make this website popup, which is how I found it.
This is a really interesting thread - women can be such bizarre creatures!

A colleague of mine commented on how nice my hair has been looking recently, I just said that I'm really trying to get my hair in good shape - this would make sense to her as I'm getting married next year so she'll assume this is what has stirred me to make such an effort. It's partly right, but regardless of getting married or not I would have still have taken this route eventually.

This same colleague has natural hair, and it is extremely dry. I received some hair products through the mail at work and I showed them to her, I recommended them as they are very good for natural hair. She was so appreciative, and subsequently ordered a few things straight away.

It's nothing major, and this may sound a bit trite but it made me feel so good to think that I may have assisted this girl to help get her hair back on track. I'm dying to tell her more, but I feel it's not my place unless she asks me for advice. I find some people are just very sensitive about their hair.
Welcome aboard! Have fun and share all you learn!

My co-worker is getting married and wants to grow her hair to a certain length, I do the research on the boards, give her the info I think she can use, and now she is happily growing her hair for her wedding with great results!
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LOL at this thread! I have a cousin who has BSL hair and everytime I ask her what she does to grow her hair she gives the same tired answer - "I don't really do nothing to it." :rolleyes: She did FINALLY say that she had done a lot of rollersetting to grow out her hair.
Yeah...I just joined this week, too, and the obsession is quickly setting in. But I can't wait to have more success so that when other black women do ask I can happily tell them. My mom and sister do kind of think it's a bit much...and all I did was tell them I was taking vitamin B! (if they only knew...heaven forbid they find out I wash my hair everyday. :nono:)

So yeah, I could see her not wanting to share the forum. If you really want to find it, you will. But I started with Cathy Howse's book, and if anyone asked, I'd probably just refer them to that book first and if they catch the hair bug, they'll definitely end up here eventually.
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I told a lady about LHCF/LHC this past summer. The first time I have told anybody except mama. I wonder if she is lurking?
I know this situation would never go down at this forum but...

When I was a freshman in college (two years ago) I had a "friend" who had really beautiful 4a/4b hair. I mean, her length was great (about BSL), it was incredibly thick, and it was always shiny. One day, when we were in a room with a bunch of other girls complaing about the hard water in the college dormitory, I asked her, " do you keep your hair always looking so pretty? I mean, no offense, but the hard water dosen't look like it's affecting you at all." All the other women in the room nodded their head in agreement. She said, "Oh girl, for your hair to grow, you have to put time into it...I'll send you the list of the stuff I do and some other information." I thought GREAT! I caugth up with her about a week later and asked her where she had got her info from, so that I might get it myself, and she said that she had "forgotten" and would e-mail me it later. I sent her an e-mail about two weeks later and after three weeks of no reply, she said that she had, "forgotten...and that it wasn't that big of a deal cause I don't do much to my hair." Well, from one of her other "friends," (who's laptop she often borrowed) I was told that she often frequented this site...and I am. This is not the first time I ran into a woman who was unwilling to share knowledge or info (even about products). Have any of you run into a similar situation? I know I've always done my best to share anything that I know with anyone else who is ready to learn.

That sucks, maybe she was embarrassed? Have you ever asked her why she didn't tell you?

She DID give you her regimen and a helping hand... just seems weird that she wouldn't tell you specifically about the site.

For the most part I am very honest about any questions anyone here or in real life asks me. Sometimes in real life I'll give the short version, because everyone isn't into hair like we are... but I am open to given the long version if it's wanted. :yep:

Sometimes I am not even totally comfortable with something I am using/doing/mixing up, so I refuse to tell people. I don't want to feel responsible for causing someone else's setback because they run out and do something that I do... but that's not often at all. Actually that has only happened once here.

It's not exactly because I want to keep secrets, I'm just not comfortable sharing something that I don't even approve of myself yet.

People have their funny reasons sometimes... maybe she really didn't have any ill will towards you. If she's a good friend, I'd at least give her the benefit of the doubt.

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She probably didn't want you to know about her hair obsession and criticize her :grin:. I also protect my LHCF from people who don't share the same obsession as me, but I will share any advice I know. And once I see that they are becoming a hair fiend (like myself) it is then I will reveal to them my secret place, lol. So far I have not come across a worthy disciple to reveal this place to, lol.
She probably didn't want you to know about her hair obsession and criticize her :grin:. I also protect my LHCF from people who don't share the same obsession as me, but I will share any advice I know. And once I see that they are becoming a hair fiend (like myself) it is then I will reveal to them my secret place, lol. So far I have not come across a worthy disciple to reveal this place to, lol.


You're crazy, lol
A shower filter will help with the hard water. :)

Your friend probably isnt protecting her hair secrets, just her LHCF life. It's hard to explain, but you will understand once you come here and become hair obsessed. Not everyone who asks what you do to your hair really wants to know, they sometimes just want to hear about a miracle vitamin or some other short cut. They want the results but the dont want to put in the effort to get them. Not everyone will be supportive of your hair goals either, so some people like to come here where they will get unconditional support. Also a lot of people posts pics, hair albums etc and share a lot of themselves. I tell strangers about in a heartbeat, but closer people get LHCF info, not the web address :lol:. I dont mind sharing hair info, but I'm protective of my private time on LHCF! :)

BTW...Welcome to LHCF!

She didn't have to give you the LHCF link, but she could have shared her hair routine.

But, you know, I don't blame her either way because maybe she's been burned too many times with people laughing at her and her regimen. When I tell people I don't comb/brush my hair between shampoos, and that i wash with conditioner, you should see the way their eyes glaze over. :lol:

I KNOW RIGHT!:lachen:
Black women in general seem to have such antiquated views about their own hair. I was at work and a few of us were watching the Olympics, and one of the athletes had lovely long flowing hair. A colleague of mine immediately said, that must be a weave. Then after a few minutes of reviewing the woman’s hair further (which looked completely her own to me) she confirmed with conviction that yes – the woman must be wearing a weave, particularly as the woman was quite dark skinned. I just cringed when I heard this - I mean is it beyond the realms of possibility that black sisters can grow long hair too? :rolleyes:

Once we can start looking at our hair in a more positive light and realise that our hair can grow, we might start having more success with healthy hair growth.
But, you know, I don't blame her either way because maybe she's been burned too many times with people laughing at her and her regimen. When I tell people I don't comb/brush my hair between shampoos, and that i wash with conditioner, you should see the way their eyes glaze over.

When I first joined I spent so much money on my ingredients. I was so excited about the forums that I told my sister. She gave me one of those "Have you lost your mind looks". She's like you putting food in your hair, have you lost it but, at the same time she's like your hair looks so good. I don't tell anyone my secrets because they think we crazy. She had the nerves to tell me to make something for her hair...I don't think so!
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I think families are the worst, I find them to be so judgemental. I'm not going to tell my mum anything about my regimen, and I'll be keeping my products hidden away, as I'll just get a long lecture about spending so much money on things when I could be putting it to better use - I just can't be hearing that right now. If she asks me though I'm just going to say that I've been doing regular DC'ing.
:wave: Welcome to the board, I'm MzTami!
Like the other have said, they will give advice but not the site address to close friends in fear of spreading their business they may have discussed in the Off Topic forum. I'm the same way, I mean, relatives and friends will have to ply open my casket to get the web site address.

But, you know, I don't blame her either way because maybe she's been burned too many times with people laughing at her and her regimen. When I tell people I don't comb/brush my hair between shampoos, and that i wash with conditioner, you should see the way their eyes glaze over.

When I first joined I spent so much money on my ingredients. I was so excited about the forums that I told my sister. She gave me one of those "Have you lost your mind looks". She's like you putting food in your hair, have you lost it but, at the same time she's like your hair looks so good. I don't tell anyone my secrets because they think we crazy. She had the nerves to tell me to make something for her hair...I don't think so!

WOW, well you here now. When you start growing hair super long, and she asked you treat her the same way. Im glad you are here.
But, you know, I don't blame her either way because maybe she's been burned too many times with people laughing at her and her regimen. When I tell people I don't comb/brush my hair between shampoos, and that i wash with conditioner, you should see the way their eyes glaze over.

When I first joined I spent so much money on my ingredients. I was so excited about the forums that I told my sister. She gave me one of those "Have you lost your mind looks". She's like you putting food in your hair, have you lost it but, at the same time she's like your hair looks so good. I don't tell anyone my secrets because they think we crazy. She had the nerves to tell me to make something for her hair...I don't think so!:nono: