She tried to keep me from LHCF!

I'd buy the privacy thing if she just didn't give up the site, but she wouldn't even give up any information...thats just foul esp after she asked on multiple occasions. The least you could do is give a mini regime..and if they ask for more go from there.
Well, I'm more than happy to share my hair regimen with folks, but I RARELY tell people about the site for many of the reasons other members have posted in this thread. I've been a member going on 4 years and there are 4 people in my life that know I frequent this site--one being my mother and one being my husband (whom I didn't tell about my love of this site until after we were married :D)
Thanks're support mean a lot...

It was also really good to hear some of your thoughts and comments...

...although, I'm gonna confess that I've had a few hair hungry friends who will do/spend just about any amount on their hair and I have passed the url on to them...they're here somewhere lurking. :covereyes
Enchantmt said:
A shower filter will help with the hard water. :)

Your friend probably isnt protecting her hair secrets, just her LHCF life. It's hard to explain, but you will understand once you come here and become hair obsessed. Not everyone who asks what you do to your hair really wants to know, they sometimes just want to hear about a miracle vitamin or some other short cut. They want the results but the dont want to put in the effort to get them. Not everyone will be supportive of your hair goals either, so some people like to come here where they will get unconditional support. Also a lot of people posts pics, hair albums etc and share a lot of themselves. I tell strangers about in a heartbeat, but closer people get LHCF info, not the web address :lol:. I dont mind sharing hair info, but I'm protective of my private time on LHCF! :)

BTW...Welcome to LHCF!

I couldn't have said it any better. The only person who knows about my time is here is my SO. I once told family members and they thought I was nuts. I know some know of this site that's why I never show my face.
Maybe your friend didn't want you to have great looking hair. A few years ago I asked a relative with past BSL the name of her stylist- she couldn't remember the name or address of the stylist she saw 2 weeks ago:mad: Nor could she give me directions!!!

That's ok. I'll see her next month and boy will she be upset:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
If someone asks my regime I will share. I just don't freely start running my mouth about haircare to people. Even though there has been many times I wanted to. I once told my cousin about relaixing her daughters hair every two weeks:eek: . I told her that;s why her hair was breaking and she told me when I have a daughter then I can tell her something. I never said anything to her again. Her daughter is currently a bald headed 4 year old.:mad:
tenderheaded said:
Maybe your friend didn't want you to have great looking hair. A few years ago I asked a relative with past BSL the name of her stylist- she couldn't remember the name or address of the stylist she saw 2 weeks ago:mad: Nor could she give me directions!!!
That's ok. I'll see her next month and boy will she be upset:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Yeah, My aunt & I have a friendly competition going-on too. I started growing mine out first (relaxed) late 90s. I never could get past bsl (jan 05 last relaxer). As of the beginning of the summer, she is waistlength relaxed.:eek: I cant wait to see her face when I'm booty length au naturale!;) :grin: :) :D :cool:
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People are petty. Instead of being secretive, shout from the rooftops that all Black women can have long, healthy, beautiful hair. I know I do everytime I get the chance. More posters and lurkers equals more healthy heads of hair!
I am willing to give brief advice to anyone that asks. Those who react with attitude to a suggestion to their problem that they have asked me about...I just keep moving...forget ya'll...and if they are really into hair I will share more. It depends on them not me. bonjour
U know, when i first discovered this board early last year, I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs to every woman. But there are a few reasons now, why i rarely share this board. 1st, I've told my 2 sisters and they think i'm crazy and they have no interest in reading the board (though they do ask me for hair advice). 2ndly, I post alot here and I dont want alot of people thinking they know me and all my business (based on what i say here) when they really dont, and u know how folks like to gossip. 3rdly, I would feel really uncomfortable because let's be honest sometimes you will find some crazy posts up in here that make us all look once I read a post about someone who looses 5hairs a day on the average and wanted advice to not loose any strands a day. And although I believe that MTG, monistat and swallowing 50-11 vitamins does promote growth...i dont want anyone to get the impression that all of us are MTG/ monistat crazed fiends. We are not fiends, we only are open minded enough experiment with different stuff. So with these reasons being said...because i am not a hair hater, if anyone asks for advice, usually i will start telling them stuff...and usually they will appear uninterested after i tell them it's how you treat the hair instead of some exciting miracle product. But if they do appear interested then i usually give them the URL to cathy howse's website. I feel like her advice is very simple and enough to stop damage and retain the hair (without invading my privacy) :look:
U know, when i first discovered this board early last year, I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs to every woman. But there are a few reasons now, why i rarely share this board. 1st, I've told my 2 sisters and they think i'm crazy and they have no interest in reading the board (though they do ask me for hair advice). 2ndly, I post alot here and I dont want alot of people thinking they know me and all my business (based on what i say here) when they really dont, and u know how folks like to gossip. 3rdly, I would feel really uncomfortable because let's be honest sometimes you will find some crazy posts up in here that make us all look once I read a post about someone who looses 5hairs a day on the average and wanted advice to not loose any strands a day. And although I believe that MTG, monistat and swallowing 50-11 vitamins does promote growth...i dont want anyone to get the impression that all of us are MTG/ monistat crazed fiends. We are not fiends, we only are open minded enough experiment with different stuff. So with these reasons being said...because i am not a hair hater, if anyone asks for advice, usually i will start telling them stuff...and usually they will appear uninterested after i tell them it's how you treat the hair instead of some exciting miracle product. But if they do appear interested then i usually give them the URL to cathy howse's website. I feel like her advice is very simple and enough to stop damage and retain the hair (without invading my privacy) :look:
Mahalialee4 said:
I am willing to give brief advice to anyone that asks. Those who react with attitude to a suggestion to their problem that they have asked me about...I just keep moving...forget ya'll...and if they are really into hair I will share more. It depends on them not me. bonjour

I do the exact same thing. As long as they want to know the more I talk. If they get attitude that's the end of the conversation.
SHADY!! :eek: Where she at? Who is it?! State your LHCF Name!!

Just kidding...but I do think its Shady....all of these women on here have SHARED information with her and HELPED her to get her hair...why would you keep it to yourself?

It reminds me of the story in the bible where the man was forgiven of a HUGE debt, and then he was about to send the man to jail for a SMALL one.

Sharing a web address is very small...compared to the plethora of information, help, confidence, advice, etc. that LHCF gives each of its active posters and lurkers...

So yes...PLEASE SHARE....sisters are in need..its up to them to decide if they want to post or not. I just share the link and dont tell my name on here...LOL...or admit how much time I actually spend on here (cos that aint none of they bizness!) LOL

WELCOME TO THE BOARD...youll be an addict and a PJ in no time!
It should be easy enough to divert people to another hairboard where they can get info. Of course, that will often eventually lead them here, but it's also likely that they will stay with their "home" board and only lurk here occasionally.
FlyyGyrl said:
Well in her defense maybe she has had bad experiences in the past with sharing info. When I first started I told everyone... and everyone made fun of me. I got some really hurtful comments and since then I really don't share anymore. So maybe it is not out of malice. I know many other members have had similar experiences

yeah some people make fun of you when they find out about you going on a board just for hair. We've had plenty of those stories so some people have decided to not just say anything.

I do the exact same thing. As long as they want to know the more I talk. If they get attitude that's the end of the conversation.

This is pretty much what I do. Try to get a feel by giving a little info and see if they are open because some will tell you that what you are doing is ridiculous like co washing.
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U know maybe it would be a good idea to publish all of our common sense advice in one section of this website. And do not link the regular discussions on this particular page. that way they can have access to the info they need without feeling like you are giving them tooo much information...
Mahalialee4 said:
I meant to add: The Hair Discussion threads are just one of several here. Would you like some of these people keying in and pulling up all your posted material from Off Topic etc? Ya'll chokin' now eh...hahahahlolol!!! You know some of those "friends" would have your business all out in the street!!!!bonjour

I agree...We can say things here that you wouldn't usually say! You dont wanna be watching ur back and what you say, cuz u know that ppl who kno u are listening! er, reading :lol:
She could have been embarrassed. Maybe she thought you would think it was over the top. I don't tell my friends I fear they may see I'm a product junky and it will be hard to explain :look: I had one friend peek in my bedroom and comment on how many products I had. And that was just on top of my dresser...not even the boxes and cupboards :look: At least you found us :)
Celie and Nettie just popped into my head.
"Nothing but death will keep me from her!!!":mad:

Pats hands.. reaches out... cries.... :cry:

Girl, your friend was wrong for playing "mister" and trying to seperate you from us. :lol:
Caramela said:
Celie and Nettie just popped into my head.
"Nothing but death will keep me from her!!!":mad:

Pats hands.. reaches out... cries.... :cry:

Girl, your friend was wrong for playing "mister" and trying to seperate you from us. :lol:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Fo' sho'! Thank goodness you did find us! :grin:
Why do u have to tell your friends? I dont think it is anyone's obligation to direct them to this site. They should just suggest some good products and tell them to be gentle w/their hair. :look:
Lovelylocs said:
Why do u have to tell your friends? I dont think it is anyone's obligation to direct them to this site. They should just suggest some good products and tell them to be gentle w/their hair. :look:

But she didn't, and I think that's the main issue here. She was withholding all the hair secrets.
Welcome to the group. Some people are just funny like when it comes to hair. I am not trying to take up for what she did at all. I would have shared. I always think, heck, they might see something on there I missed. I tell my friends and have a few who lurk but havent joined. I am just waiting on them to join in and grow with me.
I've had this happen to me. I asked this woman at my job what she did for her hair. It isn't very long, maybe APL, but it's also very nice and shiny. I asked her what she did and she pretty much avoided answering me until the phone rang and then she ran. I never followed up with her. I just figured she didn't want to answer for whatever reason. Maybe she just didn't feel comfortable about answering my question or maybe she was tired of being asked. Whatever it was I just left it alone. She is a very nice lady and I still talk to her on a somewhat regular basis.
Some people will be like that. You know that saying knowledge is power. Some people equate sharing power with loosing some of it. I am happy you found us and joined!
Ok honestly i'm with the friend insofar as I don't want ANYONE :sekret: aside from my guinea pig (sister) to know about LHCF, but I'll offer and do give advice on products techniques etc:D Shoot just seeing Sam247 give props to the site made me want to go "Shhhhhhhh!"
I dole out advice to anyone that asks and will listen. But recently I was on LHCF at work :)( I know, I know) and this girl comes up and then leaves quickly. 5 minutes later I get an e-mail saying "I just joined!"----->me---->:mad: :mad: :mad: :lol: