She says I need to cut my hair


Well-Known Member
I made a delivery in the Atlanta area today and since I had a few hours to spare, I decided to look for an Indian grocery store. I happen to walk by a beauty salon and one of the stylists was outside smoking a cigarette. I felt the urge to treat myself :look: so, I asked her how much does she charge for a shampoo and style. She gave me a price (pretty reasonable) but says "You should let me cut it. It doesn't look healthy". Uh oh...:perplexed So I'm like "You're right. I should get these ends trimmed". She say "No, you need to cut it. I can hook you up with a cute cut or a quickweave." She invites me into the shop to look at some pics of her work. Most of the cuts were very short, Fantasia short. I told her that I didn't want my hair cut, she says "It's not gonna grow unless you cut it. :perplexed WTH??? I declined and as I was leaving the shop, I heard her tell someone else "She need to cut that mess. That's why she ain't got no hair now". I started to go back in so I can :boxing::brucelee: her for that comment. SMH.:nono: I threw her business card away after that. I went to the Indian store and he didn't have JACK! :wallbash::wallbash: He told me to come back next week. *Sigh*

I'm planning on doing Ayuverdic cowashes, lots of DC'ing, and a little dusting while I wait for my Henna and Indigo to arrive. Anyone have any more suggestions? I'm upset now, I almost wish I would have let her cut it. I know I look a HAM today.:sad:
WOW! That was really rude. You did the right thing by just leaving. Your hair your decision. All is can say is WOW...
That was incredibly rude and unprofessional. Just forget about her comments. No one can tell you when your hair should be cut because they sure can't grow it back for you! Don't let those negative vibes get to you.:nono:
do you think your hair needs to be cut? i mean do you think its healthy? cause if you think its good then dont worry about what she says, you know she gotta make a dolla somehow.

She sounds ignorant and stupid simply from the way she talked to you. Shake it off, she is not worth getting upset over.

I have grown my own nape back from being damaged and bald using techniques and information gathered from THIS SITE.

So, yes... you WILL get your hair back on track. No matter what some stupid hair stylist has to say (how does she even have clients when she talks to people like that?!)

Some people have all the nerve :nono:
(Sigh) These stylists never cease to amaze me. Another reason why I dont go to the shop. Glad you kept it moving tho Platinum.
You know when you get to your goal length ( and you will soon) go back and pay that rude little **tch a visit and don't for get to swang:lachen:.
GIRL! you need to brush that hata OFF! don't let that stupid comment get you down. I was looking a HAM today and I could have cared less! I know I'll reach my goal so I'm not trippin off it. We will all have are good days and bad. My hair is at the top of my ear and if I wear this black hat one more time I'm gonna scream but that's ok because at the end of the day I know there is a light at the end of my tunnel. Stay strong and FOCUSED!:kiss:
I remeber when i was trying to grow my hair out. It was exactly your length when i went to salon. It was looking shaggy because i'm growing it out and figured i'd treat myself to a wash set. The stylist said it wouldn't grow right unless she trimmed it. I let her..(i know). I came out with a fantasia cut and shaved in the back. I had to start all over. I cried for days.
don't let her ignorant *** comments get to u and don't let it discourage you.
do u wear braids? Maybe that for awhile during winter.
See I would've dumbed out if I heard her say that last comment. I would've been posting in the OT forum with a headline saying... I JUST GOT OUT OF JAIL :look:

But don't let her get you down...keep doin you!
That's just rude, especially the comment she made to someone else about your hair. If your hair is healthy, then don't worry about it.
And even if it needed to be cut, I wouldn't let someone like her near my head.
That is so annoying!! Thats the reason I could never get back SL hair, a hairdresser would always convince me to cut it, that its not healthy. I only got longer hair when I stopped listening to them and did not cut my hair. If your hair does not look neat, it may be because its uneven which is a normal phase when you are growing your hair out. If you don't have split ends, pls pls dont cut your hair, just DC and moisturize. I kept going to stylists until i found one that who wasn't bent on making me look like fantasia, lol. If you are looking for short hair styles, try wearing it curly, you can get a sew in weave or just wear it up with loads of invicible clips. Dont be discouraged, unfortunately stylists are what they are, they only know how to style hair, dont know how to care for it; and many times their solution to everything is a big chop if you have dry hair, damaged hair (even with no split ends), uneven hair, sometimes healthy hair, lol, you still get a big chop
Thanks for the encouragement, Ladies!:look:

do you think your hair needs to be cut? i mean do you think its healthy? cause if you think its good then dont worry about what she says, you know she gotta make a dolla somehow.

It's healthy. Actually it has really improved since I joined the site. My hair is uneven in the back and I have a few split ends. I don't have any major damage though.

I remeber when i was trying to grow my hair out. It was exactly your length when i went to salon. It was looking shaggy because i'm growing it out and figured i'd treat myself to a wash set. The stylist said it wouldn't grow right unless she trimmed it. I let her..(i know). I came out with a fantasia cut and shaved in the back. I had to start all over. I cried for days.
don't let her ignorant *** comments get to u and don't let it discourage you.
do u wear braids? Maybe that for awhile during winter.

Thanks Sylver. You know you're one of my hair idols :notworthy. I thought about braids but money's tight right now, I'm moving in about a week. I might braid it once I get settled.
That is so annoying!! Thats the reason I could never get back SL hair, a hairdresser would always convince me to cut it, that its not healthy. I only got longer hair when I stopped listening to them and did not cut my hair. If your hair does not look neat, it may be because its uneven which is a normal phase when you are growing your hair out. If you don't have split ends, pls pls dont cut your hair, just DC and moisturize. I kept going to stylists until i found one that who wasn't bent on making me look like fantasia, lol. If you are looking for short hair styles, try wearing it curly, you can get a sew in weave or just wear it up with loads of invicible clips. Dont be discouraged, unfortunately stylists are what they are, they only know how to style hair, dont know how to care for it; and many times their solution to everything is a big chop if you have dry hair, damaged hair (even with no split ends), uneven hair, sometimes healthy hair, lol, you still get a big chop

You're right.:yep: I may do a rollerset this weekend. This is one of the last pics I took of my hair. It's not a good pic but it shows how uneven it is. I took it last month.

girl you jus dodged a setback waiting to happen....

Gurl, u betta say it! Don't be another victim.....I've been there done that and did it again like a doofus. Never again!! A trim-yes; shaving me bald so that I resemble Sinead O'Connor-nope!
She had a Fantasia cut.:perplexed

OOOOOH!!! I woulda turned around pointed at her head, scratched my OWN head and said "Oh, but *I'M* the one with no hair?" And then I woulda looked about 31 shades of faux confused and walked out the door.

But maybe that's just the mean girl in me.
She had a Fantasia cut.:perplexed

Of course she did. That's what she knows how to do. That's how she makes her money. If I had a flicker of doubt about the health of my hair when she made that comment, that flicker would have been extinguished as soon as I saw her portfolio of all those cuts. She wants you to cut it because she does short cuts, period. Let it grow on.
Don't feel bad, everyone has a down day. Don't let that butthead beautician's words jack you up. Now if you know your hair is not the business right now hook it up or go to someone who knows what they heck they are talking about/doing hook it up. Then you'll be the hotness oncetagain (yes, i said oncetagain)
I think you should edit the original post and tell us all what salon it was and her name
... put her on blast...
people like that are the reason I haven't been to a salon in over 2 years.

In fact, I think we should make a STICKY for "Scissor Happy Stylists" "Rude Stylists" and "HAM Stylists"... she could be listed under all three.
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I'm sorry, I would had to say something to her.. I could not have walked outta that salon without atleast informing the owner of how she is turning away business with her nasty attitude... Stylists are supposed to make you feel good about yourself by offering suggestions in a respectful way, not demeaning.. giiiiiirrrrrrllllllll......... I woulda had a natural reaction.. I applaud your maturity
That just goes to show you how IGNORANT she is. You don't need to cut your hair to make it grow. I wonder how many people she tells that lie to?
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I think you should edit the original post and tell us all what salon it was and her name
... put her on blast...
people like that are the reason I haven't been to a salon in over 2 years.

In fact, I think we should make a STICKY for "Scissor Happy Stylists" "Rude Stylists" and "HAM Stylists"... she could be listed under all three.

That's a great idea. I don't remember the salon or stylist name. I just remember the shop is located in Riverdale (I'm thinking Hwy 85?)
Yes you are a far better person than me! With the mood I'm in now, from all of this Hurricane Ike ish, she would have got cussed out and she would have seen me tear her card up!!!! Personally I don't like beauticians in my head for that same reason, Scissor Happy!!!! Anyway after looking at your pic, she definitely would have chopped your hair off! Also let people know about her attitude. Word of mouth is how beauticians get new clientele.
I'm sorry, I would had to say something to her.. I could not have walked outta that salon without atleast informing the owner of how she is turning away business with her nasty attitude... Stylists are supposed to make you feel good about yourself by offering suggestions in a respectful way, not demeaning.. giiiiiirrrrrrllllllll......... I woulda had a natural reaction.. I applaud your maturity

Believe me, it wasn't easy. I have been known to "Ack a fool" about things like this. I'm surprised that I didn't dust that chick off.:boxing: Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if it was the stylist I talked to or the one with the generic weave that made that ignorant comment. With attitudes like that, I can understand why they didn't have that many customers when I came in.