She says I need to cut my hair

hey sweetie! I'm so sorry that you ran into her on a bad hair day. I don't know whether your hair really needs a cut or not, but I do know that from what you wrote that stylist was UNPROFESSIONAL. If you decide to get a trim, cut, or even just a wash and set, go to a stylist who will treat you with respect (and plain old common courtesy).

Also, I've made some rash decisions based on a bad hair day. Wait until you've given it some thought about the ends, only get a trim or cut (if you do) when YOU are ready, otherwise you'll be unhappy with any result.

She had a Fantasia cut.:perplexed

That explains it. Well, that and plain old ignorance. I would have called her on the spot and asked her to explain exactly how cutting you hair makes it grow. She would have been stuttering and stammering by the time I got through with her.

Normally I don't pay ignoramuses like that any mind but she was completely out of order and very rude. Good for you for not letting her touch your hair Platinum. I bet there's not a single long haired woman that comes out of that shop.
OMG, girl i am soooo sorry for her ignorance. WOW, you did do the right thing. But you know what, if you still in that area one year from now, you should go in her shop and be like "my hair couldn't grow huh?". Man, she just mad 'cuz she didn't have any business. Thats why she was out there smoking. I'm glad you brushed that off. You did the right thing. And we all have our "bad hair" days, so don't u feel bad at all; but it is only temporary. And you know on this forum we all support each other, and many of women on here have grown their hair from shorter than yours, and more damaged, so you can do it. That women is just ignorant, and she just don't know. Man, I am just so upset about that.
Girl... forget her... don't let anyone take you off of your square! If you decide to cut your hair or color it purple or wash it in Mega tek... it will be your decision... not some cancer causing hack stylist out on the curb...

Grow on girl!
That explains it. Well, that and plain old ignorance. I would have called her on the spot and asked her to explain exactly how cutting you hair makes it grow. She would have been stuttering and stammering by the time I got through with her.

Normally I don't pay ignoramuses like that any mind but she was completely out of order and very rude. Good for you for not letting her touch your hair Platinum. I bet there's not a single long haired woman that comes out of that shop.
Get business owners where they hurt. I would have told her, and emphatically ripping up her business card while saying, "And this is why I will never come to your shop, and I will tell everyone else about your terrible customer service and no one else will come here either."

Her jaw would have been sweeping the floor! I don't play that ish.
Oh my ....some people never fail to surprise me.
She was working a dang hustle on you. She just thought you was going to get all excited and come in there and get your hair wacked off, so that you would have to get weaves while your hair grew back. Good catch.
Girl, don't listen to her! If I listened to every bit of advice that some critic told me about my hair, I'd be bald-headed right now :nono:. As a matter of fact this is what happened to me when I listened to someone's advice about cutting your hair making it grow (see attatched photo). They cut my hair to ear-lobe length! So don't listen to hateful people like that and just keep doing what your doing. And if you ever see her again when you've met your growth goals, make sure you flaunt that mess in her face and say "And I didn't cut it" :grin:.
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I am sorry you had to experience that. I live close to ATL and go there often and I have noticed that a lot of the stylist/hairdressers there have some NASTY attitudes, some not all.

You have to start somewhere to get somewhere. Do a Pretty Woman on her, when you grow you hair out go back and swing it in her face.
OMG, girl i am soooo sorry for her ignorance. WOW, you did do the right thing. But you know what, if you still in that area one year from now, you should go in her shop and be like "my hair couldn't grow huh?". Man, she just mad 'cuz she didn't have any business. Thats why she was out there smoking. I'm glad you brushed that off. You did the right thing. And we all have our "bad hair" days, so don't u feel bad at all; but it is only temporary. And you know on this forum we all support each other, and many of women on here have grown their hair from shorter than yours, and more damaged, so you can do it. That women is just ignorant, and she just don't know. Man, I am just so upset about that.

Oh, wow! I didn't even see that lol.
But it's true and that hairdresser is wrong for what she said, and has absolutely no manners.
Mess like that makes you wanna knock a s'oh teef out :nono:. It would've been hard to fight the temptation to retort "And you smokin them dayum cigarettes is why you ain't gon' live long. Now b****. Say somethin else."

Ignore me, I'm mad about something else :lachen:
Mess like that makes you wanna knock a s'oh teef out :nono:. It would've been hard to fight the temptation to retort "And you smokin them dayum cigarettes is why you ain't gon' live long. Now b****. Say somethin else."

Ignore me, I'm mad about something else :lachen:

Mess like that makes you wanna knock a s'oh teef out :nono:. It would've been hard to fight the temptation to retort "And you smokin them dayum cigarettes is why you ain't gon' live long. Now b****. Say somethin else."

Ignore me, I'm mad about something else :lachen:

Girrrrl you crazy! :lachen::lachen:
You can have MBL Hair and there will always be some b**ch who wants you to cut it.

'Fantasia Short' at that? She crazy!

There's folks on this board with WL hair who went to their stylist and told them it didnt look healthy and they need to cut it off a la Fantasia.

Typical ignorant stylist...thank God you found LHCF or you'd be shopping around for a wig to cover up her damage.
Oh No, with that type of attitude you didn't need her on your head anyway. Then she go put you on front street by telling the people in the shop about your hair. YOU did the right thing of walking out. She probally she do cuts and quickweaves. Why she didn't offer to give you a good treatment, to help pamper what she considered damamge. That hairdresser was to eager to cut your hair.
I agree with some of the other ladies, she just wanted to cut and style some hair. It would not have mattered what length your hair is 'cause she specializes in short hair.

When she mentioned the cut to grow theory, I would have told her, "my bad I thought hair grows directly from the scalp, I'm glad you informed me otherwise." :rolleyes:

But really don't waste your thoughts on her, you got this and you know you are on the road to long & healthy hair. :yep:
That was really rude of her and is probably the reason why she was standing outside smoking instead of inside doing somebody's hair......too rude to draw in customers.
...just wanna kick her down a flight of stairs...Some stylists just have the foulest, ugliest personalities ever! Yuck. You're in a service industry...Ah well, you definitely have the advantage!
I got cornrow braids last weekend the stylist who did my hair was like if you come back to me for your relaxer Im letting you know now, Im going to cut at least 1inch off your ends. She also said the same old thing "keeping your ends trimmed makes your hair grow, trust me I got growing hands" What does that mean anyway. I didnt even go there with her I just sat there thinking lady, just braid my hair so I can bounce, you wont see me for a relaxer. lol. So girl dont worry about these hairdressers.
Stupid idiot hairdresser. She saw you and saw $$ signs. She probably doesn't have any clients what with her stank attitude. Good for you leaving without puttin' a hurting on her.
I got cornrow braids last weekend the stylist who did my hair was like if you come back to me for your relaxer Im letting you know now, Im going to cut at least 1inch off your ends. She also said the same old thing "keeping your ends trimmed makes your hair grow, trust me I got growing hands" What does that mean anyway. I didnt even go there with her I just sat there thinking lady, just braid my hair so I can bounce, you wont see me for a relaxer. lol. So girl dont worry about these hairdressers.

How someone gonna TELL you what they gonna do to your hair. Not ASK...:nono:

You ASK someone if they want a trim/cut. Don't take it upon yourself. Do folks realize how much an inch is? That's progress. Takes some folks 3-6 months to retain an inch.

Why does a relaxer require a cut/trim anyway. What is in the chemicals that makes a stylist believe that it must be cut?
Many stylists are of their own accord. A trim might have been necessary, but she wanted club money for the weekend so she wanted to cut and experiment on you.

You should have gone back in and tossed the card on the floor for her to see... or kept and posted her info on here so nobody would go there!
Stupid idiot hairdresser. She saw you and saw $$ signs. She probably doesn't have any clients what with her stank attitude. Good for you leaving without puttin' a hurting on her.

You're right especially since I pulled up in a tractor-trailer rig.:ohwell:
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How someone gonna TELL you what they gonna do to your hair. Not ASK...:nono:

You ASK someone if they want a trim/cut. Don't take it upon yourself. Do folks realize how much an inch is? That's progress. Takes some folks 3-6 months to retain an inch.

Why does a relaxer require a cut/trim anyway. What is in the chemicals that makes a stylist believe that it must be cut?

:wallbash:I don't know but I'm sure they inhale too many chemicals that's why they subscribe to that philosophy.:nono:

Many stylists are of their own accord. A trim might have been necessary, but she wanted club money for the weekend so she wanted to cut and experiment on you.

You should have gone back in and tossed the card on the floor for her to see... or kept and posted her info on here so nobody would go there!

:lachen::lachen::lachen:@ the text in red. You're probably right about that.
The moment she said quickweave... that should have been your que! Beauticians are into styling and the shape of your hair determines how they will be able to style your hair! If she specializes in short hair, of course she is going to want to cut your hair. But, it's your hair. You need to find a beautician that specializes in GROWING hair. You might run into a beautician that specializes in growing hair that may still want to cut your hair to give you a fresh start. They don't have the patience like we do to baby our hair back to health. Good luck with your journey and only cut your hair when you want to!!!!

BTW... I went to the Egyptians a few months back @ about 10 weeks post. I'm prego so my NG is super thick these days, plus I don't relax bone straight. Number one, they kept trying to say I was natural and number two the guy was persistant about CUTTING my hair. I told him that he could trim it and he said that he needed to cut it. Then told me that my hair would not "look right" if didn't get it cut. So, I told him no to both the trim and the cut. If he had said that my hair was damaged... maybe. But to CUT my hair so that he could feather it and I didn't even want it feathered.... NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!! I'm so glad I didn't allow him to put those scissors to my hair because it would have been a MAJOR setback for my growth journey!!!