She man-handled my hair!-Vent


New Member
i always read stories about members on the forum that go and get their hair done at the salon, and leave in tears or angry. so today, i go to this hair salon that is near campus for a scheduled appointment at 10am....
first of all she doesn't get to me until 1230
then she is complaining that my hair is too thick and doesn't want to take the time to relax it. she first combs my hair from root to tip then applies the relaxer and is rushing all through like it's already smooth. then she half washes it with like only two repeats. next she tells me she needs to cut my hair all one length for neatness and i refuse and she is like it looks better when it is blunt (which i agree) but this hussie is not going to cut my hair. she says that i will go bald and my hair will start to break off if i don't get it cut today. my hair is one inch from brastrap and she is telling me that it is unhealthy because i told her the last time i had a trim was two months ago- and everyone in the salon-stylists and clients have hair that is not much longer than a fade.

the stylist gets mad bc i don't want a trim so she starts combing it all hard with a thin comb, and it chopping down my hair without trying to get the tangles out gently and i see wet hair being yanked out everywhere.

she puts me under the dryer and ten minutes later, i just get up and walk out bc i am afraid what other damage she would have done next. now i feel kind of bad for not paying for the relaxer at least, but she was messing up all my good progress. i had to save my hair.
Last edited: NOT feel bad. She should be glad that all you did was walk out cuz if that were me I might've had to get ghetto up that place! LOL

NOBODY is going to manhandle and rip through my head after all the hard work I've put into it! She didn't deserve a dime. If I were you I'd never go back to her again.

Good for you for walking out and not letting her do any more harm. Good luck on finding someone next time who has a clue about customer service and actual hair CARE. Just curious-what made you choose this particular salon and/or stylist?

Also, what did you do to your hair after you got home? How much did she quote you for the service?
Wow, sounds like a horrible experience. I'd be fuming. This chick seemed like a real ******.

And you just walked right out without paying :lol:....GOOD!
Good for you! I'm glad you walked out too. She was probably going to chop your hair to shoulder length. :eek:
Girl I'm glad you walked out, that child than lost her mind. To be down right under cover nasty with you by rushing through your relaxer and combing your hair all crazy she deserved NOT to be paid. A :up: up to you for walking out. I hope you re-neutralized and DC when you got home.
Don't feel bad. You did the right thing. If she wanted her money she should have gave treatment worth paying for.
you did the right thing good for you, how is your hair doing did it get damage with the pulling and stuff? post a pic
Honey!! This type of stuff just burn me up!! I am glad that you had the courage to- get the hell on!! You probally would have been bald!!

GOOD 4 U!!!!!!!!!!!

You did the right thing! She will know better next time!

Make sure you post this woman in the Salon Review Section
Galleta said:
r. she says that i will go bald and my hair will start to break off if i don't get it cut today.
I need to know how exactly someone can get bald by not trimming. *smh*

I am so glad you did that. Please tell us where this place is so none of us will fall victim again to this vicious stylist.
ditto. I would definitely try to neutralize. wow.... some people's younguns. :ohwell:

I would sooooo not feel bad for walking out. And kudos to you for not letting her ravage all of your hard work!
Galleta said:
i always read stories about members on the forum that go and get their hair done at the salon, and leave in tears or angry. so today, i go to this hair salon that is near campus for a scheduled appointment at 10am....
first of all she doesn't get to me until 1230
then she is complaining that my hair is too thick and doesn't want to take the time to relax it. she first combs my hair from root to tip then applies the relaxer and is rushing all through like it's already smooth. then she half washes it with like only two repeats. next she tells me she needs to cut my hair all one length for neatness and i refuse and she is like it looks better when it is blunt (which i agree) but this hussie is not going to cut my hair. she says that i will go bald and my hair will start to break off if i don't get it cut today. my hair is one inch from brastrap and she is telling me that it is unhealthy because i told her the last time i had a trim was two months ago- and everyone in the salon-stylists and clients have hair that is not much longer than a fade.

the stylist gets mad bc i don't want a trim so she starts combing it all hard with a thin comb, and it chopping down my hair without trying to get the tangles out gently and i see wet hair being yanked out everywhere.

she puts me under the dryer and ten minutes later, i just get up and walk out bc i am afraid what other damage she would have done next. now i feel kind of bad for not paying for the relaxer at least, but she was messing up all my good progress. i had to save my hair.

You did the right thing ! Just get up and go ! I am sick and tired of these stylists saying junk like that ! I am sooo sorry that this happened to you and you had to go through this. Even the dominican salon that I used to enjoy going to I had to stop going to them because the new lady that washes and sets the hair is not gentle enough to me and I need a ton and a half of conditioner in my hair before it can be gently rollerset. Only way I can get that is if I do it myself.
I'm glad you walked out without paying. Nothing is worse than paying for bad service. I'm sorry this happened to you.
Thank the Lord, the Little Hair Bird of Good Sense finally lit upon your shoulders when it did! I'd 'shonuff' get out the neutralizer right now and shampoo away! Good going for moving on out! did the right thing. I wish that I would have done the same thing when I had a bad experience similar to yours. I feel that with all of the hard work we put into our hair, we should never let anyone mistreat it.
Warning #1. "...she first combs my hair from root to tip then applies the relaxer and is rushing all through like it's already smooth.
Warning #2. "... she half washes it with like only two repeats.
Warning #3. "...she tells me SHE NEEDS to cut my hair all one length for neatness [
Warning #4. "...the stylist gets mad
Warning #5. "... she starts combing it all hard!... with a thin comb! chopping down my hair!
Warning #6. "...I SEE wet hair being yanked out everywhere! "
....and ten minutes later, i just get up and walk out bc i am afraid what other damage she would have done next
...NOW I FEEL KIND OF BAD...(?) and for not paying for the relaxer at least, but she was messing up all my good progress... I HAD TO SAVE MY HAIR!"...Were you feeling under attack?
I am curious, what tipped you off? and What took you so long? Really curious? She would have had me at "combing from root to tip". If she didn't know this first basic rule, fuggit about it!
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First, she had you waiting for 2 1/2 hours. Then, she tears through your hair. Then, has the nerve to get mad??!!???:confused::mad::confused::mad::mad::mad:

I am extremely tender-headed and couldn't have imagined her raking a comb through my hair like that.

I'm so happy you got out of there!!! Now, go neutralize and deep condition your hair IMMEDIATELY!!! :kiss:
Good for you! I'm sooo glad you stopped her dead in her tracks because she did not deserve a dime. :clapping: We all need to take control of hair in these type situations.
OMG!!!! :eek: Thank goodness you walked out when you did!!! Who knows what else she would've done to your hair. Mercy!!!! :perplexed
Omgoodness Gelleta your post upset me :mad: It gave me a flashback of an experience I had once. I've learned that if a hairstylist looks to come into work with a bad mood and is talking and swearing as soon as she gets inside the door, refuse her to work in your head. You know... the ones who are talking and complaining about something to another stylist and just takes you and says c'mon with a pissy look still on her face... uh uh run the other direction girl, because that means that you are in for hell treatment!

I'm sorry that you had such a terrible experience :(
We should start our own kitchen salons in the various cities in which we reside to support each other's hair.

These salon stories are so crazy and damaging.:mad:
OMG! I had a similar experience and left a salon early because of bad hair care. Thought I averted most of the damage but had chunks of hair fall out behind my ears only! Found out later that ***** used the chemical processing wash bowl instead of regular washbowl and she probably put some type of chemical process in that area. By the time I realized what happened the damage was done!

Anyway I decided from that moment not to go back to a stylist except for trims (until I learn to do them myself). Good news is my hair has never been this healthy ever! I did my own relaxer 2 weeks ago and my hair is doing great so far (inspite of a little under processed area in the middle ),

I would recommend using this experiece as a spring board into independence. I have had my hair jacked up one to many times and I refuse to pay somebody to disrespect my hair anymore.

Sorry you had this experience but in my opinion until you do your own hair and free your self from stylists as a NECESSITY instead of a treat this will remain an issue that could happen in the future unless you are really diligent.

Hope you haven't had too much damage.
Glad you walked out. I am not relaxed, but if she only did two half washes, maybe you follow up like some else suggested with a proper neutralizing wash and DEEP condition.

And you can bet your hair was NOT going to be trimmed but CUT :eek: if you had sat there.....

Congrats on walking out! Next time, walk out when they make you wait longer than 30 mins, esp. with an appointment.

The braid shop I go to will call you and tell you wheteher they are behind so you will not show up for an appointment and sit around waiting. They also give clients food and water :). I bet noone offered you a cup of water....
Wow sorry to hear about your trouble. My question is where do these stylists come from. What the hell do they teach in these cosmotology schools? If the hair ain't how you like it chop it all off. Must be a class called "Chop it all off 101" and "lie to your clients 102." Just another good reason to avoid stylists. I'm glad you got the hell up on outa there.
Power to you, my LCHF sista!! Thank you for walking out after taking that stylist's abuse. She didn't deserve one red sent after treating your hair so roughly!!