She man-handled my hair!-Vent

Galleta said:
i always read stories about members on the forum that go and get their hair done at the salon, and leave in tears or angry. so today, i go to this hair salon that is near campus for a scheduled appointment at 10am....
first of all she doesn't get to me until 1230
then she is complaining that my hair is too thick and doesn't want to take the time to relax it. she first combs my hair from root to tip then applies the relaxer and is rushing all through like it's already smooth. then she half washes it with like only two repeats. next she tells me she needs to cut my hair all one length for neatness and i refuse and she is like it looks better when it is blunt (which i agree) but this hussie is not going to cut my hair. she says that i will go bald and my hair will start to break off if i don't get it cut today. my hair is one inch from brastrap and she is telling me that it is unhealthy because i told her the last time i had a trim was two months ago- and everyone in the salon-stylists and clients have hair that is not much longer than a fade.

the stylist gets mad bc i don't want a trim so she starts combing it all hard with a thin comb, and it chopping down my hair without trying to get the tangles out gently and i see wet hair being yanked out everywhere.

she puts me under the dryer and ten minutes later, i just get up and walk out bc i am afraid what other damage she would have done next. now i feel kind of bad for not paying for the relaxer at least, but she was messing up all my good progress. i had to save my hair.

That right there is when you should have left IMO. A lot of these hair horror stories can be stopped if and when you speak up. Stylists are going to do what they want only if YOU let them. Let them jack up someone else's hair, but not yours. You've taken too long and invested time and money nurturing it to the stage it's at now. Then after that who is truly to blame? If that were me and she proceeded to the fine tooth comb and I saw it in her hand, it wouldn't have even touched my head.

I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but in the 5 years of being on here I've read lots of hair horror stories and they could have all been avoided pretty much, I don't understand that if someone doesn't treat your hair the way you would why continue to let them mistreat it knowing you aren't happy with their service. Isn't it better to leave the salon under a cap with your hair not done than half of it on the floor or down the drain messing up years of hard work?