She gave me a reply and now I still can't find the hair. Can anyone help?


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

Not sure if you remember the thread that I did on her hair:



( Here is the link to the old thread: )

Anyways, I sent her a message and she responded. She is so sweet and down to earth. She responded and the first message she sent was:
Hi [my name deleted], Thanks 4the interest w/ my is called brazilian curl.human hair that u buy kind of straight n then u wet it.use s curl spray

I still couldn't figure the hair out so I sent a message asking her for a bit more details and if the hair we were referring to was the same one in the pic (she wears a bunch of different weaves, lol). And she said:

Its the same hair from it in SC but also from other looks wavy n da pack; Human;Remi; Brazilian curl; 14in. u in sc?

I have googled this hair and I still can't find it. I thought it was a half-wig but all the results are turning up tracks. Can anyone help me locate this thing? I don't want to keep aggravating her even though she is so sweet. lol. I'm transitioning and this would really help me out because right now my hair is looking kinda sketchy. :grin:
That looks like Bohyme Brazilian Wave ( I am natural and wear that hair when I want a break. It blends very well with my hair. Sometimes I will buy a closure if I don't want my hair out on top. This hair is very similar to the AAMH Kinky Curl (, which I have in right now. I'll be taking this hair out and putting the Brazilian Wave in on Sunday.

Good luck.
Thanks guys. I still don't see any with the same name that she referred to. But all of the weaves you guys suggested seem to be tracks instead of half-wigs. Are there any half-wigs that I can buy or do I have to get tracks and then have them sewn-in?