Sharing your day


New Member
Good morning ladies,

Hi I am sunshineyellow aka Cheryl and I hail from Washington State and I would like to share with you how I start my day each day and end my night or even just share the afternoon each day. A little sample of lifes simple pleasures.

Good night ladies

Posted by Cheryl P WA on October 23, 2008 at 01:34:16:
Good night ladies,
Just felt the need to write tonight, feeling beautiful and so very feminine and the day was just gorgeous and my heart says write about it. It could have not been a more perfect October fall day with such blue skies and lots of sunshine and thought I stayed inside most of the day at work thru the windows it was just so pretty. I couldn’t wait to go home just to enjoy some of it and it held it own, I couldn’t help but notice the fall colors and the coolness of the air not cold just a tad bit cool. In the car the sun felt so warm on my face and the brightness was just awesome made me smile a lot and give thanks. The music playing was just perfect for that ride home to vitalize the spirit so soothing and relaxing but yet just a little bit upbeat to draw your attention from the not so much traffic and place your mind on the beauty that surrounded you. The ride thru the forest was just breathtakingly beautiful with shimmers of the sunlight hitting just right among the trees and the blending of non evergreens colors against the evergreens just enough to make you want to cry. Still there were pockets of heaven this late in the day just blanketing the forest floor as if they never lifted at all today. This is the day the Lord has made and He made in so perfect and I for one enjoyed His perfect day so a BIG THANK YOU I GIVE with a smile on my face. A lovely surprise; a compliment today in the grocery store from a lady who has allergies for the scent of my perfume, a beautiful scent of orange blossoms and scent of the Nabeul desert in Tunisia so different and so very feminine. It’s that time for bed and my last cup of tea to end this beautiful day. See the beauty and wonder in each day ladies think on those things that are lovely and true…an October sky, the warmth of sunshine on your face, a golden red maple against the green of a pine.
Sweet dreams ladies.
Love Cheryl

Be still and know that I am God.

Good morning Ladies

Posted by Cheryl P.WA on October 22, 2008 at 12:05:32:
Good morning ladies,
It’s a beautiful day today and I am just so grateful to be a part of it, stepping outside in the early morning to breathe in the freshness of life to see my breath and feel it deep inside. Ladies just take a moment and breathe deeply it takes our cares away for the moment and the breath is all we have so yummy the first thing in the morning God’s spirit warm and golden like honey for the soul. Reading Ecclesiastes 1-2, a cup of tea this morning to soothe and delight, a breath of God so cool and soft and a little bit of heaven so low and so exquisite a beautiful way to start a day to let me know I am a beautiful and bright spirit…Thank you Father in Jesus name for all you do. Reading Ecclesiastes on the meaning of life with out God everything is meaningless, we place our possessions, work or status of power before God only to realize we are so empty. We discover that when we embrace God’s wisdom only then can we see things differently (the same things only now they have meaning) but we also realize that it’s not the things because if we have not we still have his wisdom and with that we still have our joy. No matter where I wake up in the morning I still have breath, sunrises, peace of heaven around me and His wisdom that fills my heart for I know with out Him everything is meaningless.
Ladies I hope your day started as wonderful as mine has for it did you are so blessed and full of God’s love that he has for you. Have a wonderful and remember to make someone smile.
Love Cheryl

And the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returnsto God who gave it. Ecclesiastes 12:7

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Good morning ladies,

Thought it has been a while since I last wrote I still everyday give thanks to our heavenly Father in Jesus name for this day and all the grace that will come with it. Everyday something has to break in order for grace to fill our lives, each and everyday we go thru something to reach that state of grace that cycle of life’s learning lesson. When we fight what life brings to us instead of going with the flow no matter the good or bad we miss out on the grace that comes with it. It’s our nature that God has given to us for its how we grow and when we fight against it we are stuck in the same spot until we realize how the cycle works for us. As we watch the seasons change every year some of us are stuck fighting against it, wishing the rain would go away or dreading the snow, it’s so hot or to cold. Nature is perfect it does what it does and it’s beautiful to watch one of life’s most beautiful lessons, it doesn’t complain or cry or talk bad about others it just goes with the flow of life and each year life comes back more abundantly than before and always has Gods grace upon it. It’s the abundance of my life, to look out that picture window of life and be still and watch God work, to wake up and breathe in the breath of life and go with its flow. To see what this world really has to offer something that does not get boring after 6 months and having the need for something new always lurking in the background we need God’s Grace. At this moment I am filled the abundance of life’s simple pleasures, a vase of sunflowers at my desk, the beauty of two giant Lebanon cedars out the window against the blue sky, a jade plant in with red tips sitting in a basket. A saying by Henry David Thoreau graces a calendar on the wall “Nature will bear the closet inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf and take an insect view of it plain”. As always Philippians 4:8 graces my heart… Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Have a wonderful day ladies and remember to make someone smile.

Love Cheryl

God’s spirit warm and golden like honey for the “Soul”.
This is one of my favorited post from last year a beautiful morning in my life, what made it even more special was the birth of baby and the first thing the mother saw was this beautiful sunrise right after her baby was born and though I didn't know them a friend asked if she could give this to them for remembrace of that day so early in the morning.

Good morning Ladies

Posted by Cheryl P.WA on October 09, 2007 at 12:06:11:
Good Morning ladies,
Good morning Father and Lord Jesus, thank you for this wonderful day and all you do. It’s so nice just to wake up and be ready to get up and start the day with you. What I saw beautiful this morning…the sunrise so magnificent to watch as the color changes from almost more gold than orange to more red orange than gold a show of Gods true beauty the light. I sat there with my cup of tea in Paris for a few moments to the sound of soundscapes that was just right for what was taking place the awaking of the day. I watch the red horizon line move higher and the clouds moving as if on a walking sidewalk like in an airport. Nothing could have been more beautiful to see I thought, but when the sepia light came thru a bit later I stood outside and inhaled it into my very essence as if inhaling God himself, I have seldom seen that look so early in the morning but it was a Godsend and I feel totally blessed to have been a part of something so personal with God. If no one else saw this you missed one of Gods true gifts the dawn bidding the night farewell if only for awhile.
My Lucy in the sky came by last night and brought me some homemade soup and also our dear friend Joyce, I popped in some Jalapeno and sun dried tomato cornbread for her also, if not for dinner last night then for dinner tonight. I also had a nice visit with my oldest son and it’s nice to see him smile and the glow of life within him finding meaning in his own life for a change. Living Life is so very precious and if starts today for you then you have accomplished the grandeur of God. As I watched last night my New Morning show…finding meaning, doing something you truly want to do and sometimes it not what you think or what others think it should be. God has a plan for us and he shows it to us, to share a golden moment of watching a beautiful rain or the glow that comes after it, what could have more meaning than when it touches your soul if only just for a moment.
Ladies have a wonderful day and remember to make someone smile.
Love Cheryl
"Nothing in all creation is so like God as stillness"
Good morning Ladies

Posted by Cheryl P.WA on November 12, 2008 at 12:13:00:
Good morning ladies,
Thank you Father for this day! It’s such a beautiful fall day even with the rain, like being in heaven the misting gray so ethereal and serene. The sound of the rain waking me up thru the night like music to my soul as I lay there and listen to God’s tears come down a beautiful celestial moment in the night. We all have celestial moments but sometimes we are to busy to see real real life and we so miss out on God’s grace. Sometimes we see in nature or just watching a movie, we listen to the words, songs and we go beyond and let it penetrate our hearts with new meaning. I hear words and saying and feel the presence of God deep within, the tears come forth, not tears of sorrow but tears of joy of the understanding of his grace to be content in all things and yes ladies even the rain. I read Ecclesiastes 7-8 life is brief and human pleasure is fleeting, those of us who experience those celestial moments have experienced God’s grace and we know it’s where our true joy comes from and we no it can’t not be taken away for it is a gift from God. The rain is steadily coming down out side the window and the Lebanon cedars are quietly soaking up life and smiling. I am forever grateful for God’s grace and beauty this is true prosperity in my eyes for true prosperity has little to do with finances or possessions of things that rust and fade away. He delights in my heart a true joy of just being content this day this moment enjoying the rain falling on the cedars and a wonderful cup of hot chocolate to soothe the soul.
Have a wonderful day ladies and remember to make someone smile
Love Cheryl
Rain is grace; rain is the sky condescending to the Earth; without rain there would be no life. John Updike.

Good morning Ladies
Posted by Cheryl P.WA on November 13, 2008 at 12:19:35:
Good morning ladies,
Pretty in pinkJ
Giving you thanks and praise this morning Father in Jesus name for all you do, waking me up, putting my feet on the floor and the breath that runs thru me. The stillness in the morning of the dawn of the day a time to pray, read the bible and dwell on your word, reflect and journal my gratitude for all you do. Today is a beautiful day the rain has subsided some and the skies are blue with reflections of clouds in the horizon as I drove to work up the hill always glancing back to see the beauty of the tiny town called home down in its little valley among the trees and the mountains. The low line clouds gray and pink from the rising sun and though the mountain was not visible you knew it there among the clouds. The beauty of the full moon just took my breath away I could do nothing but give thanks to you heavenly Father for something so beautiful to start the day. It laid among the filtering clouds that were turning from the gray to pink from the rising sun…I so appreciate all of God’s beauty from the smallest to the largest, the forest beyond with the last reminisces of spring and summer lingering among the evergreens. The pine needles covering the road making it brown and the leaves gently swirling in the softness of the wind coming thru the trees a beautiful place to be if only for a moment…just passing thru. Living a Godly life, living a beautiful life is where God wants us to be, he gives us lovely things to surround ourselves with not the material things of worldly life but the natural things of life, but some see only the material things and life becomes boring because the material life is not enough to sustain our true joy which is Jesus in our lives and with him in our lives we become whole and our lives become balance. When we pray we should pray for changes within so we will be different in our relationship with whatever it is we need, pray for peace of mind so no matter what the outcome we are at peace with it. It’s a wonderful day beautiful ladies so go out and enjoy it and remember to make some one smile and give the glory to God, I know I am with a cup of ginger tea in my hand.
Love Cheryl
To create a tapestry you have to start with one tiny little thread, just think of the human tapestry we create when we reach out to that one person who becomes another and another and another.

Good morning Ladies
Posted by Cheryl P.WA on November 14, 2008 at 12:55:14:
Good morning ladies,
Pretty in the color purple J
Another beautiful day full of life and wonders, a peak outside before the sun rises and catch a glimpse of the moon going down a beautiful rainbow ring surrounding it. It’s so bright among the grayness of the clouds that the sky looks like layers of marble; I stand on the front porch giving thanks to our heavenly Father for He loves to delight us in his beautiful nature it a gift to us I so cherish. The air so fresh and cool so early in the morning I breathe in and fill my spirit with His breath what a lovely gesture of my love for him. Life my dear ladies is so precious and it passes by so fast, we become so overworked and caught up in being busy that life’s picture window rolls by with not so much as a glimpse. Take time to enjoy life’s simple pleasures of the heart take your shoes off and feel the grass underneath your feet, make snow angels in the snow, listen in wonder to the silence while standing in the snow for it has no sound it’s such an exquisite experience and hearing God’s voice in pure silence is so very lovely. Ladies a picnic in the backyard, a walk on a nature path, a girl’s night out, a road trip with friends to the giant redwoods and basked in God’s presence. Often I hear others say my life has come to a standstill I don’t know what to do anymore I am so bored, then just do life real life, I don’t want the Lord to asked me if I enjoyed my time here for he will already know that I have. He will know that I took the time to basked in his beauty and appreciate it…to have shared the beauty with others to cherish his gifts of life. He will know of the time given to others to help bring them peace and contentment, he will know of giving something from nothing, he will know that boredom was never an option in my life,he will know how thru knowing Jesus and understanding what he wants for us pierced my very being how it taught me to live life, knowledge of human understanding, a balance life and how to truly enjoy life. How he taught me not to be selfish and greedy and let the wants take over my beautiful life but how to love and give how God gives.
A morning filled with beautiful simple pleasures; music, the morning sky a blushing sunrise, a cup of tea and breath.
Have a wonderful day ladies and remember to make someone smile.
Love Cheryl

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

Ladies share your day this morning.

Good morning Ladies

Posted by Cheryl P.WA on November 17, 2008 at 12:40:04:
Good morning ladies,
How do I start but with big Thank You to our heavenly Father…THANK YOU for this day for it is the day you have made and I rejoice in it. You started by waking me up with the breath of life that surrounds us, a new dawn approaching thru the lovely layers of heaven that would soon give way to the first hint of light. I lay there and give thanks and praise, read from Ezra right where I need to be reading the bible in a year (almost done with the promise). You are so awesome and I so appreciate all you do, I thank thee from the bottom of thy heart for the gift of sight to see things as they are meant to be seen, to enjoy the life that surrounds me. The peace and joy that comes with it are overwhelmingly touching and today no different, a beautiful red and orange sunrise bidding the night farewell entwined among the lingering layers of heaven that blanket the forest floor and that rise above in some spots thru the trees the gray and red so very exquisite. I stand out and breathe in the your very essence of life in the dawn of this day nothing could be so lovely than waking up to the start of a day so lovely as this. Sometimes I think you only do if for me but, I hope everyone else sees as I see it and not just as a fleeting glance and then it’s gone from memory. I love my picture window to real life to nature so beautiful that it brings you to your knees and you cry tears of pure joy. While the trees hide the horizon true beauty still waits for me as I leave home a simple journey of going to work everyday, driving out of town and seeing magnificent beauty before and behind me. The sun peaking out over the tree line still orange/red, the beauty of Mount Rainier like a guardian angel over the little town at its right and the ribbons of heaven linger just right thru the town and low line hills finding little pockets to billow in. A picture window so exquisite of a place called home along with the sounds of a song called home, the softness of a flute caressing the tings of the a harp and the strings of the cello and violin harmonizing all at the same time…this is life more abundantly to my eyes and thru them the tears come. How do I write the words of what my heart and soul sees easy You!!! With out Jesus I could see nothing I could share nothing but with Him in my life I see all life and a beautiful life it is. We all have different gifts in this world that are meant to be used and shared with others to help bring peace and joy in to their life a little piece of each of us has something to give to one another and this is mine. The real abundance of life is not in material things but in God’s true beauty and our ability to know the difference. This world is changing and my friends let the waters take you away to where true abundance lies in his peace.
Have a wonderful day ladies and remember to make someone smile.
The true beauty of a woman is not in make up or hairstyles but a woman who is has God’s true peace.
Good morning Ladies

Posted by Cheryl P.WA on November 19, 2008 at 13:01:46:

Good morning ladies,

Giving you thanks and praise this lovely morning, waking me up and surrounding me with all the lovely things to think on and start my day. Your love and presence, reading Psalms 134-136, beautiful prayer, hot shower with honey for soul, picture window teeming with life, when I think on these things that are lovely and true how can I not be filled with joy to start this day, how can I let the ups and downs of life take my joy if I just know all things will pass good or bad and my joy will still be here. A spray of honey and water, a breath of fresh air in the chill of the morning, the grayness of dawn, the whisper of the trees, an old ladder under the apple tree in the mist of all the fallen apples, leaves of the magnolia scattered here and there in their last attempt at holding on to summer. I empty the watering cans full of rain water before they will start to freeze maybe in days to come and I hold on to the beauty that surrounds me and takes my breath away just for a moment. I look sit and out the window at work and feel the warmth of Jesus’ love in my heart for he can take the gloom out of the day and his light comes thru making me smile and see past the what others see as a bad day…I only see things that are true and lovely. A cup of hot chocolate not only taste good but soothes my spirit as I sit back into in and dwell on all things beautiful including you ladies…You are beautiful, my darling asTirzah, lovely as Jerusalem...Song of Song 6: 4.
Have a wonderful day ladies and remember to make someone smile.
Love Cheryl
I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys… Song of Songs 2:1
Good night and Good morning ladies

Posted by Cheryl P.WA on November 25, 2008 at 11:13:10:
Good night ladies,

Thank you! My heart is filled with gratitude and praise for this day Father for it has truly been a wonderful day and such a beautiful day no complaints here, I am grateful for the breath of life how lovely t’is to be alive. A day of beauty and grace, an early morning sunrise so serene and exquisite, I could not help but take my cup of tea out on the deck and breathe in the coolness of your presence as I watched the night bid farewell as the dawn rose the sky a rainbow of colors rising in the east and the beautiful quarter moon slowly going down in the mist of all that color a magnificent picturesque setting. I love these wonderful fall days I look forward to the brilliant sunrises, the crispness of the air, and roof top smoke from wood burning stoves that warm the home and the spirit. How could I forget the frost on the forest floor and the ribbons of heaven that drift like a flowing stream across the landscape and speak a beauty beyond words. As I think on these things that are lovely and pure and the peace of God is with me and my heart cries tears of joy. The day has ended a cup of tea and a wood fire to keep warm by soothes the spirit, the music plays so very softly and the night is so peaceful and the essence of honey lemon is in the air a lovely fragrance that reminds me of days long gone of those lazy days and lemonade.

Sweet dreams dear ladies and in your dreams make someone smile.
The morning is here and I sit in wonder of this new day and give thanks and praise and my love I love you more today than yesterday. Have a wonderful day ladies and remember to make someone smile.

Love Cheryl

To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven. Johannes A. Gaertner
Good evening ladies

Posted by Cheryl P WA on November 29, 2008 at 22:54:10:
Good evening ladies,
Thank you Father for this day, I rejoice and be glad in it, I give you thanks and praise for waking me up and putting feet on the floor for the breath of life that flows thru my body. To wake and start the day with you oh heavenly Father, what a wonderful way to start the day on your word…reading 1John 4-5, Beloved, if God loved us so, we also ought to love one another 1 John 4:11, I read the chapters several times and shall read them again before I sleep this night. These past few days have been just wonderful a beautiful mini retreat so peaceful and quiet, time to be still and know, time to praise and give thanks, time to take naps and wake up, time to sit by the fire and reflect, a time to seek my inner self, a time to just breathe. I love being at home to watch the rain or snow even the sunshine, the sunrises so beautiful in the morning not hesitating to break thru the grayness of the clouds. I sit here listening to the music the warm sounds of sounds capes of harps, violins, flutes and piano it’s so relaxing and so peaceful, the fire fills the house with warmth and with the candles give it a lovely glow of perfect ambiance. The water is on for a perfect cup of tea Organic Earl Grey with Lavender and a tad bit raw honeycomb honey the sweetness of the earth to sip as I sit back on the magic loveseat and watch the fire and feel the peace of God at home. Two more days of this softness like heaven above…Thank you Father for this time for I surely enjoy it and enjoy your presence and your love that surrounds me for there is always time for love and time to be loved.
Have a wonderful evening ladies, I hope you are all feeling the love and giving thanks wherever you maybe.
Love Cheryl
For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and loveable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue an excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise think on and weigh and take account of these things. Philippians 4:8
Good morning Ladies

Posted by Cheryl P WA on December 01, 2008 at 12:08:15:
Good morning ladies,
Giving you a big THANK YOU for this beautiful day, it is just one of those days that is just simply lovely as I look out he window as I am writing this I see the lightness of blue against the green of nature the contrast is just breathtakingly beautiful. The watering cans on the deck are so colorful and pretty to look at with the last of the millions belles still hanging on the colors of yellow and peach so subtle yet so exquisite. Today is the last of my little self retreat before returning to work tomorrow, but today is special as will tomorrow be. Today I thankful for waking and giving thanks, for the breath of life and as I write this I cannot help but think about these words: To live…content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement; rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not, rich; to listen to the stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, await occasions, hurry never; in a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up thru the common—this is my symphony. William Henry Channing. Today I shall venture outside bring in some wood for my fire, rake up fallen leaves and apples breathe in the fresh air, walk up that little brick path to my little sanctuary among the trees and sit a minute or two and give thanks for this day. The sun has up and out and everything is bright and lovely, the green is so pretty against the blue of the sky with just a hint of clouds. Today ladies is a simply beautiful day take to time to show it some love and give thanks and make someone smile.
Love Cheryl
For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and loveable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue an excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise think on and weigh and take account of these things. Philippians 4:8

Good morning Ladies

Posted by Cheryl P.WA on December 04, 2008 at 12:23:37:

Good morning ladies,

Thank you! Father I am so thankful for you waking me up for a breath of air, for putting my feet on the floor, for my time with you, for a new attitude for this day for a new day it is. I thank you for this beautiful journey filled with gratitude, order, harmony, simplicity, beauty and joy our true abundance in life, with these things comes love and faith knowing we can do all things thru you. To wake up and see this new day so lovely and inviting, stepping out in the coolness taking a deep breath of life outside, the stars radiant against the purple sky of dawn how can we not see God’s creations as beautiful, how can we pass them by as if they didn’t exist, how can we not show gratitude, how can we not live like heaven is here on earth. Maybe it’s just the hopeless romantic in me seeing what beckons to be seen, the colors of the morning sun, the ribbons of heaven’s mist that linger on the forest floor and thru the trees or billow in the pockets of nature. I say yes to life and feel the cold, feel the sun, dance in snow and sing in the rain, watch the smoke from the chimneys on those cold last of autumn days, winter is waiting patiently for it’s turn for it hurries not it just does what it does with no complaints. For some this day will be to cold or too foggy, for me it will be perfect because like winter I hurry not for what life gives I accept see the beauty that surrounds you and how easy life becomes with surrender. What I see beautiful this day, the peace of God’s spirit in everything.

Have a wonderful day ladies and remember to make someone smile.

Love Cheryl

My spirit is bright and beautiful.
Good morning Ladies

Posted by Cheryl P.WA on December 05, 2008 at 12:14:11:
Good morning ladies,
I woke this morning to your beauty and grace oh heavenly Father, I give you Thanks and Praise for the glory truly belongs to you. This day is simply beautiful almost indescribable, some days are just too magnificent you just have to see them with your own new eyes. What I saw beautiful with these eyes like heaven on earth, sunrise spreading in the horizon against the silhouette of low hills and the mountain the clouds spanning from grayness to an essence of purple and pink a painting of God’s beauty that takes your breath away. The layers of heaven that filter thru the forest so ethereal and peaceful, I can’t help but let my eyes swell and open my heart to what I see and say Thank you for all you do for within you lies my peace. Thank you Father in Jesus name for these new eyes of mine and all I have seen, last night a glorious sunset in the horizon, the half moon so presence in the sky above it, the mountain top so clear and white with snow rising above the trees a picturesque beauty to take me home where warmth and love awaits. This day reminds me of that day a few years ago coming home from my sisters wedding in California “ The long ride home”.

Posted by Cheryl P May 24th 2006
As I drove through the Trinity Forest Mountains nothing could have been more beautiful, coming across Lake Shasta the clouds so low like heaven meeting earth. Unlike, I have always seen the lake so clear and blue it was shimmering silver, but still just a beautiful with the mist rising from it as if to greet the heavens slowly coming towards it to join as one. As I drove the clouds were slowly working thru the forest and at some parts following the ski slopes, I imagine that if Angels could ski this is where they would be. Ladies the higher I drove I thought if God had a playground and wanted to play in the rain this would be it. It made my ride home even more beautiful just to be able to witness God’s little pleasures.
I stopped in a little town right before I was home at a little Christian Book store to look for another Journal; I found (Take time to count your blessing. Stop and consider God’s wonders) and thought how appropriate after coming thru one of his true wonders and how it made me feel so close to him. It was magical and mystical to see one of God’s wonders so beautiful in all its splendid glory.
I enjoy my trip home all the way, but I know that coming thru those mountains was meant for me to see.
I have come to the end of that Journal and it’s time to start a new one, I hope my journey with this one will be just as beautiful as the one I am finishing up.

Sending you a wonderful new day Ladies, remember to make someone smile.

Love Cheryl

God is in the details, and the beauty of the whole is accomplished by close attention to each part.
Good night ladies

Posted by Cheryl P WA on December 07, 2008 at 03:29:45:
Good night ladies,
Giving thanks for a wonderful day from start to finish, waking up early in the morning getting out of bed walking down the hallway to Paris and lying on the bed I watch the sun come up. To watch the brilliance of first light, the sky blue, the trees tall and majestic with just enough opening to allowed that wonderful sunrise to be seen. I lay there at the end of the bed in such serenity looking up, the sky so blue, a cloud here or there the forest pristine and so serene out the window, I see a jet high in the sky across the blue leaving it’s stream that almost seem to catch up with it and watch till out of sight. The still rising sun just golden light and one long narrow cloud a bright red just so amazing to see it I watched till the color faded and sun came up. My eyes see the smoke coming from my neighbor’s rooftop gently drifting here and there and I just watched and smiled and thought how something so simple could bring so much pleasure. I read 1 John 5 for this day “faith in the son God” a short chapter that speaks so much. A day of fall cleaning, a drawer here and there, a little bit washing and clearing closets, bags of things to give away, some wood for the fire and wreath over the door. No snow as of yet and maybe we won’t get any but then again maybe we will the snowflakes so beautiful when they fall and the silence so serene, the tracks of a cat walking thru leaving its little foot prints behind and the glow that comes from under the street lights at night that give a brightness that is just breathtakingly beautiful to gaze at. A view from Paris left me at peace so early in a.m. and the sound of rain bids me goodnight.
Till tomorrow ladies have a wonderful night and sweet dreams.
Love Cheryl
Remember every day is a gift from God.


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Good morning Ladies

Posted by Cheryl P.WA on December 08, 2008 at 12:21:30:
Good morning ladies,
Thank you Father for this day I so cherish another day of just being, to give thanks and praise to you, to give love, to receive love, to be accepting and totally grateful for this day. I am saying yes to this my life and whatever it brings, I can’t dwell on tomorrow for tomorrow is not here, I can’t dwell on the past for it’s already been so today right now I say yes to life. I know many are getting ready for the Christmas season, shopping and doing tons of things, but this year I want my focus to be on the bearing gifts of comfort, joy, and gifts from the heart, to be content and connected to the people in my life. In stead of rushing around malls trying the beat everyone at getting this or that my gifts will be a piece of my heart to theirs, my own little treasures that speak of love and true giving a piece of self and giving up something that brings others joy. We can learn to celebrate everyday like Christmas just by giving a little of ourselves to others, not worrying about what or how much we get in return but just knowing that when we do give it comes from our heart that moment is all that really counts. When that phone call comes or that visit just we just need to be grateful that it’s here now and what matters most is that moment. Thru the word we become love, become accepting, become joyful, and become grateful, become giving all the things Gods wants for us just to be. For most it’s about doing and when we can’t do anymore then we become useless in others eyes and even our own, but being will always be there and life prevails. How can we Do still and know that I am God, we can only Be Still and know that I am God. I say yes to live this day and cherish the beauty before my eyes and show my gratitude by saying Thank you Father for all that you are and all that you be.
Have a wonderful day ladies and remember to make some one smile it can change a life.
Love Cheryl
Sing glory hallelujah! His love is marching on! We see it in the sunrise; we feel it in the dawn. God’s spirit is warm and golden like honey for the soul. Ellery
Good morning Ladies
Posted by Cheryl P.WA on December 15, 2008 at 12:25:05:
Good morning ladies,
Thank you Father for this wonderful morning waking up and putting my feet on the floor, I so appreciate all you do. I read Esther 1-5 and just about done with reading the bible everyday for a year, next we start 40 days of love and I am so excited. The day is just beautiful full of sunshine brightness outside my window at work brings a smile to my face, the two cedars of Lebanon so beautiful and I can see there branches moving in the wind. The snow is in the air, though not a lot but just enough the first of season, the roads though icy for some still I am here and gave Him a big old thank you for watching over me and all the others who made it safety to where ever they were going. Winter is just about here and doing what it does preparing for spring so I have no complaints for I know this shall pass as it always has. I have already had a cup of hot chocolate and my little space heater is working well keeping me cozy, the sun gets higher and higher and brighter and brighter and my gratitude only gets better and better. As I left this morning for work a glance back on the little town as I go up the hill and see the snow covered rooftops and the clarity of the sunrise behind me, the mountain so picture perfect clear and the low hills topped with feathery snow and the not so fullness but very bright of the moon on it’s way down in the west how could I not have joy in my heart. A perfect picture of nature doing what it does what it has always done and who am I to want it to stop doing what it does best just being. Tonight I look forward to a cozy fire and a good book to read, a cup of hot tea that soothes the soul a view out the window that shows nature at it’s finest.
Have a wonderful day ladies and remember make someone smile.
Love Cheryl
A journey of love and peace I am on and I so appreciate it.
Good morning Ladies

Posted by Cheryl P.WA on December 17, 2008 at 13:22:13:

Good morning ladies, in pretty in pink

Thank you! A big THANK YOU… Father for this day, it’s a beautiful snow day I woke to the quiet of the snow I look out the window and smiled, picked up my bible and read from Song of Songs and a little bit of “Sarah” for this day December 17th, a little prayer for safety on the roads. It’s beautiful out everything so crystal clean, I head downstairs and open my french doors and breathe in the freshness of the icy air WOW talk about clean and crisp. The roads are icy and slippery and I am here at work and safe, prayer worked and also for a lot of other people. When I would feel myself starting to lose it I would just take in a breath and slowly let it out and know that this too shall pass and all the on coming anxiety would disappear and I would be fine. I am sitting here at work and my Lebanon cedars are softly being covered by the falling snow, branches slowly rocking back and forth, oh the snow has stopped, but it will be back, I can hear the snow shovel clearing the walkway below. It’s snowing again and it’s simply beautiful…what can I say it is, nature doing what it does best being itself.

Have a wonderful day ladies and remember to make someone smile and if it’s snowing wherever you are just know that it shall pass.

Love Cheryl

There is a calmness to a life lived in Gratitude, a quiet joy: Ralph H. Blum
Good evening ladies and happy New Year,

Thank you Father for this day and the these past few weeks, a wonderful time with family and friends of giving and receiving, accepting of others, letting go of my needs and letting others needs take over. The month of December a hurried one and seem like time just flew by, I didn't get to do a lot of things I thought I would do but I guess that's what happens when you give you give up your needs for others needs. The days are short and the weather sometimes hard and cold and here it is a new year, no new years resolutions, no promises of changing this or that just taking each day as it comes and living life to the fullest. A pot of tea brews, a warm fire to keep warm by, soft music fills my ears a day reminiscing the past few weeks, a son coming to visit and driving over 60 miles on a freeway of ice to pick him up, decorating the tree, packing up china and decorations to decorate a friends house for a ladies night with church friends for a spaghetti dinner and tea afterwards. Not to mention the last minute Shopping with crowds of people and full parking lots with lots of snow and ice, a grandson coming to stay a while and a daughter and best friend with her two daughters. On Tuesday my daughter found the cutest little tea place in downtown Olympia, a quaint European setting inside and old historical building surrounded by boutiques and Art displays and you eat under a glass roof display that lets the outside in. We enjoyed a wonderful tea lunch of bread with dipping Soup with bread and dipping (Olive oil/balsamic vinegar) ~ Petite servings of hot paninis of ham, turkey, cheeses ~ cucumber sandwiches, open egg/chives, tuna/pickles sandwiches, assorted biscuits (cookies) scones with clotted cream, lemon curd/jam a pot of tea blend or choices of other tea varieties and the owner so wonderful came and sat with us and took pictures and chatted. Later we walked downtown, visited a scrap booking shop and another tea shop and other little shops. A nice little farewell outing before everyone leaves to go back home now it’s back to this day, with a warm fire and a hot cup of tea and left over turkey salad sandwiches.

Have a wonderful night ladies and sweet dreams.

Love Cheryl

A new day, a new year and his love endures forever.
Good night ladies

Posted by Cheryl P WA on January 03, 2009 at 23:55:50:
Good evening ladies,
Thank you heavenly Father for this day and all its magnificent beauty, the snow is back so pristine and parts untouched so white and just lovely to gaze at. I sit here in the warmth of home, a wood fire burns and a tea kettle sits on top filled with water so to keep moisture in the air, music plays softly on the TV, the fragrance of a homemade spray permeates the air reminding me of my favorite scripture. Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things. I so appreciate the loveliness that surrounds me and fills me with not only nature beauty but the beauty of home a place of simplicity of and peace. The snow came on New Years day night falling ever so lightly some never knew until Friday morning, I knew I saw it come down, I watched it from the windows falling under the street lights and in the morning under a blue sky and the chill of winter I woke to a winter wonderland. A landscape of frosted leafless tree branches entwined against the snow tipped evergreens pines, the sun coming up in the horizon shining so bright creating a picturesque setting that only God himself could create, the sunlight rising above the shadows shining on the snow creating brightness beyond brightness. It’s time for a cup of tea before bed, a moment sit and curl up and just be still and savor the flavor of fresh brewed tea.
Have wonderful night ladies and wishing you all sweetest of dreams this night.
Love Cheryl
Friends are kisses blown to us by angels…Unknown Author
[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Good morning Ladies
Posted by Cheryl P.WA on January 05, 2009 at 12:01:41:
Good morning ladies,
Thank you Father for this day of gratitude, simplicity, order, harmony, beauty and joy, when we have these things in our life only then can our lives become balance the way we are meant to live. I read from Genesis 1-3 where you Father were getting your house in order when this earth was created, I know we are meant to live our lives in balance and nature shows it to us everyday. When we have gratitude (just being thankful) simplicity arrives (freedom and clarity) and from simplicity come order (a state of peace and serenity) which gives way to harmony (agreement in feeling) and out pops beauty (pleasing the senses) and from beauty we have joy (delight in all things). When I wake up I am all of the above, in the rain I see joy, in the cold I see joy, when the sun shines I see joy because I know this is your house and it is in perfect order and it is a gift to be cherished. I give thanks, read the word, shower, make the bed, eat do what ever needs to be done to bring balance into my life to start the day. Instead of listening to the world we need to listen to our own hearts follow our own authentic selves, find out who we are use the gifts we have been granted create that balance life we so desire and to share with others. We can create our own home by turning that house into the home we have always wanted without ever leaving it just by following those simple steps. The world is catching up with itself and pondering where to go next and finding out its’ not about keeping up with the Joneses or the have’s and have nots, but about having gratitude, simplicity, order, harmony, beauty and joy in their lives looking at what’s always been there right in front of them. Thank you Father for all you do.
Have a wonderful day ladies and remember to make someone smile.
Love Cheryl
Seek not outside yourself, heaven is within. Mary Lou C
Good morning Ladies

Posted by Cheryl P.WA on January 06, 2009 at 12:14:06:
Good morning ladies,
Giving a big "THANK YOU" Father in Jesus name for this day and I so glad to be a part of it. The rain is here and it’s simply beautiful to see it the way it’s supposed to be seen for with out it there would be no life, yesterday when I read from Genesis 2:4 -5 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. When the Lord God made the earth and the heavens—and no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth. Rain makes you want to cozy up next to a warm fire, light candles and feel the ambiance of peace and stillness, enjoy a veggie omelet for dinner, to sip a cup of tea and curl up your feet, allow the music flow thru your soul, it also makes you want to share it with others, a girlfriend or someone in need of a shoulder to help lift them up. This is what rain did for me last night helped me to help another just bring a little bit of peace in her world. When I think of rain I think of the well water I drink how good it is and how I don’t have to go and buy water and when folks asked for water and I give to them out the tap and they keep coming back for more. I think of how water shares with its neighbors who don’t get as much with rivers and streams that know where to flow. We should be thankful for rain for with it comes life it’s and when we try to stop it from doing what it does by building where we shouldn’t or stopping others from enjoying what God has given to everyone and every thing we complain about it. Rain I am feeling the love…Thank you.
Have a wonderful day ladies and remember make someone smile and feel the rain.
Love Cheryl
Walk through the different rooms where you eat, sleep, and live. Bless the walls, the roof, the windows and the foundation. Give thanks for your home exactly as it exists today; sift and sort, simplify, and bring order to the home you have. Realize that the home of your dream dwells within. Sarah Ban Breathnach…The simple abundance journal of gratitude.
Good night ladies

Posted by Cheryl P WA on January 06, 2009 at 23:41:33:
Good night ladies,
Thank you! Father thank you for this beauty winter day, the rain almost misting thru out the day creating darkness only a Father could love. As I drove home I couldn’t help but think I am going home and go right to bed but deep in side I knew I would not, so I went home and had a picnic. A lovely little picnic in my living room on the floor by the fire it was so cozy and warm. I came home and started a fire, took a hot shower and sprayed a bit of Neroli on, slipped on a nice summer robe (pink) and yellow flip flops. I pulled out my picnic basket packed it with goodies…marinated artichokes hearts, Gallo salami, organic white cheddar cheese, black and green olives, crackers, wavy lays, celery, devil eggs and put out a bottle of wine just for the ambiance even though I had my lemonade from a tiny mason jar. I put down my blanket, books and pillows on the floor and set up my little pic a nic dinner. I sprayed a little amber in the air while the rain outside didn’t miss a beat and I ate to the warmth of the fire and the lovely sound of music and even the ants came: "If you give up when its Winter, you will miss the promise of your Spring, the beauty of your Summer, and the fulfillment of your Fall"… I just simply love this it’s so perfect and so true. I see winter as a new beginning to start the year not to give up on life and wait for another day, hibernation for me never, a picnic at home, a grandson playing in the snow, slipping in the driveway and laughing at myself on the ground or drudging thru the backyard to get wood winter is here and life still goes on. A cup of tea and the reading of a few pages before I go to bed and give thanks and sleep to this wonderful winter’s night.
Love Cheryl
The waves echo behind me. Patience-Faith-Openness, is what the sea has to teach. Simplicity-Solitude-intermittency…But there are other beaches to explore. There are more shells to find. This is only a beginning. Anne Morrow Lindbergh: The Gift from the Sea.
Good morning Ladies

Posted by Cheryl P.WA on January 09, 2009 at 12:29:43:
Good morning ladies,
Thank you! I thank you oh heavenly Father for this day, for breath and life, putting my feet on the floor, for opening my eyes to your all your beauty. Waking up to another day of life how wonderful, I am here and will enjoy the beauty that will cross my path this day which will be more beautiful than yesterday. A beautiful sunrise that can bring you to tears, with a horizon of color sweeping the landscape below almost following the shape of the mountain that stands so majestic as if guarding its little namesake town keeping that watchful eye that only a mother could have. By appreciating beauty we can see the world the way it is meant to be seen we see in the positive and not the negative. There is so much hidden beauty in our everyday life, a bee drawing nectar from a flower, an open window and listening to the sound of rain. A table set for dinner with little desert forks above the plates or the laughter of a child running thru the grass. Last night a lovely setting with lovely women, a prayer being read with heads bowed, the moon shining so brightly in the night sky as we leave to go home. A surprise gift of lovely sunflowers and bees on flour sack towels a bar of honey bee soap that delighted the sense in me to make me all giddy inside and appreciate my love for honey and all the simple pleasures of life all the more. How can we not stop and smell the flowers or listen to the music or hold our hands up and give thanks to our heavenly Father for the gifts of sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing, Helen Keller felt it with out sight or hearing the beauty that is meant to bring pleasure to all our lives.
Have a wonderful day ladies and remember reach out and touch someone if only to make them smile.
Love Cheryl
The moments we call life are the moments when we see. Peter Megargee Brown.

Good afternoon Ladies

Posted by Cheryl P.WA on January 13, 2009 at 18:51:03:
Good afternoon ladies,
I am so very thankful for another day, another day of life and all the simple pleasures it brings with it. As I read from Sarah Ban Breathnach about awaking the heart looking at my life’s assets and seeing why seeking financial serenity instead of financial security and seeking serenity instead of security. To realize that we have a lot be grateful for that we take for granted because we always looking to having more right now. I look at my life and see a wonderful husband who treats me like a queen, 3 beautiful children who are the apples of their mother’s eye, a home that offers my special touches that give serenity and solitude and hospitality to all that walk thru the door. I give thanks for waking up and putting my feet on the floor, for the roses that are still blooming for my anniversary, the firewood chopped up by my husband to keep me warm at night, the garbage men (you never know how much you are thankful for them until the weather gets bad and they don’t pick it up for a month). I have food on the table, clothes to wear, a car to drive and gas in it, yes I have a lot to be grateful for, but mostly I am grateful for God opening my eyes to see thru my eyes. I see the wildflowers, the brightness of the moon, the colors of sunrise and the birds in flight, I feel the wind on my face and can taste the falling snow, I can smell the fresh morning dew and first hint of rain, I can hear the sounds of the forest come alive thru the whispers of trees or a baby’s first cry of life. I give thanks for being able to enjoy the life’s simple pleasures for when I do I have all the riches I need. Thank you Father in Jesus name for all you do.
Have wonderful afternoon ladies and remember to give thanks in all things and don’t forget to make someone smile.
Love Cheryl
There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy. Ralph H. Blum
Good morning ladies

Posted by Cheryl P.WA on January 16, 2009 at 12:54:57:

Good morning ladies,

Giving thanks this morning Father the blessing of this day, breath, waking up, eyes to see (glasses), able to read the word and dwell in it. I read from Isaiah 4-7. Isaiah 5:8-10 really hit me this morning 5:8-10 Woe to you who add house to house
and join field to field
till no space is left
and you live alone in the land.
9 The LORD Almighty has declared in my hearing:
"Surely the great houses will become desolate,
the fine mansions left without occupants.
10 A ten-acre [a] vineyard will produce only a bath of wine,
a homer [c] of seed only an ephah [d] of grain."
With these versus I cannot help but think about “today” as I see all the foreclosures, No trespassing signs, the homeless, the tearing down of forests daily to keep building for no one is satisfied and need for more and bigger keeps consuming us. I remember when we bought our home 16 years ago and never wanting a fence up around it, I wanted to share the beauty with others and to this day there is no fence. I wanted them to see what I see God’s backyard not mine for it never truly belongs to us and when we know that we can open it up to others. Hospitality to me means opening up door and not keeping them closed, making all feel welcomed in a place that God has blessed me with a place that says to all who come thru the door My house is your house come and stay awhile, when we extend hospitality we make faith visible for we are doing Gods work. I wonder when it will all stop when nothing is left for us to take. I give thanks for being content with what I do have and sharing it with others and enjoying the natural resources that surround it and also sharing it with others. This morning a landscape covered in Heavenly fog where the forest seem like shadows and as I glanced back at the town only seeing dots of lights that graced the neighborhoods. I love finding beauty in all things for God is always in the details and I love giving thanks for it.
Have a beautiful day ladies whether it’s raining, sunny, foggy or snowy for only we can make it not beautiful by not looking for the beauty that’s always there.

Love Cheryl
Be still and know that I am God.
Good morning Ladies

Posted by Cheryl P.WA on January 19, 2009 at 12:04:18:

Good morning ladies,

Wow what a beautiful day it is, thank you Lord for this beautiful blessing of a day. I can think of anything better than waking up to God given beautiful day and saying thank you before you even know what the day will be like but just knowing that He made it and whatever it may bring we will be content with it. I hear people complaining about the cold or the snow, rain, I read things people write about hating the cold or snow and I just smile and give thanks that I do not feel like that. I see each day as a blessing from God and just let it bring joy to my heart for, the joy is what gets me thru and it’s so easy to do by just being content with whatever life brings to you instead of trying to change what is. This day started with Genesis 8-11…Noah and the great flood, a bit of gratitude journal writing, a cup of tea in the fresh morning air to watch the sun come up by the brightness of the beautiful almost quarter moon that was picture perfect cradle between the trees, a cow mooing in the distant of the forest letting me know that she appreciated the beauty of it also. If I wanted to I couldn’t be mad at God’s beauty, I breathe deep the coolness of the air and raised my hands in gratitude and gave thanks to our heavenly Father for the beauty before my eyes. The landscape like a winter wonderland and as I drive out of town I glance at the horizon and the snow covered Mount Rainier so majestic against the rising sun coming above the tree line, the little town tucked away so peacefully with it’s frosted rooftops and yards and the layers of heaven drifting thru like protective covering. A beautiful drive to work and a perfect song call Home plays for this is home among the low prairie where it extends into the forest, the layers of heaven so exquisitely entwined bring both together a beauty beyond words but a word I would give would just be simplicity and Walt Whitman could have said it better…Simplicity is the expression of Glory. When we learn how to stop letting drama take over our lives, we can trust the flow of life and the Goodness of God Spirit, I for one love expecting the best in any situation and taking a leap of faith is so wonderful.

Have a wonderful day ladies and remember to make someone smile.

Love Cheryl

Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain. Henry David Thoreau
Good morning Ladies

Posted by Cheryl P.WA on January 20, 2009 at 16:09:44:

Good morning ladies,

Giving a huge THANK YOU FATHER THIS DAY, a beautiful day, a day of love, change, forgiveness that fills my heart with so much joy…Thank you. I woke up and gave Thanks for another day, I read from Joshua and put my feet on the floor peep out of the window gave thanks and smiled. The day could not have started more beautiful, crisped and clear I could see the stars and the beautiful crescent moon giving way to the rising sun. The drive to work was simply exquisite the mountain back drop against a horizon of red orange low clouds the beautiful crescent moon high in the sky above it brought me to tears and so much gratitude for love and of life how could something so simple have so much beauty and so many never see a miniscule of the abundance God provides, that makes me sad maybe that’s why The Lord put it in my spirit to write about it for others. How could I not share the beautiful visions that I see, the layers of heaven like God’s breath among the forest so full of peace and a quiet stillness that rises up from it. Last night
Sirius the Dog Star so bright in the southwestern sky the points so beautiful left me in awe of God’s beauty and grace that shines among us and brings to mind... Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8

Enjoy this beautiful day ladies and remember to make someone smile.

Love Cheryl

God’s peace…is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts at rest. Philippians 4:7
Good night ladies

Posted by Cheryl P WA on January 23, 2009 at 01:30:32:
Good night ladies,

The day has ended and night falls and a layer of heaven engulfs us and town lay’s under a blanket of God’s love and protection. A beautiful day it was, though cold and nippy I can so appreciate what it brought with it, knowing the sun still shines, and the trees still a beautiful silhouette thru the layers of heaven for it is seen from the heart that place that only see real beauty where the eyes cannot. Last night in my writing class we were asked what is your favorite quote and for me it is Helen Keller’s…The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they must be felt in the heart. Why I love this when you feel from the heart it takes you to that place, the place where a tear forms, a place where you become one with all. A place that only you know is real for you can only feel it within, a place that no one else can touch for they must feel it for themselves and to do this they must wake up not by seeing with the eyes or hearing but by seeing with the heart. How can I see beauty in what most think is so very ugly and always wishing it to go away for I feel with the heart and only with the heart can it been seen for what it truly is and would I go back to seeing things the way others see it, never for it’s to beautiful and to see beauty in all things is truly a gift from God. So for this beautiful day that some may think was to cold or too foggy, I only see what God has made and it’s simply beautiful to me.

Have a wonderful night ladies, sleep and dream of beautiful things that make you smile in the sleep.

Love Cheryl

I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all. Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Hey Sunshine Yellow,

What can I say, but, please, please, pretty please, keep on writing.

I feel I'm right there with you cause your writing style is so very descriptive.

The LORD JESUS CHRIST bless you for giving HIM the praise, glory and honor!
