How To Pray For Our Children - Revive Our Hearts


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies!

I have been listening to the How to Pray For Our Children series on Revive Our Hearts (www.reviveourhearts) and today's podcast (Day 3) really struck a cord with me. The women in on the episode testify about young adults and teens that have chose to take a different path and how they remained faithful in prayer for their deliverance. I have a young adult daughter so I have been there, done that and have the mixtape.

I just needed to share this because I know that someone needs this. As Terry, one of the mother's on this podcast said, "We have another son who is now seventeen, and he is doing really well, yet I see the enemy trying to steal him too. Right now I am learning to just surrender him because I have seen God’s faithfulness that no matter what his choice is, God is faithful. " God is faithful!!

I hope this meets someone's need...
Thank you so much for sharing this. It's needed even more in this day and time for all of our children...

GOD Bless You and your family.
I'd commented earlier from my phone, which was a challenge :lol:

But had to come back to share that coincidentally, a co-worker earlier this week had shared about a friend of hers whose mother prayed for him for years and years. He grew up in an evangelical household but didn't get saved until many, many years later. Today he's a minister and doing things for God and experiencing His work in the lives of people -things that used to scare him as a kid. So, I believe that God's timing is perfect. We may not always know someone's path but we know for sure God always has our best interest at heart; so to continue to pray His best over our loved ones and others is good. Only good comes from God.