Shanel Cooper: I Totally Disagree With Her Analysis In This Video..

She got alot of comments because of this video, she had to do a ustream real quick but I never checked it out.
She did calrify and say it is a two part video. She said her message is that while men may want to cheat naturally, it doesn't mean they are going to cheat, and there are things you can do in the relationship to do reduce that chance.

I love SCS but sometimes she can be dramatic. That is all apart of her business though. She says the same things other life coaches say but she puts her own twist to draw (esepcially black women) in.
Does she have a SO?
And has anyone read her stillettos in the kitchen book? Is it good?
I don't understand why people look to an unmarried woman for relationship/how to get a man advice in the first place. If she really knew what she was talking about then she would be in a long, happy marriage. That let him cheat advice is crazy. So what if he comes home? He'll be bringing some STDs with him.
What type of misogynistic crap is this? I'm not even mad. For me, its so far from the truth that its laughable. Why is a woman telling other women to tolerate cheating as long as he comes home? Whatever happened to respect and reciprocity? No, Ms.Cooper...the treatment that you're saying that we tolerate is exactly what has hundreds of women finding out they have an STD out of blue. It's what teaches young boys to disrespect women and is helping to propagate an entire generation of fatherless children. Keep that mess to yourself!
She did calrify and say it is a two part video. She said her message is that while men may want to cheat naturally, it doesn't mean they are going to cheat, and there are things you can do in the relationship to do reduce that chance.

I love SCS but sometimes she can be dramatic. That is all apart of her business though. She says the same things other life coaches say but she puts her own twist to draw (esepcially black women) in.
Does she have a SO?
And has anyone read her stillettos in the kitchen book? Is it good?

:rolleyes: I don't believe this for a second.
she is married

IF she is married why has she been evading the question for the past year? If she answers it's always a "maybe". That's not a married woman's answer. I could understand if she said "Yes, I am married but I don't want to speak of my husband on my youtube" but "maybe" is very deceiving.

At this point, she needs to show a marriage certificate... Which I know she won't. :look:
I clicked on another older vid and saw a ring on her ring finger. not that it matters, just out of curiosity.

she's pretty. no homo:lol:
I didn't watch the vid but just off the title? I agree with her, let him cheat-- while you are on your way to the divorce attorney's and the accountant's :grin:
I like some of her advice, but then again, I only watch it for entertainment value. I tend to make my own rules and set my own standards in relationships.
I didn't watch the vid but just off the title? I agree with her, let him cheat-- while you are on your way to the divorce attorney's and the accountant's :grin:

As far as her being married...I don't know but if you are a life coach and one of the things you focus on is relationships and marriage...I don't think there would be so much grey area as far as her relationship status.

The fact that some are thinking she's not married while others are vaguely remembering that she might have said she is....tells me she is NOT married. lol
Thank you!!! Who the heck is looking to her for marital advice???

It was not natural for humans to walk upright in the beginning but we all do it now, naturally.

Of course it is natural for men to be monogamous. If a man is raised in a household where monogamy is celebrated, he too will grow up to be monogamous and teach his children that monogamy is to be celebrated.

Did she really just compare a husband to a domesticated cat?!?!

I don't understand why people look to an unmarried woman for relationship/how to get a man advice in the first place. If she really knew what she was talking about then she would be in a long, happy marriage. That let him cheat advice is crazy. So what if he comes home? He'll be bringing some STDs with him.
That whole vid was a bunch of bull***t.

Whenever I hear women talk like that I always assume they have been cheated on so many times they have given up. So they rationalize why it's ok to put up with it.
Her being married is up for debate. No one has ever seen her husband, only the ring (which she doesn't always wear). She never answered the 'are you married' question directly, just picked up her left hand looked at the ring and smirked. Subscribers took that as the answer.

I agree with Chellero, no one wants a stray cat back. They come bearing 'gifts'.
Thank you!!! Who the heck is looking to her for marital advice???

It was not natural for humans to walk upright in the beginning but we all do it now, naturally.

Of course it is natural for men to be monogamous. If a man is raised in a household where monogamy is celebrated, he too will grow up to be monogamous and teach his children that monogamy is to be celebrated.

Did she really just compare a husband to a domesticated cat?!?!

Yes! lol

I also think she said something like "if you are 'feeding' your man right, don't worry cause he'll be back". :lachen:

Excuse me, but this is some bs ladies. I don't know if she's saying this for shock value or what but I hope not too many women put a lot of stock into this video.
Her being married is up for debate. No one has ever seen her husband, only the ring (which she doesn't always wear). She never answered the 'are you married' question directly, just picked up her left hand looked at the ring and smirked. Subscribers took that as the answer.

I agree with Chellero, no one wants a stray cat back. They come bearing 'gifts'.

Wow. Yea, that pretty much gives the answer, imo.

If she does not want to show her husband that's fine and I don't blame her BUT when a married person is giving advice on relationships they will almost ALWAYS refer to their own marriage and spouse more often than's human nature.

I have only watched a few of her videos, so I don't know if she does this or not, but it does seem strange that no one really knows for sure if she's married, yet is a relationship/marriage coach.
Wow. Yea, that pretty much gives the answer, imo.

If she does not want to show her husband that's fine and I don't blame her BUT when a married person is giving advice on relationships they will almost ALWAYS refer to their own marriage and spouse more often than's human nature.

I have only watched a few of her videos, so I don't know if she does this or not, but it does seem strange that no one really knows for sure if she's married, yet is a relationship/marriage coach.

I agree! She doesn't have to have her man on camera, and I agree with that part, but it's just natural to reference your own marriage, how long you've been married, etc.

She isn't married. Don't believe the hype. It's a shame so many black chicks willingly drink the koolaid in hopes of landing/keeping a man.
Is STDs/HIV/AIDs and loss of self worth and dignity really worth keeping a man? A mate should enhance your life not make it worse. Better off being single than putting up with all that crap.
I like Shanel but sometimes she says off the wall things and I'm like no thanks.

She broadcasting a video tomorrow called "MEN LOVE ME & HERE'S WHY", so apparently, she gets hers. :giggle:
I like Shanel but sometimes she says off the wall things and I'm like no thanks.

She broadcasting a video tomorrow called "MEN LOVE ME & HERE'S WHY", so apparently, she gets hers. :giggle:

And if she were a REAL married women she wouldn't even make such a video about why other men love her. :nono:
Wow. Yea, that pretty much gives the answer, imo.

If she does not want to show her husband that's fine and I don't blame her BUT when a married person is giving advice on relationships they will almost ALWAYS refer to their own marriage and spouse more often than's human nature.

I have only watched a few of her videos, so I don't know if she does this or not, but it does seem strange that no one really knows for sure if she's married, yet is a relationship/marriage coach.
I'm not defending her 100% but:
To Clarlify, Most people do not see her as a Marriage coach. She is a life coach.

If you go onto her site, most of her stuff is basically LOA repackaged for black women. She does have "Stilettos in the Kitchen" about being a domestic goddess..but that is just a part of her business.

I did her 21 Day gratitude challenge in Dec. It was one of the first classes she did for free. As I said, it was LOA repackaged in many ways and she puts her perosnality into it. The chat room in that class was the best part. My friend and I did the class together and the chat room got us through finals so funny! Just crazy people not listening to SCS or asking her the dumbest questions.

anyway..yeah I would not call her a relationship coach
And if she were a REAL married women she wouldn't even make such a video about why other men love her. :nono:

She would if she's a polyamorist. Is she an advocate of open marriages? If she is, then that would explain that particular video and the "let him cheat" video. If she isn't, she would seem disingenuous trying to give advice on traditional marriage and monogamous relationships.
Yea, she even said herself that's she's not a relationship coach. I think she just makes these controversial videos and titles to attract more viewers.