Shampoo expiring?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone had shampoo so long that when you pour it out in your hand it's kind a like jelly and just sits on top of your hair and won't lather? No matter how much rubbing, water, or more shampoo you add it just sits there.

I've had this happen twice with shampoo that I have had for about a year. The first time was Suave clarifying( I only use it once every few months). And then I had it happen with some Nexxus Therappe.

Am I doing something wrong?
Never happpened to me... did you check the exp. date? If shampoo looked like jelly in my hand I would not be putting it in my hair... unless it states that the shampoo doesn't lather. Maybe its where you store them? are they near something warm? like a heater or in sunlight by chance? heat and light can cause products to break down.