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Soul Ties Prayer

There is a spiritual tie created by any act of sexual contact, whether willing or unwilling. The two become one flesh, whether inside or outside of marriage (Gen. 2:24, 1Cor. 6:15-17) The practical spiritual effect of this is that any spiritual bondage of the person with whom you have had sex seeps into you, and makes your spiritual walk much more difficult. This DOES NOT affect your salvation, but it can make living a life free of sin and full of victory in Jesus much more difficult. It also means that any demonic oppression any of your former sexual partners may suffer from can transfer to you. Additionally, condoms do not stop demons!
Thankfully, a simple prayer is all that it takes to cut those ties forever. If you are a Born Again, regenerated believer in Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), YOU have the authority to do this simply by praying this prayer (or something similar) to Him and asking Him to deal with this:

"Abba Father, in Yah'shua's (Jesus') name, I humbly ask you to forgive me and cleanse me of the sin of fornication. I acknowledge it as sin and ask you to help me forsake in completely. I thank you for your forgiveness, in Yah'shua's name. Amen.

"Abba Father, I come before your throne of grace boldly, and covered in the shed blood of your Son. In Yah'shua's mighty name, I ask you to cut any and all ungodly soul ties between myself and anyone else [say NAME or NAMES if appropriate and remembered] created by sexual acts or any other relationship, known or unknown, remembered or forgotten. Please Abba Father, take the Sword of the Holy Spirit and separate my human spirit with the human spirits of anyone with whom I have ungodly sexual contact. In Yah'shua's name, I ask You to cleanse those ties by the blood of Yah'shua of any possible access through which Satan can trouble me or my family.

"By the authority of the name of the Lord Yah'shua the Messiah, I break the power of any and all covenants, contracts, dedications or commissions made over me [or my children, if any]. In the name of Yah'shua the Messian, my Master, I now command any and all demons which may have come into me by ungodly soul ties or any other sin to leave me at once, never to return. I bind you all together as one, and I weaken you with the Blood of Calvary. I command you to go where the Lord Yah'shua the Messiah tells you to go by the voice of His Holy Spirit.

"Abba Father, in Yah'shua's mighty name, I ask you to shut any doorways of demonic access opened into my life by ungodly soul ties or any other sort of sexual sin, and I ask you to seal those doorways forever with the Blood of the Lamb, shed on the cross of Calvary. I thank you for doing this, in Yah'shua's name, Amen.
This is also excellent to pray over our husbands. The truth, as wives, we have reign over this.

Although I am currently single, I still pray this over my future husband.

Even if you are currently a single lady and your future husband is not 'known' to you, that does not stop his existance. He's walking the face of this earth even now as we do. He's not coming out of the blue...:lol: He's already here.

Generally, our men are not going to do this for themselves (some may). However, their practical side doesn't see the relevance...yet as women, we do!

Even if our husbands were virgins and we were their first, at some point in theirs they have encountered sex of some manner. At puberty, our men began having dreams with nocturnal emissions (normal function), normal erections, masturbation, let alone the constant exposure to the media :ohwell:.

So pray for him, be he known to you or not, be you engaged or married for 50 plus yeare, still pray this above prayer for him, as well as other prayers to set him free. The Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you in when and what and how to pray, to get this man of yours through his day. It's crazy out there. So protect him in prayer over all the wiles of the enemy.

A man is 'drawn' to the woman who prays for him. It's a spiritual law being put into effect. You are reaping what you are sowing. As you sow the prayers and water them, God will give you the increase of your harvest...Your husband, set free.

Mitcy, thank you. I love that you posted this. Now, I've have a whole new prayer journal to begin for me and him...:lol: As so the rest of you pretty ladies...

thanks ladies for all your posts. i am trying to bring that man into my life because im guitly of having premartial sex. i downloaded bits and pieces of "no more sheets" and it put me back into prospective about why i dont have a husband. i hope that all who view this can get something out of it.

thanks again ladies
That's a great prayer....I so needed that. In my Sunday school class we talked about prayer and the need to be specific....especially about your requests for forgiveness of sin and those hidden sins. We so often lump everything together ("Lord forgive me for all my sins")...I believe it's good to itemize when you can and truly take stock of where you are and responsibility for what you've done.
I know this is old but I had to say thank you. This is what i needed right now. Hopefully bumping it will lead others who need it right now to find it, too. Thank you again.
jwhitley6 said:
That's a great prayer....I so needed that. In my Sunday school class we talked about prayer and the need to be specific....especially about your requests for forgiveness of sin and those hidden sins. We so often lump everything together ("Lord forgive me for all my sins")...I believe it's good to itemize when you can and truly take stock of where you are and responsibility for what you've done.

I was thinking about this the other day. I find that when I do this, I begin to dwell on the specific sin right in the middle of prayer and then I get thrown off with guilt. Not giving up though...
Soul Ties Prayer

There is a spiritual tie created by any act of sexual contact, whether willing or unwilling. The two become one flesh, whether inside or outside of marriage (Gen. 2:24, 1Cor. 6:15-17) The practical spiritual effect of this is that any spiritual bondage of the person with whom you have had sex seeps into you, and makes your spiritual walk much more difficult. This DOES NOT affect your salvation, but it can make living a life free of sin and full of victory in Jesus much more difficult. It also means that any demonic oppression any of your former sexual partners may suffer from can transfer to you. Additionally, condoms do not stop demons!
Thankfully, a simple prayer is all that it takes to cut those ties forever. If you are a Born Again, regenerated believer in Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), YOU have the authority to do this simply by praying this prayer (or something similar) to Him and asking Him to deal with this:

"Abba Father, in Yah'shua's (Jesus') name, I humbly ask you to forgive me and cleanse me of the sin of fornication. I acknowledge it as sin and ask you to help me forsake in completely. I thank you for your forgiveness, in Yah'shua's name. Amen.

"Abba Father, I come before your throne of grace boldly, and covered in the shed blood of your Son. In Yah'shua's mighty name, I ask you to cut any and all ungodly soul ties between myself and anyone else [say NAME or NAMES if appropriate and remembered] created by sexual acts or any other relationship, known or unknown, remembered or forgotten. Please Abba Father, take the Sword of the Holy Spirit and separate my human spirit with the human spirits of anyone with whom I have ungodly sexual contact. In Yah'shua's name, I ask You to cleanse those ties by the blood of Yah'shua of any possible access through which Satan can trouble me or my family.

"By the authority of the name of the Lord Yah'shua the Messiah, I break the power of any and all covenants, contracts, dedications or commissions made over me [or my children, if any]. In the name of Yah'shua the Messian, my Master, I now command any and all demons which may have come into me by ungodly soul ties or any other sin to leave me at once, never to return. I bind you all together as one, and I weaken you with the Blood of Calvary. I command you to go where the Lord Yah'shua the Messiah tells you to go by the voice of His Holy Spirit.

"Abba Father, in Yah'shua's mighty name, I ask you to shut any doorways of demonic access opened into my life by ungodly soul ties or any other sort of sexual sin, and I ask you to seal those doorways forever with the Blood of the Lamb, shed on the cross of Calvary. I thank you for doing this, in Yah'shua's name, Amen.

Just wanted to add, that they really are like, tied on to the person in the spiritual realm.

It is other strongholds people have too that are like ties in their life. If you have problems with other areas in your life, you need to pray to God for release of this too and sincerely have a desire to walk in a holy manner.

Please, do not play around with this because Jesus said that when one evil spirit leaves, he roams around looking for another home and then says, let me go back to the home I left. When the home is found clean and swept he brings back seven other spirits stronger than himself and the person is worse off than they began.
This is also excellent to pray over our husbands. The truth, as wives, we have reign over this.

Although I am currently single, I still pray this over my future husband.

Even if you are currently a single lady and your future husband is not 'known' to you, that does not stop his existance. He's walking the face of this earth even now as we do. He's not coming out of the blue...:lol: He's already here.

Generally, our men are not going to do this for themselves (some may). However, their practical side doesn't see the relevance...yet as women, we do!

Even if our husbands were virgins and we were their first, at some point in theirs they have encountered sex of some manner. At puberty, our men began having dreams with nocturnal emissions (normal function), normal erections, masturbation, let alone the constant exposure to the media :ohwell:.

So pray for him, be he known to you or not, be you engaged or married for 50 plus yeare, still pray this above prayer for him, as well as other prayers to set him free. The Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you in when and what and how to pray, to get this man of yours through his day. It's crazy out there. So protect him in prayer over all the wiles of the enemy.

A man is 'drawn' to the woman who prays for him. It's a spiritual law being put into effect. You are reaping what you are sowing. As you sow the prayers and water them, God will give you the increase of your harvest...Your husband, set free.

Mitcy, thank you. I love that you posted this. Now, I've have a whole new prayer journal to begin for me and him...:lol: As so the rest of you pretty ladies...


Hey, I already pray for my future husband. That God keeps him walking down the straight and narrow path and that God's will is being done in his life.:yep:
Thanks, I really needed this. I had been wondering how or what to do to break these types of soul ties. God bless you for posting this.
thanks ladies for all your posts. i am trying to bring that man into my life because im guitly of having premartial sex. i downloaded bits and pieces of "no more sheets" and it put me back into prospective about why i dont have a husband. i hope that all who view this can get something out of it.

thanks again ladies

Me too the bolded. Thanks for the prayers. I just printed it out.