Sexual Purity!!! Tried and Failed!

You are so right and I applaud you as well. Unfortunately I didn't really learn the importance of this until it was too late. I could have avoided a lot of heartache if I had... I hope that when I have daughters I can ingrain how important this is to them.
This blessed me thank you for posting

For the past year I have made a conscious decision not to "date" and it has truly been amazing as God has been restoring my heart and mind. One of the things that God has been healing me of is my anguish over the loss of my virginity and subsequent sexual relationships. I have been trying to figure out "why" I became sexually active because it seems on several fronts that with my value system, personality, and Christian beliefs that I should still be a virgin.

I looked at several factors...the lack of a father, my mother's mental illness which caused a lack of discipline and boundaries, but finally the truth came. The problem was that I BELIEVED A LIE. I believed that it was impossible to keep your virginity until marriage....yes it was the ideal but it just wasnt I lost my virginity in high school. Then after that, I believed that it was impossible not to give in to sexual temptation...whether it be going all the way or just was just inevitable no matter how hard you tried to stay away. Even when I did sucessfully abstain for periods of time, I belieived that it was only a matter of time before I messed up again. After all, look at David...a man after Gods own heart....even He fell to sexual sin. Many great men and women have fallen to I what made me think that I was any special exception. Regardless of my walk, the spiritual "example" that I set for my peers, etc. I felt this was the one area that I would never truly overcome..I thought it was impossible. I pondered these things...God revealed to me that the entire mindset that I had about sexuality was a lie being fed to me by Satan. It was the same deception he used to get Eve to eat the fruit...and has been using for centuries. I had been set up for the okey doke.

I now know and realize that sexual purity is possible. Satan is a liar. I had to first renew my mind to align with the Word of God. So for you ladies out there struggling with abstinence and sexual purity, I just want to encourage you that it is possible! And by purity, I mean purity, not hugging to tight, kissing, rubbing, touching, etc..nothing! I plan to kiss my husband for the first time at the altar....I have been stating this desire for years...but this is the first time I say it and KNOW it to be TRUE! I am blowing the lid off the LIE that Satan has used to bind women! There are women, like me, who are completely SOLD OUT to their walk with God but still feel bound my the oppression of sexual immorality! It doesnt have to be so...SEXUAL PURITY IS POSSIBLE!

In addition to coming into the knowledge of the truth.
Here are the tips that I have learned to maintain sexual purity, hopefully they will be a blessing to you. They have TRULY helped me.

1) Put your thoughts under subjection to the word and will of God! No dwellling on throwback memories, close your eyes on sex scenes in movies and TV, skip the romance novels, no participation in elicit conversations, no playing R Kelly, Maxwell or songs that make you think about sex, no blackwoman/blackmen in erotic poses posters, etc. Basically anything that puts you in that mindset...Stop exposing yourself to that! My favorite phrase is "That is NOT conducive to abstinence!" If those thoughts pop up...send them right back where they came from...the pit of Hell!!

2) If a man does not respect the fact that you do not want to participate in sexual immorality in any shape or form, then he should not have a place in your life! He has got to go! Do not compromise by doing "a little" something to compensate for the fact that you wont go "all the way." Eventually you will and even if you dont...its not just fornication thats a is sexual immorality so foreplay with someone that is not your husband is sin!

3) Public places, public places, public places! As JR says, "Lord help me to keep my mind because I am weak in the flesh and I am about to wile out." Temptation is keeping romantic exchange to public places keeps all that in check. Dont get caught alone with your sweetie in private...that is opening the door. Group outings are great defense for this too! Yes, Im grown, but my flesh is weak. So do what you gotta do to make sure you dont find yourself in a tempting situation.

4) Dont start nothing wont be nothing! Kinda related to number 2. Your body is not created to get aroused and then dont even get it started. Everything leads to something else. Kissing leads to passionate kissing...which leads to touching....which leads to other things that yall all know! So dont even start....draw the boundary at the start line.

(I plan for holding hands to be my limit when I start dating again. I am going to have to pray about cuddling...:perplexed that might be to much for

5) Value your temple!! Your body is sacred and precious. Any time a man puts his hand, mouth, or any other part on or in you outside of a marriage covenant, that is defiling what is precious and sacred! You are violating and perverting God's perfect plan for the joining of a man and woman. Your body is not yours to be allowing other people to belongs to your husband!

6) Believe in yourself! You can do it! You can be sexually pure, chaste, and holy before God. It doesnt matter what you may have done in the past, it is covered under the blood as soon as you repent and are forgiven! Dont let Satan torment you with past mistakes and downfalls! Its over and done with. Walk in the power and victory of God to truly live out His word!

Our culture has it all wrong...but even as society changes....God standards remain the same. Sexual purity is IMPORTANT and it is ATTAINABLE! Dont believe the LIE!!

Hopefully this will help someone as this truth has truly helped me and set me free.

God Bless
"No one before you my husband, no one before you...not even me."

^^^^This is deep. I am 23 yrs old and still a virgin. I pray that God keeps me till my wedding night. (Whooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....Lord Jesus if you help me then I know I can live the way you calling me to live)