Celibacy/Purity Rant...Kinda long

BlkManWithSomeSense said:
Oh lastly, on a double standard note, female virgins are adored for waiting, male virgins are often ridicled for waiting because he is challenged for not being a 'real man'.

Yes, but then again this is showing how much society impacts us Christians. Society tells boys that they aren't men if they aren't sleeping around...but what does God say? My whole point for this thread was that I was REALLY tired of the double standards about sex within the church. Not having premarital sex is for both men & women so why not equally teach it to both sexes? Personally, I don't hear many people telling boys (in the church) how important it is to wait for marriage, how their bodies are temples/priceless (which they are) like they do to young girls.

Maybe that is part of the problem? We should tell boys that having sex DOES NOT make you a man(animals can have sex) and you are not gay if you are not having sex (or are virgin). This way of thinking is nothing more than a trick of the ENEMY and a lie from the pit of hell and just another way for Satan to get people caught up in his web of destruction.
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