Sew-Ins are helping my hair grow (pics)


New Member
Today I am 12weeks post relaxer and took my sew-in out which I had for 8weeks I'm trying to see how long I can go before I relax But I wont get another sew-in until about a month after I relax. IT'S GROWING YALL!:yep:
When you get your sew ins does it limit how you can where your hair?
When I get my sew-ins I usually get remy straight hair 12' so yes it does limit how I can wear my hair but I love to wear it down when I have a sew-in so it dosent bother me
Congrats on your growth!..but for me my hair does not like sew-ins. Ive tried them in the past..I think my hair is to thin for the weight of the sew-in(hair)..ummm I dunno. I'll just have to stick to my ponytails for now. :)

I've been debating whether or not i should start the new year using sew ins to reach my hair goal. And you've convinced me!

congrats on the growth! are you going to reinstall or take a break?
I've been debating whether or not i should start the new year using sew ins to reach my hair goal. And you've convinced me!

congrats on the growth! are you going to reinstall or take a break?
I will reinstall about a month after I relax but I'm not feeling the urge to relax just yet, this is the very first time that I have strecthed for 12 weeks and I wanna see how long I can go unless I start having problems like breakage or shedding
Congrats - What's your sew in reggie?
When I get my sew-ins I oil my scalp with hawaiian silky 14 in 1 and MTG in rotation about three times a week I dont do the scalp washes but if I feel the need to wash I do plaits all over and wash and blow dry then flat iron with very good results