Sew- In Horror story!


Well-Known Member
It didn't happen to me but it happened to my aunt.

So she comes to my friend's house to let her finish the job that she paid some chick $70 bucks to do right. I didn't notice it until she said something but she had that "asian eye" thing going on. :lachen: I thought it was hilarious but as my friend started to finish filling in the gaps that the other chick missed, i could see the stress on her scalp. It looked like the girl had braided her scalp :perplexed.

Then she askd me to get some oil sheen to spray on her scalp to sooth it some. All i kept thinking was, This is not good. :nono:

So about 2 days passed and she calls me n tells me she had to go to the EMERGENCY ROOM because not only did the hair break her skin out :ohwell: but the girl braided her hair so tight that she had swollen lymph nodes behind her ear and everything! :shocked: if u don't know how that looks >

They had to give her something at the hospital to make the swelling go down and something to wash her hair with.

So she called the girl and started to tell her what happened. This b!tch goes on to say how it wasn't her fault that the hair broke her out and it wasn't her fault her lymph nodes got swollen, so they proceeded to:arguing:.

I told her i would have sued the sh$# outta that chick especially if she didn't want to give the money back. I don't care if it it only $70 bucks, as a professional, when my aunt complained about it, she shoulda told her come in so she could check it out. Ghetto a$$ hoodrat...

Needless to say my aunt put her on blast on facebook :lachen::lachen:.

Word to the wise ladies, KNOW who your going to before you go let somebody start braiding your hair like they tryna separate the your hair line from your skin..
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This would have been my reaction (a short story in pictures).....

First: :cry4:

Second: :naughty:

Third: :bat: :boxing: :hardslap:

Forth: :thud: <--the "stylist"

Fifth: :laugh: <-- Me

In all seriousness, that is a horrible story, but I'm glad you are getting the word out. I hope your aunt recovers soon. Poor thing.
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This would have been my reaction (a short story in pictures).....

First: :cry4:

Second: :naughty:

Third: :bat: :boxing: :hardslap:

Forth: :thud: <--the "stylist"

Fifth: :laugh: <-- Me

In all seriousness, that is a horrible story, but I'm glad you are getting the word out. I hope your aunt recovers soon. Poor thing.
LMAO @ the third part!
Wow. Thats horrible! I remember years ago when I was in college a lady said she had to go to the ER cause her braids were too tight, and I just could not imagine something like that happening.
OP, I'm sending out positive energy for you and your sorry that this happened!
That's horrendous and Im happy she got to the hospital in time. Why didnt she complain about the tightness as it was being braided?
That's horrendous and Im happy she got to the hospital in time. Why didnt she complain about the tightness as it was being braided?
If someone braids tight, that's just the way they braid. I asked her about that too but that's just how the girl braids... horrible