Severe Alopecia?? Maybe?? :( HELLPPP PLEEEASE

I think it was the strong chemical relaxers that made it so extreme.My mothers likes flat hair & tight pony tails(bad idea for me, because my hair is extremely thick). Whenever my roots would begin to get thick when I was younger she made me do a whole head relaxer(I was made to do my own relaxers since I was 13.....:wallbash:). I do know that it runs on both my mother and fathers side of my family. My mothers side of the family everyone except my aunt and uncle has sensitive edges. My mother and father remarried. My baby sister from my fathers side doesnt have sensitive edges, however my baby sister from my mother's side does. I've told my mother what I have learned on here.That it could be alopecia, or something in our blood, etc. She has since stopped pulling my little sisters hair, I dont think she realized how severe things can get until then. Its weird because it skipped her. My mother heavily relaxes her hair(I've warned her to ease off whole head relaxers)..She can relax her head every 3 weeks, and her edges are extremely thick. Even if my edges dont come back, I just would like answers to my millions of questions. And also to find out what is causing it in my family (internally) so that I can prevent it with my future children.

-When I decided to BC I did start using natural products. I use more natural products now than before, and I love the difference.

-I do scalp massages, but sometimes I'm tired and steam in the shower.

-Someone did mention bentonite clay. I used it on my hair and face, and DC'd with ayurvedic powders and I loved it! This def. will be a permanent part of my regime.

-I never did a body detox before, but I do drink plenty of water(Mommy taught me well :lachen:)

-I'm happy I see a slight difference. My hair has its moments where it grows fast, and sometimes not at all, as long as I'm seeing something IM HAPPY :grin:

-The only prescription I've ever had was birth control, and my edges were gone way before that.

Sorry for the long :yep:

First off I'm sorry you are suffering from this but, be of good cheer. I'm sure all this wonderful advice somthings going to work and turn your hair around. I beleive Chaosbutterfly gave some of the best advice. You should def. see a professional and at least get a good idea the cause. The only thing I would add is long scalp massages and going on natural on your products since it could be chemical. BT is a good start.
* Also I would try a good scalp and body detox like bentonite clay for your scalp and organic vegetibles for you body and plenty of purified water. Somtimes things we have been puting in our bodies or on our bodies for years cause build up that surfaces in different ways over time. (have you ever been sick and had to take prescribed meds. that could possibly cause this?) If the cause is chemical I think this would give you a good boost in curing the issue.
Remember be patient... it takes at least a few months to see changes and also don't worry about how it looks (or smells) to outsiders it's about getting the results your looking for and baby your hair..treat it like silk....
keep up us updated! I just hate to see people suffering from things like this and I know it's frustrating when you don't know the cause.
First off, I TOTALLY understand what you're going through. My hair testimony would take up this entire thread, but let's just say my hair loss (since I was 8 years old) got so bad that by the time I hit my 20s I was being advised to go check and make sure I didn't have cancer (thanks be to God, I do not).

My first taste of hair loss occurred when I got a perm when I was young. I have very fine hair, so no matter how "kiddie" or "mild" the perm was, I experienced hair loss, so I haven't had a perm in over 20 years now (which is a blessing, because I love my natural hair texture).

With that said, traction alopecia type / related issues I didn't have, my hair moreso just had serious bald spots and it never seemed to thicken or grow past shoulder length. I would run my hand through it and it was coming out right before my eyes in clumps. Stylists didn't want to touch my hair.

So in 2008 I went to a trichologist who cut off a couple of strands of my hair, and ran tests on it. The doctor I went to is in Manhattan. She's been on Oprah, if I'm not mistaken. Her specialty is hair and hair disorders.

She's at the New York Presbyterian Hospital: 16 East 60th st., 3rd floor, Suite 300.

Now, this is a white woman but she has a decent understanding of 4-type hair. She was the first person who put me onto "no manipulation." She told me, "No heat or blowdrying for a few months..."

At the time, I thought she was crazy for saying that, because my hair was hard to manage. But God confirmed what she said after I sat up crying to Him about my lifelong struggles with hair loss, and I wound up buying an awesome, realistic looking Cree Summer-like wig. And I life changed :yep: Two years later, I'm now an inch or two away from BSL.

Between that doctor, and me laying hands on my bald spots and commanding growth in Jesus name, I've seen a 200,000 percent turnaround!

Btw, you might find this NYT interesting:

Please be encouraged!
Hi Kinkylove! Awesome story. Could you please post the regimen you followed during the period when you wore the wig. And also, what did you do to your hair under the wig? I assume the wig had bangs too. TIA.

First off, I TOTALLY understand what you're going through. My hair testimony would take up this entire thread, but let's just say my hair loss (since I was 8 years old) got so bad that by the time I hit my 20s I was being advised to go check and make sure I didn't have cancer (thanks be to God, I do not).

My first taste of hair loss occurred when I got a perm when I was young. I have very fine hair, so no matter how "kiddie" or "mild" the perm was, I experienced hair loss, so I haven't had a perm in over 20 years now (which is a blessing, because I love my natural hair texture).

With that said, traction alopecia type / related issues I didn't have, my hair moreso just had serious bald spots and it never seemed to thicken or grow past shoulder length. I would run my hand through it and it was coming out right before my eyes in clumps. Stylists didn't want to touch my hair.

So in 2008 I went to a trichologist who cut off a couple of strands of my hair, and ran tests on it. The doctor I went to is in Manhattan. She's been on Oprah, if I'm not mistaken. Her specialty is hair and hair disorders.

She's at the New York Presbyterian Hospital: 16 East 60th st., 3rd floor, Suite 300.

Now, this is a white woman but she has a decent understanding of 4-type hair. She was the first person who put me onto "no manipulation." She told me, "No heat or blowdrying for a few months..."

At the time, I thought she was crazy for saying that, because my hair was hard to manage. But God confirmed what she said after I sat up crying to Him about my lifelong struggles with hair loss, and I wound up buying an awesome, realistic looking Cree Summer-like wig. And I life changed :yep: Two years later, I'm now an inch or two away from BSL.

Between that doctor, and me laying hands on my bald spots and commanding growth in Jesus name, I've seen a 200,000 percent turnaround!

Btw, you might find this NYT interesting:

Please be encouraged!
Hi OP feel free to PM me. 3 yrs ago I used the essential oil blend with much success.
I'm curious as to what the derm will say...i;ve found most of them to be completely ignorant about natural remedies to regrow hair...they usually prescribe Rogaine or some kind of corticosteroid shot...

There are MANY natural hair growth options. The key is consistency in whatever method you choose. Most recently I grew my edges back (after a huge post partum shed!)using Deity products. It took about 4 months for my edges to grow in thick & soft with almost daily use of their products.
If you have to do a hair transplant, it can work wonders. The techniques to the procedure are much improved because the grafts are very tiny now. Go to the Bosley website and educate yourself.
Hi Kinkylove! Awesome story. Could you please post the regimen you followed during the period when you wore the wig. And also, what did you do to your hair under the wig? I assume the wig had bangs too. TIA.

Hey Ajoke,

Thanks! I keep my hair in small / medium cornrows underneath it. But when I would get it braided, I have the braider leave a considerable amount of my front edges out, because the wig was actually a synthetic curly-style half-wig (with mesh lining). I do not wear a wig cap, because I like to feel some wind on my hair. I just keep the wig clean. I'm going to post pictures of the wig soon as I reach my next hair goal. Till this day, people don't know it's a wig! :lol: And I've been wearing it for two years!

Keeping my front edges out was perfect, because it kept my hairline from breaking off. At first I had a strict hair regiment:
Beemine Growth Serum
All kinds of expensive conditioners
You name it!

But then I realized God's grace was making my hair grow whether I used twenty products or not, lol. So I FINALLY embraced leaving it alone, and I would wash it whenever I remembered to, deep condition it whenever I was feeling exhibitionist lol, and try to keep some type of moisturizer spray or something on it everyday (because I tend to have dry hair and I don't like the idea of having to get my ends cut).

The comparison shot in my siggy is old, but I'm going to have it pressed out in December. I'll post the pic when I do.