Severe Alopecia?? Maybe?? :( HELLPPP PLEEEASE

I actually just bought some JBCO...but for my scalp...didnt think it would help my edges much maybe.. :perplexed

Wow your edges looked similar to mine after years (about 8) of wearing tight weaves or extensions constantly. I'm sorry nothing has worked for you yet. I REALLY feel for you since I was in the same place until this summer. August of last year was my last relaxer and I gave up weaves as well. March of this year I took out my braids (my edges CANNOT deal with braids at all!) Anyway I decided that I wasn't going to stop trying to remedy my problem until it was fixed! I used JBCO EVERY EVERY EVERYYYYYday and massaged CONSISTENTLY for atleast 4 minutes. My edges are restored 90-95%!

Besides the oil and massaging I don't have much other advice to give you. Just don't give up. You'll find something that will help you soon!
Its funny you mentioned Nioxin. I have been taking the pills for about a year now, and I did notice a difference when I stopped taking them for a month. I just bought the follicle booster from another LHCF member about a week ago. I didnt try with water first...I usually put it on b4 I get in the shower.

personally I would just go to the dermatologist before doing that cayenne pepper thing on ur head. Cayenne pepper may not be something u want to put on there since u said before when u used to relax u would get some burning or tingling on ur sides. I still think in the meantime u should use oils but stay away from antiseptic properties (ones that tingle) for now until u see a dermatologist.

I'm soooo sorry this is occurring. I'm having issues with my edges too but i must admit I do NOT use my brush at all, EVER on my edges. Basically, i should throw it away because it only gets used by my niece when she comes over lol. This entire summer I've been in crochet braids. I don't put any hair near the front portion of my hair and i have been consistently using Nioxin Follicle Booster since May. I don't even massage it in, I spray water first, then Nioxin gently placed on then seal with an oil. Now that i've gotten some growth Im starting to try oils for the thinning.

Go see a derm to see what's the next step for u.

Thanks, I'm hoping to find a recommendation for one in my area and set up an appt in the next week. I'm really excited and scared at the same time :ohwell:

I was diagnosed with a Mild case of Centrifugal Alopecia in May after going to a dermatologist. I urge you to go please see a dermatologist preferably one that specializes in AA hair. They will do a full blood work up to make sure nothing is going on internally in addition to the obvious signs you have. I really think you have traction alopecia, so you may want to stop with braids or tension. You dont want to damage the follicle anymore.
I use megatek, but only on wash days, so I dont know how much that helps..I just started using a homemade aloe vera spritz on my scalp this summer wearing twists & mini braids. I do leave the front out because I noticed when I stopped with braids they started to thicken slowly. I'm scared to smeel like cayenne pepper, I remember hating the smell :/.....I'm glad you suggested Indian powders as well, another member did 2. I bought mine a month ago, because they were on sale, and haven't used them yet.

I want a hair steamer REALLY REALLY BAD :lachen: Thats income tax money lol. My school bill is no joke. If I DC once a week is that enough?

u had burning/tingling on ur edges with no hair because thats what happens when u have alopecia. it itches, sumtimes severley! trying the cayenne pepper thing wont hurt, all it will do is try to increase the blood flow to your scalp and stimulate the hair follicles. do go to a dermatologist and get them to diagnose the type of alopecia u have. make sure they do tests and not just say 'oh its traction alopecia'.
i have traction alopecia on the left side of my head about 5 inches back next to my ear. u just need to keep your hair as loose as possible for as long as possible. in the winter i consentely wear hats and keep my hair loose underneath.
Investing in megatek will be beneficial and also incorporate products such as aloevera juice and gel into your regimen. indian powders as well. Being natural is the best thing for your hair.
Also its very important that u invest in a hair steamer and that u steam atleast once every 2 weeks. once or twice a week would be better. also up your dc's as well.
Beating alopecia is a long process and requires morr yhan just topical treatments.
Sorry to hear this.

I think that massaging the area is important whether it be with JBCO, Rosemary, Lavendar or spit. The key thing is massaging your scalp daily which will increase blood flow/circulation which sends some kind of (can't remember the terms) message to the nerve endings and to the follicles of your hair...(I heard this info from a trichologist.) Also, I'd get examined by a trichologist if possible. A derm may not examine your scalp/hair fully IMO. Doing blood work, finding out your blood type and eat the foods for that particular blood type is also important. MSM and Biotin should be included in your vitamins (if you take any.)

The areas with no hair, is the scalp smooth and shiney with no visible pores?
On the surface, it looks like there might be some short hairs on the scalp which would mean there's hope.

For now, I'd massage, massage, massage by applying pressure and minimal friction to the scalp. Mainly apply pressure with the tip of your fingers.
I'm sorry I have nothing to add, Rosaria.

I wanted to give you a ((((GREAT BIG HUG)))) and let you know that I pray for your full recovery.

Check out The Alopecia Survivor's Thread when you get a chance. However, I think the ladies have documented the treatments very well in this thread, so there may not be a whole lot more that you can gleam from that thread.

Just Remembered; Alter Ego Curative Cren is also a good product to use and many have posted great results.

Keep us posted on your recovery.

Also, It shouldn't be overlooked that PreciousLoveox has a 90 - 95% recovery of her edges from using JBCO!! That is quite impressive and simple to use, too.
Sorry to hear about this. I had a lot of problems with my edges in the past because of tight braids around my hair line and wearing cotton scarves for years. MTG (mane tail growth) helped my edges but I think you should see a dermatologist first and get his/her opinion. I would apply MTG and baggy and sleep with in in my hair overnight. Yes the sulfur smell was something else but it thickened out my hairline which was nearly bald! In the mean time I wouldn't give up on the JBCO. Have you tried Indian oils? Don't give up!
It is now August 2010, and I have tried various creams, ointments, serums, lotions, scalp massages and oils, and nothing NOTHING has worked. My edges look like they dont plan on ever coming back. On the top of my head my hair line starts about an inch back, and on the sides of my head as far as 5 inches back in some spots:cry2:.
The fact that I cant pull my hair all back into a pony tail really bothers me :nono:

I have become much better with the health of my hair, its thicker, and healthier, and I'm even past APL but my edges are so stubborn:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I am open to taking any and ALL suggestions, of recommendable dermatologists. I am in the Philly area, but am willing to travel to any suburb of Philly, Deleware, or MD if I can catch a train there.

I am sorry that this post is so long, or if its in the wrong place, but I am in desperate need or help or guidance. ANY FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED :yep: Thanks Ladies

OP first of all I just wanted to say I feel you :hug2:

However I also have to say please quit with the braids as they are clearly doing you know good and making the situation worse.

I also have traction alopecia and VERY thin edges. I tried for about 4 years to find a soloution and let me tell you I have tried EVERYTHING :yep.

However the things I find most useful for my traction alopecia were as follows:

(1) Having a blood test and upping my vits and addressing my overall health. You may want to take some hair vits which incorporate a B-Complex and Biotin which really helps hair growth.

(2) Taking out the braids and any style that causes any pulling or froction on the scalp.

(3) Keeping your scalp clean and in optinum condition i.e. washing your scalp 1x week with a mild non suulphate shampoo.

(4) Pre-pooing with JBCO, Megatek, Aloe Vera and Garlic oil infused with essential oils 2x week and then washing or co-washing. You can then just spritz your scalp with Aloe Juice or Aloe Vera Gel to optimise your scalp pH.

(5) Consider laser therapy. I have been using this for the last 2 months or so and have definately noticed an improvement. I want to give it the full 6 months before I report back to LHFC ladies tho.

(6) I also strongly suggest you see a Dermatologist to make sure there are no underlying reasons.

(7) Buy a nice lace wig, these do not even need to be glued down anymore and you can secure with a band.

HTH's and if you have any questions feel free to send me a PM.
OP, you're in Philly?

Try this link.

I lucked up on this after doing a search for a trichologist in my area.

HTH :)
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Definitely go to a Derm. Have you tried MN - Monistat? It is the anti-fungus elements that helps you out. For me the nape is my problem area, yes I was embarrass to pick up the MN at the drug store but heck I wanted my hair to come back in that area and it did though it is growing slow like molasses - however I don't think the relaxer is helping it (I try to get my HS not to put relaxer in the nape area and he doesn't listen ugh). I found I needed to apply the MN then the MT and last some castor oil to the problem area. If it touches your hair make sure you moisturize your hair where it touched and seal or it dries it up. It worked for me. I have hair there now but it is short and too slow in growing and a struggle compare to the rest of my hair. Right now I only have 1 1/2" and I started like last year though not consistently near the end. Now I moisture and seal and laid off the MN, to me it did its job to stimulate the area and now I need to keep the hairs strong and allow it to grow. Good luck!
I currently massage with the hay study oils 2x a day..once b4 bed, and once b4 i get in the shower. I dont think they have helped much. I do take Biotin..I didnt like MSM 2 much. I can try to increase how often I massage until I get to see a derm. :)

Sorry to hear this.

I think that massaging the area is important whether it be with JBCO, Rosemary, Lavendar or spit. The key thing is massaging your scalp daily which will increase blood flow/circulation which sends some kind of (can't remember the terms) message to the nerve endings and to the follicles of your hair...(I heard this info from a trichologist.) Also, I'd get examined by a trichologist if possible. A derm may not examine your scalp/hair fully IMO. Doing blood work, finding out your blood type and eat the foods for that particular blood type is also important. MSM and Biotin should be included in your vitamins (if you take any.)

The areas with no hair, is the scalp smooth and shiney with no visible pores?
On the surface, it looks like there might be some short hairs on the scalp which would mean there's hope.

For now, I'd massage, massage, massage by applying pressure and minimal friction to the scalp. Mainly apply pressure with the tip of your fingers.
Thank You :-)I didnt know about that thread *runs over* lol

I'm sorry I have nothing to add, Rosaria.

I wanted to give you a ((((GREAT BIG HUG)))) and let you know that I pray for your full recovery.

Check out The Alopecia Survivor's Thread when you get a chance. However, I think the ladies have documented the treatments very well in this thread, so there may not be a whole lot more that you can gleam from that thread.

Just Remembered; Alter Ego Curative Cren is also a good product to use and many have posted great results.

Keep us posted on your recovery.

Also, It shouldn't be overlooked that PreciousLoveox has a 90 - 95% recovery of her edges from using JBCO!! That is quite impressive and simple to use, too.
Another Alopecia (Areata) survivor sending much love to you! You've gotten good advice, but I have to agree that you need to see a good derm ASAP. The remedies are all good, but you need to first confirm what type of Alopecia you have and if your hair follicles are all still intact.

I don't want to scare you, but time is of the essence. Alopecia Areata is an immune disorder, and most of the time the hair will grow back eventually. However, my cousin had Traction Alopecia - which causes follicle scarring. She waited too late to see a derm, and just had her third hair/scalp transplant. Please see a derm as soon as you can!

God bless.
I just took my mini braids out..I do think I am going to start the baggy method tonight. Right now I only have vatika oil. I know I do want get Amla oil at the end of the week

Sorry to hear about this. I had a lot of problems with my edges in the past because of tight braids around my hair line and wearing cotton scarves for years. MTG (mane tail growth) helped my edges but I think you should see a dermatologist first and get his/her opinion. I would apply MTG and baggy and sleep with in in my hair overnight. Yes the sulfur smell was something else but it thickened out my hairline which was nearly bald! In the mean time I wouldn't give up on the JBCO. Have you tried Indian oils? Don't give up!
I never braid my edges when I use my hair. I havent worn extensions in about a year either.I leave the front out, and just brush it back a little, and take a small scarf & tie it into a headband, regular headbands I'm worried would break my ends. I appreciate the ideas :yep: I just did my first pre poo 2day, and noticed the difference. I love my Aloe vera spritz :blush:

OP first of all I just wanted to say I feel you :hug2:

However I also have to say please quit with the braids as they are clearly doing you know good and making the situation worse.

I also have traction alopecia and VERY thin edges. I tried for about 4 years to find a soloution and let me tell you I have tried EVERYTHING :yep.

However the things I find most useful for my traction alopecia were as follows:

(1) Having a blood test and upping my vits and addressing my overall health. You may want to take some hair vits which incorporate a B-Complex and Biotin which really helps hair growth.

(2) Taking out the braids and any style that causes any pulling or froction on the scalp.

(3) Keeping your scalp clean and in optinum condition i.e. washing your scalp 1x week with a mild non suulphate shampoo.

(4) Pre-pooing with JBCO, Megatek, Aloe Vera and Garlic oil infused with essential oils 2x week and then washing or co-washing. You can then just spritz your scalp with Aloe Juice or Aloe Vera Gel to optimise your scalp pH.

(5) Consider laser therapy. I have been using this for the last 2 months or so and have definately noticed an improvement. I want to give it the full 6 months before I report back to LHFC ladies tho.

(6) I also strongly suggest you see a Dermatologist to make sure there are no underlying reasons.

(7) Buy a nice lace wig, these do not even need to be glued down anymore and you can secure with a band.

HTH's and if you have any questions feel free to send me a PM.
Hey OP, I asked my derm about this (I go for my retinol LOL) and she said she has seen good results from patients using Minoxidil and applying Latisse(the eyelash grower) on top. I assume this would be very expensive though. HTH
I never heard of using Monistat before. :look: I'm scared of side effects I might get from that. lol I do use castor oil now. I put it on the same time I put it on my eyebrows lol Thanks

Definitely go to a Derm. Have you tried MN - Monistat? It is the anti-fungus elements that helps you out. For me the nape is my problem area, yes I was embarrass to pick up the MN at the drug store but heck I wanted my hair to come back in that area and it did though it is growing slow like molasses - however I don't think the relaxer is helping it (I try to get my HS not to put relaxer in the nape area and he doesn't listen ugh). I found I needed to apply the MN then the MT and last some castor oil to the problem area. If it touches your hair make sure you moisturize your hair where it touched and seal or it dries it up. It worked for me. I have hair there now but it is short and too slow in growing and a struggle compare to the rest of my hair. Right now I only have 1 1/2" and I started like last year though not consistently near the end. Now I moisture and seal and laid off the MN, to me it did its job to stimulate the area and now I need to keep the hairs strong and allow it to grow. Good luck!
As much as I've wasted trying different products lol. I just want my edges, so the cost, depends...I'll find a way to work with it. I never remember having my edges, and for me I feel if it will work, and not ridiculously priced, its worth it.

Hey OP, I asked my derm about this (I go for my retinol LOL) and she said she has seen good results from patients using Minoxidil and applying Latisse(the eyelash grower) on top. I assume this would be very expensive though. HTH
thats the part that scares me :(. I didnt even know that this could be a problem "cured" until about a year ago, and thanks to rising tuition and living costs, I'm finally able to afford a derm appt and certain procedures. I wonder how many years, is 2 long.? :nono: I hope I dont have to do a hair transplant. :sad:

Another Alopecia (Areata) survivor sending much love to you! You've gotten good advice, but I have to agree that you need to see a good derm ASAP. The remedies are all good, but you need to first confirm what type of Alopecia you have and if your hair follicles are all still intact.

I don't want to scare you, but time is of the essence. Alopecia Areata is an immune disorder, and most of the time the hair will grow back eventually. However, my cousin had Traction Alopecia - which causes follicle scarring. She waited too late to see a derm, and just had her third hair/scalp transplant. Please see a derm as soon as you can!

God bless.
OP, i have had my alopecia since i was 16 and now im 22. i wouldnt say two years is too long but you do need to see a dermo. they will probably prescribe u some topical treatments for around 3 months and then u will have to check back with them and see what they say.
Ive personally seen a dermo and a couple of normal doctors and got varied responses from it will never grow to it will definately grow. all i would say to you is that you should not give up but at the same time the change in hair practices is something you need to take seriously. Im sure u will see a slight improvement but it mite take years to see it. then again it mite take months.
Dcing once a week is fine. lately when i steam ive added a few drops of rosemary oil in the water and my hair has responded well.

Also i would say to you a hair transplant should be your last option as that is a very serious operation. i personally would never have one because of the scarring but everyone is different.

Oh and if you cant afford a full steamer buy a facial steamer. im sure they are cheaper. Then just steam the area that you have hair loss. i do that alot now because i dont really like my bonnet attachment.

do keep an eye on that alopecia survivor thread because it will be updated every so often with helpful information and im also waitin on positivelyradiant's laser treatment results. if that works im definately gonna buy one!
We're the same age :lachen: My copay is going to be around 40$ :nono: I hope the first doctor works...Lol. Thats less textbook money :wallbash:. Part of me does have hope bc my hairline gap isnt as big as it is when I was younger. Part of me doesnt because of those stubborn areas:ohwell: . I plan on going to a doctor at Univ. of Penn. I like their healthcare system. I wont know the exact day, I'm calling to make an appt tomorrow :grin: Can I say im SUPER EXCITED :-)

I have rosemary oil, that I hardly ever use. And I cant buy a steamer right now so I wrapped a hot towel around my head over a plastic cap & :lick: LOVED IT. I also started baggying this week, and love it as well. I did my first ayervedic dc a few days ago, and I must say the shine, thickness, and slip. ..I definitely am making these a permanent part of my regimen. I dont know why I slept on these things for so long

Thanks for the advice I will keep you guys updated

OP, i have had my alopecia since i was 16 and now im 22. i wouldnt say two years is too long but you do need to see a dermo. they will probably prescribe u some topical treatments for around 3 months and then u will have to check back with them and see what they say.
Ive personally seen a dermo and a couple of normal doctors and got varied responses from it will never grow to it will definately grow. all i would say to you is that you should not give up but at the same time the change in hair practices is something you need to take seriously. Im sure u will see a slight improvement but it mite take years to see it. then again it mite take months.
Dcing once a week is fine. lately when i steam ive added a few drops of rosemary oil in the water and my hair has responded well.

Also i would say to you a hair transplant should be your last option as that is a very serious operation. i personally would never have one because of the scarring but everyone is different.

Oh and if you cant afford a full steamer buy a facial steamer. im sure they are cheaper. Then just steam the area that you have hair loss. i do that alot now because i dont really like my bonnet attachment.

do keep an eye on that alopecia survivor thread because it will be updated every so often with helpful information and im also waitin on positivelyradiant's laser treatment results. if that works im definately gonna buy one!
I see you have found a derm to go to in Philly. Just wanted to let you and other ladies know about Dr. Callender, an African-American derm in Maryland. The link is I have not gone to her but I am considering going to her if my conditions worsens. I am on my third derm. This may sound prejudiced but watch it with non-African-American derms as they are not familiar with our hair at all! I have found that out the hard way and with a lot of money spent. HTH!
Girl I feel you. I have alopecia myself. I tried everything spent a lot of money and nothing worked. I eventually gave up and I now wear lace wigs. I'm a lot older than you and when I was younger there was really nothing you could and I remebering wanting to wear a ponytail as well. It is really hard when you're young and you have to wear ugly hairstyles to hide your bald spots. I started wearing lace front wigs about 2 years ago and never turned back. I'm not saying to give up, but like I said in this day and age the wigs and weaves look much better. Good luck
1. I'd seek medical attention for a proper diagnosis.

2. Boundless tresses:heart2: is a growth serum that contains sulfur. It promotes growth and thickness. It's recommended for alopecia and any type of hair loss condition. When I used it consistently, I achieved great results. My hair was noticeably longer and thicker.:lick: I recommend using it, if you're not allergic to sulfur. IMO, the scented smells better than non-scented. It also comes in a balm.
I apologize for the super late response. Btwn school full time and work full time I rarely have time to check back here. I did make an appointment at Univ. of Penn. However its not until December:crossfingers: . I do agree that seeing an AA derm for a different opinion. I just havent had time to go through my insurance list of doctors to see which i'm covered under, and are AA. Once I'm back to being use to my school & work schedule I'm sure I'll be able to find more. I will look her up.My father lives in MD. I'm sure thats something I can do on a weekend.Thank You :yawn:

I see you have found a derm to go to in Philly. Just wanted to let you and other ladies know about Dr. Callender, an African-American derm in Maryland. The link is I have not gone to her but I am considering going to her if my conditions worsens. I am on my third derm. This may sound prejudiced but watch it with non-African-American derms as they are not familiar with our hair at all! I have found that out the hard way and with a lot of money spent. HTH!
I'm sorry to hear this :(. I have never wore a wig before, I barely was into weave. I hope I can gain my edges back, if not there is always the possibility of surgery...which I'm skeptical of.. I'm scared I could "over-heal"...that happened to me before

Girl I feel you. I have alopecia myself. I tried everything spent a lot of money and nothing worked. I eventually gave up and I now wear lace wigs. I'm a lot older than you and when I was younger there was really nothing you could and I remebering wanting to wear a ponytail as well. It is really hard when you're young and you have to wear ugly hairstyles to hide your bald spots. I started wearing lace front wigs about 2 years ago and never turned back. I'm not saying to give up, but like I said in this day and age the wigs and weaves look much better. Good luck
December cant come soon enough..

I do use BT and the unscented smells!(unscented I use it when I get off work in the mornings, because it gives my scalp time to absorb it, and since I only use it on my edges,my edges usually absorb it. I baggy as well(another best decision EVER). I do notice hairs slowly coming in...SLOWLY...but its better than nothing...My hair is growing from the back of my spots forward to the front my face...If that makes sense :drunk: . I used it on my whole head one time..NEVER AGAIN! maybe I will have to try the scented one when I finish the bottle I have. My hair smelled for an entire day when I made the mistake of doing that. I washed my hair as soon as I got home :lachen:.

1. I'd seek medical attention for a proper diagnosis.

2. Boundless tresses:heart2: is a growth serum that contains sulfur. It promotes growth and thickness. It's recommended for alopecia and any type of hair loss condition. When I used it consistently, I achieved great results. My hair was noticeably longer and thicker.:lick: I recommend using it, if you're not allergic to sulfur. IMO, the scented smells better than non-scented. It also comes in a balm.
op, herbs has an herbal supplement for hair skin and nails.....also banyan botanicals has an organic ayurvedic formula called healthy hair.....i think everybody gave great advice in regards to growth aides and such, i hope you see some results before your december appt.
I'm taking Nioxin right now..Well I have been for almost 2 years, and I really like how my hair turned around. I stopped taking them for a month to see if there was a great difference, and I jumped back on them after 2 weeks :lachen:. I did want to find a more natural vitamin, but I have about 2 months of Nioxin left,so I guess it all depends on what the derm says. Thanks for the reply :yep:

op, herbs has an herbal supplement for hair skin and nails.....also banyan botanicals has an organic ayurvedic formula called healthy hair.....i think everybody gave great advice in regards to growth aides and such, i hope you see some results before your december appt.
First off I'm sorry you are suffering from this but, be of good cheer. I'm sure all this wonderful advice somthings going to work and turn your hair around. I beleive Chaosbutterfly gave some of the best advice. You should def. see a professional and at least get a good idea the cause. The only thing I would add is long scalp massages and going on natural on your products since it could be chemical. BT is a good start.
* Also I would try a good scalp and body detox like bentonite clay for your scalp and organic vegetibles for you body and plenty of purified water. Somtimes things we have been puting in our bodies or on our bodies for years cause build up that surfaces in different ways over time. (have you ever been sick and had to take prescribed meds. that could possibly cause this?) If the cause is chemical I think this would give you a good boost in curing the issue.
Remember be patient... it takes at least a few months to see changes and also don't worry about how it looks (or smells) to outsiders it's about getting the results your looking for and baby your hair..treat it like silk....
keep up us updated! I just hate to see people suffering from things like this and I know it's frustrating when you don't know the cause.