Severe Alopecia?? Maybe?? :( HELLPPP PLEEEASE


Active Member

Edit 12/29/2010 My first visit to the dermatologist. I was diagnosed with Traction Alopecia. At this point there is no definite cure, nor a guarantee that I will be able to grow my hair back. I am on one treatment now, and will return in March.

Edit 8/26/2010 I finally made my appointment I am back to school & work full time & may not be able to check back as often, and I apologize. I will keep you guys up to date as best as possible. Thank You Ladies again! You helped me regain faith that my hair MAY come back one day, I truly appreciate it.

Edit 8/14/2010: Ladies I truly appreciate all the help and comments, and tips but does anyone have a recommendation for good derm's in the Tri-state area? Thanks =]

Long story (cut short)
-my mother started relaxing my hair around 2nd grade
-she believed in whole head perms, tight(her idea of neat) ponytails
-my mother(nor family) knew anything about hair care(dc's, leave ins, heat protectants, etc)
-my last relaxer was spring 2007
-BC'd July 2008
-in 2 years I've gone from a little above shoulder length to BSL(V shaped lol)
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Hello and Welcome...! :wave:

I'm so sorry to read of your issue w/your hairline. Is this primarily from relaxing damage? Or have you worn braids at all?
Hello and Welcome...! :wave:

I'm so sorry to read of your issue w/your hairline. Is this primarily from relaxing damage? Or have you worn braids at all?

Thanks :wave: .I believe it to be primarily from relaxing. My mother did not allow me to wear weave or braids(extensions) until I was about 16. I have pictures of my hairline messed up all the way back from the 8th grade. I cant remember ever having my edges.
Thanks :wave: .I believe it to be primarily from relaxing. My mother did not allow me to wear weave or braids(extensions) until I was about 16. I have pictures of my hairline messed up all the way back from the 8th grade. I cant remember ever having my edges.

Ah, ok...the links above should be helpful. But do share, if you have any other questions.

I don't know much about alopecia, but I've seen women here w/hair line issues regain a lot of growth in that area. So, be encouraged! All is not lost. The rest of your hair looks pretty thick, so I can't imagine that you won't be able to restore that area. It just may take some time, tlc (and lots of patience).

Hopefully someone w/more experience w/this issue will also respond w/more tangible advice.

Take care!
Have you tried cayenne pepper and olive oil some say it works great for alopecia. There are two ways you can use it one mix 6 teaspoon and 2 cups of olive oil together and let it sit for 10 -14 day apply to scalp and let it sit for a least 30 minutes. the second way is to mix together one to two teaspoons each of cayenne pepper and olive oil and put it on you hair and let it sit for 30 min.

Here are some websites

Hope you find what your looking for i'm really sorry to hear your hair is comming out.
I'm sorry about the issues with your edges. It's a tough area for alot of people.

My first piece of advice would be to go see a dermatologist, if you can. Additionally, get a full checkup (including bloodwork) to make sure that everything is okay on the inside. Even though the ladies here are very helpful and knowledgeable, they aren't (all) medical professionals. And the ones who are can't diagnose you from pictures, so please go see someone who can tell you what's going on and if the damage is permanent.

But in the meanwhile, I'd suggest trying some growth aids. The ones that I hear about the most are Sulfur, Bee Mine, Megatek, MSM, and Boundless Tresses. I also was using castor oil on my edges, and I think it helped a little. You can also try taking some things internally, like Biotin, Silica, Fish Oil, and Hair Skin and Nails tablets. Growth aids aren't for everyone though, so I'd suggest lots of research before starting up with them.

And finally, I suggest changing how you style and treat your hair. Baby your edges and center hairline. When you apply product to these areas, be gentle and generous. Try to limit the use of brushes on these areas, because for weaker edges, brushes can really be damaging. Try low tension styling, which means no small braids, no cornrows there, no using adhesives with wigs, and no tight ponytails or buns. When you wear a headband, use a soft cotton one so the area will be able to breathe. Nothing plastic, and nothing with teeth to avoid further traumatizing the area.

I'm sure your edges will be back with some care and patience. Good luck!!
Thanks :rolleyes:. I'm definitely going to look at the links right now.
i specifically remember something about relaxing associated alopecia cases

another member suggested to me b/c of the issues i'm having in my crown
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i specifically remember something about relaxing associated alopecia cases

another member suggested to me b/c of the issues i'm having in my crown

I dont remember 2 much about flaking with my edges when I was relaxed, I know I didnt put relaxer on them though, it burned way 2 much. I do remember slight random pains on the top of my head or pinches on my edges, but I almost never get them anymore.
Have you tried cayenne pepper and olive oil some say it works great for alopecia. There are two ways you can use it one mix 6 teaspoon and 2 cups of olive oil together and let it sit for 10 -14 day apply to scalp and let it sit for a least 30 minutes. the second way is to mix together one to two teaspoons each of cayenne pepper and olive oil and put it on you hair and let it sit for 30 min.

Here are some websites

Hope you find what your looking for i'm really sorry to hear your hair is comming out.

I've never thought of cayenne pepper, I only used it to keep the cats out of my darn plants :lachen: .I could try it, I mean it couldnt hurt until I can afford a derm. Thanks
I'm sorry about the issues with your edges. It's a tough area for alot of people.

My first piece of advice would be to go see a dermatologist, if you can. Additionally, get a full checkup (including bloodwork) to make sure that everything is okay on the inside. Even though the ladies here are very helpful and knowledgeable, they aren't (all) medical professionals. And the ones who are can't diagnose you from pictures, so please go see someone who can tell you what's going on and if the damage is permanent.

But in the meanwhile, I'd suggest trying some growth aids. The ones that I hear about the most are Sulfur, Bee Mine, Megatek, MSM, and Boundless Tresses. I also was using castor oil on my edges, and I think it helped a little. You can also try taking some things internally, like Biotin, Silica, Fish Oil, and Hair Skin and Nails tablets. Growth aids aren't for everyone though, so I'd suggest lots of research before starting up with them.

And finally, I suggest changing how you style and treat your hair. Baby your edges and center hairline. When you apply product to these areas, be gentle and generous. Try to limit the use of brushes on these areas, because for weaker edges, brushes can really be damaging. Try low tension styling, which means no small braids, no cornrows there, no using adhesives with wigs, and no tight ponytails or buns. When you wear a headband, use a soft cotton one so the area will be able to breathe. Nothing plastic, and nothing with teeth to avoid further traumatizing the area.

I'm sure your edges will be back with some care and patience. Good luck!!

Thanks. I was hoping someone in my area had a good experience with a derm in my area I could go 2. I really dont want to waste money I dont have on gimmicks & false advertisements. This would be my first time ever going to the derm. I do use Megatek, which worked for my whole head but my edges. I have bee mine & boundless tresses (hate the smell of sulfur=the smell of burning hair, so I really dont use either twice a day),but im not sulfur sensitive. I take biotin, and nioxin follicle boaster, and Fish oil vitamins lol.

I think I've tried almost EVERYTHING :nono:.

Girl I wish I had enough to pull a headband back! :lachen:lol... My headbands are always in the middle of my head, and I brush, comb down the edges.

Thnx for the small braids advice. I havent had extensions since sometimes last fall, and when I mini braid or twist my hair I leave my edges out.
Ooops i was just about to recommend BeeMine to you but i see you two are already acquainted...i suffered from traction alopecia though from abusing ultra fine braids and neglecting my hair and 3 months ago i decided to try some BM out and its filling in my edges slowly but i do feel your pain of no edges dear and its not a good feeling at all i know...

Since you don't like the smell of sulfur have you tried the scented ones she offers the Strawberry Kiwi or Mango...if you have and it still bothers you maybe you can add a few drops of an essential oil to mask the scent or you can even try the sulfurless one she offers...

I've also heard of ladies using castor oil on their edges maybe that might help as well...personally i have not tried but i do hope to soon to see if i can speed up my process soon...

Im sorry i couldn't be of more help but hopefully something i suggested puts you a little step closer to overcoming your alopecia and making your hairline as gorgoues as the rest of your beautiful head of hair...

HHJ and good luck!
I am so sorry you are going through this.... While you are looking for a doctor, this is a suggestion you can try:

massage you scalp with the below "homemade" herbal recipe:

Hair Regrowth Hot Oil Conditioner



3 drops of essential oil of thyme

3 drops of essential oil of lavender

3 drops of essential oil of rosemary

3 drops of essential oil of cedarwood

1/8 cup of grapeseed oil

1/8 cup of jojoba oil


Apply at night, to scalp in thinning areas. Do not rinse out till morning. (you don't have to rinse immediately.... you can wait to the normal time you wash...)

Lavender, and roesemary are hair growth aids but also the are use for curing Alopecia areata: see below info

Alopecia areata

In one study of 86 people with alopecia areata (an autoimmune disease that causes hair to fall out, often in patches), those who massaged their scalps with lavender and other essential oils daily for 7 months experienced significant hair re-growth compared to those who massaged their scalps without the essential oils. However, there is no way to tell whether it was one or the combination of oils that was effective.


Historically, rosemary has been used to stimulate hair growth. Rosemary was used in one study of 84 people with alopecia areata (a disease in which hair falls out, generally in patches). Those who massaged their scalps with rosemary and other essential oils (including lavender, thyme, and cedarwood) every day for 7 months experienced significant hair re-growth compared to those who massaged their scalps without the essential oils. But the study was not well designed, and it is impossible to say whether rosemary caused the hair growth.

I am a big user of "homemade" recipes and I use herbs all the time.
If you can't find the herb essential oil's.... I buy mine from:
Mountain Rose Herbs
On this page click on essential oils under the "AromaTherapy & Essential Oils" block of text.

Happy Hair Growing
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Ooops i was just about to recommend BeeMine to you but i see you two are already acquainted...i suffered from traction alopecia though from abusing ultra fine braids and neglecting my hair and 3 months ago i decided to try some BM out and its filling in my edges slowly but i do feel your pain of no edges dear and its not a good feeling at all i know...

Since you don't like the smell of sulfur have you tried the scented ones she offers the Strawberry Kiwi or Mango...if you have and it still bothers you maybe you can add a few drops of an essential oil to mask the scent or you can even try the sulfurless one she offers...

I've also heard of ladies using castor oil on their edges maybe that might help as well...personally i have not tried but i do hope to soon to see if i can speed up my process soon...

Im sorry i couldn't be of more help but hopefully something i suggested puts you a little step closer to overcoming your alopecia and making your hairline as gorgoues as the rest of your beautiful head of hair...

HHJ and good luck!

I actually have the strawberry kiwi, and the smell lingers lol. I work at night & class in the am..I usually do it when I get in from class & hope its gone by the time I leave for work :lachen: Thanks :-)
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I am so sorry you are going through this.... While you are looking for a doctor, this is a suggestion you can try:

massage you scalp with the below "homemade" herbal recipe:

Hair Regrowth Hot Oil Conditioner



3 drops of essential oil of thyme

3 drops of essential oil of lavender

3 drops of essential oil of rosemary

3 drops of essential oil of cedarwood

1/8 cup of grapeseed oil

1/8 cup of jojoba oil


Apply at night, to scalp in thinning areas. Do not rinse out till morning. (you don't have to rinse immediately.... you can wait to the normal time you wash...)

Lavender, and roesemary are hair growth aids but also the are use for curing Alopecia areata: see below info

Alopecia areata

In one study of 86 people with alopecia areata (an autoimmune disease that causes hair to fall out, often in patches), those who massaged their scalps with lavender and other essential oils daily for 7 months experienced significant hair re-growth compared to those who massaged their scalps without the essential oils. However, there is no way to tell whether it was one or the combination of oils that was effective.


Historically, rosemary has been used to stimulate hair growth. Rosemary was used in one study of 84 people with alopecia areata (a disease in which hair falls out, generally in patches). Those who massaged their scalps with rosemary and other essential oils (including lavender, thyme, and cedarwood) every day for 7 months experienced significant hair re-growth compared to those who massaged their scalps without the essential oils. But the study was not well designed, and it is impossible to say whether rosemary caused the hair growth.

I am a big user of "homemade" recipes and I use herbs all the time.
If you can't find the herb essential oil's.... I buy mine from:
Mountain Rose Herbs
On this page click on essential oils under the "AromaTherapy & Essential Oils" block of text.

Happy Hair Growing

I have a million oils :spinning: ...Some I have to give away, because I dont use them. I love and have all the ones listed in the recipe. I never left them on overnight though... I've read some people this worked for, and some it didnt. I am thinking of trying this once I get advice from a derm, just have to find a good derm. Thanks :rolleyes:
I agree that you really need to see a dermatologist. I live in the Philly area and will ask around for recommendations for you. I'll update if I get any info on a doctor. In the meantime, you may want to try the recipe given by Candy828. I don't think it will hurt.
I see that you're bypassing products right now. I was going to recommend Hibiscus powder or some other Indian powder. They are pretty reasonable in some areas. Good luck!!!
@Rosaria265, I put out some feelers for you. My friends have been to dermatologists but not for any hair related issues. But, I'm still working on it. If I get any info, I'll update.
Another LHCF member bought it to my attention that the flash in the pictures makes my edges look like there is not any hair there at all. These are pictures I took with the flash off. Thanks girl! :grin: I look at them everyday so I didnt notice it.

***Normally I DO NOT braid my hair like this, because my edges are super sensitive, however I was waiting for the hair to dry, and had to run out the house, and they are really loose ***
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Wow your edges looked similar to mine after years (about 8) of wearing tight weaves or extensions constantly. I'm sorry nothing has worked for you yet. I REALLY feel for you since I was in the same place until this summer. August of last year was my last relaxer and I gave up weaves as well. March of this year I took out my braids (my edges CANNOT deal with braids at all!) Anyway I decided that I wasn't going to stop trying to remedy my problem until it was fixed! I used JBCO EVERY EVERY EVERYYYYYday and massaged CONSISTENTLY for atleast 4 minutes. My edges are restored 90-95%!

Besides the oil and massaging I don't have much other advice to give you. Just don't give up. You'll find something that will help you soon!
personally I would just go to the dermatologist before doing that cayenne pepper thing on ur head. Cayenne pepper may not be something u want to put on there since u said before when u used to relax u would get some burning or tingling on ur sides. I still think in the meantime u should use oils but stay away from antiseptic properties (ones that tingle) for now until u see a dermatologist.

I'm soooo sorry this is occurring. I'm having issues with my edges too but i must admit I do NOT use my brush at all, EVER on my edges. Basically, i should throw it away because it only gets used by my niece when she comes over lol. This entire summer I've been in crochet braids. I don't put any hair near the front portion of my hair and i have been consistently using Nioxin Follicle Booster since May. I don't even massage it in, I spray water first, then Nioxin gently placed on then seal with an oil. Now that i've gotten some growth Im starting to try oils for the thinning.

Go see a derm to see what's the next step for u.

I was diagnosed with a Mild case of Centrifugal Alopecia in May after going to a dermatologist. I urge you to go please see a dermatologist preferably one that specializes in AA hair. They will do a full blood work up to make sure nothing is going on internally in addition to the obvious signs you have. I really think you have traction alopecia, so you may want to stop with braids or tension. You dont want to damage the follicle anymore.
u had burning/tingling on ur edges with no hair because thats what happens when u have alopecia. it itches, sumtimes severley! trying the cayenne pepper thing wont hurt, all it will do is try to increase the blood flow to your scalp and stimulate the hair follicles. do go to a dermatologist and get them to diagnose the type of alopecia u have. make sure they do tests and not just say 'oh its traction alopecia'.
i have traction alopecia on the left side of my head about 5 inches back next to my ear. u just need to keep your hair as loose as possible for as long as possible. in the winter i consentely wear hats and keep my hair loose underneath.
Investing in megatek will be beneficial and also incorporate products such as aloevera juice and gel into your regimen. indian powders as well. Being natural is the best thing for your hair.
Also its very important that u invest in a hair steamer and that u steam atleast once every 2 weeks. once or twice a week would be better. also up your dc's as well.
Beating alopecia is a long process and requires morr yhan just topical treatments.
Because your alopecia patch is very similar to mine, if you want me to pm you for any help, support or advice, i will do so! :)