@MissCrawford Hey pretty Lady
I rarely use a comb these days. I sometimes use my TEK brush midweek after finger detangling if I can't remove the hair with my fingers but it's been a few months since I've had to even do that.
I finger detangle in 3 steps on wash day.
1) I dampen my hair just a smidgen with my water bottle and finger detangle in about 9 yes 9 sections. lol (If I have properly moisturized throughout the week, I don't need to add any products as my hair will usually have enough product on it already. However the crown and middle of my hair is super tangly so I usually have to add a bit of Shea Moisture rinse out conditioner to help the tangles slide out)
Finger detangling before washing does not get all the sheds and tangles out....but my goal is to get the big ones. I always keep my scissors close by on wash day. I'd rather cut then rip.
2. I also lightly finger detangle in the shower with conditoner in.
3. As well as while I'm applying my leave in
By the time I get to the styler, my hair is tangle free, shed hairs are all gone and momma's a happy camper.
I think it helps that I only roller set so my hair is always stretched and I never lose much hair on wash day anyway because shed hairs have found their own way out of my head throughout the week.
I started practicing finger detangling on one section of my hair at a time. It took me about 6 months to fully wean myself from combs and brushes.