Set back


Well-Known Member
I needed my hair done for a party I was throwign Saturday. I couldn;t get in with my stylist, so I visited one of the egyptian salons in my neighborhood. I got a wash and deep conditoner, and the guy rinsed my hair to high heaven, with cool water. When he towel blotted myhair it actually made a funny noise, I could hear a rubbing noise.

Anyway, my hair seemed to be tangled, due to me needed a relaxer and him manipulated it. I asked to sit under the dryer so my hair could partially dry. The guy put a leave in by Nioxin, and it made my hair kind of crispy(I believe). The guy proceeds to blow dry and I notice hair falling and flying everywhere. It was a mess, and I told him to stop because he was causing such breakage. I was so upset, and I went home and finished it myself. I have so many broken strands it is horrible. I am going to get a nice trim and layering, that will be my last visit to one of those salons!

It is amazing how one visit to the wrong stylist can set you back big time!
well good for you for speaking up for yourself and not allowing him to torture your hair even more...a lot of women just sit there and piss and moan when they leave.