Serious Relationship vs. Marriage


Well-Known Member
For those of us that are looking to get married eventually, what is the difference between dating to be in a serious relationship vs. dating to be married? How can one want to be in a serious relationship but not open to marriage? Is the whole point of being in a serious relationship to eventually get married, do you even see that far?
I especially want to hear from the youngns, as I'm 21.
I don't think so. I'd date for a serious relationship only with the possibility of leading to marriage... not a serious relationship with the immediate intention of marriage.
If you're serious about getting married then the intention has to be there from get go. If you're getting into a relationship and marriage is just a possibility, the chances of you being a girlfriend for x amount of years with still no ring on your finger is sky high.

I'm still young aswell, and marriage is not on the horizon for me yet. But believe me when I'm ready, I'm more then confident that I will get that man down the aisle within a year.

It's all about you setting the standard, and the pace of your relationship.

You set the beat...

and he can move to YOUR Chorus :grin:
I'm not ready to get married yet so "serious relationship with the intention of marriage" to me is pretty much being engaged. We can have a serious relationship without being engaged.
I'm not ready to get married yet so "serious relationship with the intention of marriage" to me is pretty much being engaged. We can have a serious relationship without being engaged.

No, that does not necessarily make you engaged or you have to rush into engagement.

You just let guys know that you're marriage material. Of course you don't come off strong.. and it has to be said at the right time. But when they figure out that you're a non-sense type of girl, and they need to step their game'll see those marriage proposals pop off.

I've been proposed to 4 times so I know what I'm talking about.
Since I'm not looking to get married (at this time or within the next few years) I suppose my perspective doesn't really have anything to do with yours.
I'd date with the possibility of it leading to a serious relationship. I would not date with the intention of marriage right now. I would date marriage- minded people though. I mean like young people who are interested in marriage some day. Like after they've graduated, accrued savings, lived, matured, etc :look:

But I don't want to get married for a while. If i got into a serious relationship within the next 6 months and it lead to something serious...marriage wouldn't come up for another 10 yrs lol

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DejaVu2 How do you let guys know that your marriage material? I think that when being in a serious relationship...eventually after being with that person for so long, talk of marriage usually is addressed especially by women
@DejaVu2 How do you let guys know that your marriage material? I think that when being in a serious relationship...eventually after being with that person for so long, talk of marriage usually is addressed especially by women

I'm sure you've heard this poem before --->

Although she calls him her ''friend'' we all know that's typical scenario for many women out there who proclaim they're in a ''serious'' relationships. They end up doing everything for the dude, and he becomes complacent. And more often than not... he's not going to propose because he gets everything he wants anyway. Get it?

How do I let them know I'm marriage material... easy

I let them get close


and then say


I'm waiting for marriage :grin:
Lol. No it did not load but I saw it. Your a funny girl! Had me cracking up on that other thread and I made it until page 15 until it was **** down!! Lol
OMG that was funny

If you are not married you are just boyfriend and girlfriend I don't care if you have been together for 30 years it is what it is marriage is serious
Lol. No it did not load but I saw it. Your a funny girl! Had me cracking up on that other thread and I made it until page 15 until it was **** down!! Lol

LOL, thanks. I'm glad some people around here get my sense of humour :grin:
Almaz. That is exactly my point!!!

Now if you are looking for serious long term relationship then I think. Young women should It approach it as if the guy will be marriage material in the future ( career. Goals. Values) etc. Anything can happen in that time frame.. Pregnancy. Living together etc and you don't want to find out you wasted all these years with a LOSER!

Now if your looking to date and have fun... Just protect yourself and enjoy the experience!