Sept 25,26,27 What Are Your Weekend Hair Plans?


PJ Rehabilitation Center
Hey Divas!:hiya:

Our Last Full Weekend of September 2015.

Can You Beweave it?

Welp. Since time is Flyin' time for Us to look Fly!

What Are YOU doing this Weekend to Baby & Beautify YOUR Hair???:bling:
Hendigo on dry/dirty Hair for several hours
Cowash out with: VO5 or Suave
Cathy Howse UBH (under dryer 20 minutes)
Jasmine Bath & Beauty's Avocado & Silk (under Steamer 40-60 minutes)
Final R/O with Soultanicals Conditioning Dream Crème
Apply Leave-In and Dry under dryer
After Dries: Liquid Gold's Vanilla Creme
Take down my week long bun after last week's wash & rollerset.
Hair still feels nice, smooth & soft since I've been spritzing daily.

Moisturize with Camille Rose Moisture Milk

Styler: Camille Rose aloe whipped butter gel.

Style: Twist & curl for the weekend then back in a bun until next weekend. On a personal protective style challenge.
Getting ready for fall so I'm gonna give my hair some extra TLC:

Pre-poo: Saturate hair with oil mixture and sit under conditioning cap for 30 mins.
Poo: KeraCare Hydrating Detangling Poo
DC: K.J. Naturals Tangly DC over coffee under steam
Leave-ins: Aphogee/Annabelle's/Giovanni Direct
Heat protectant: Annabelle's
Style: Apply Curlformers
Dry: Sit under Pibbs for 60 mins
Pre-poo: Red Pimento Oil massaged in with scalp massaging brush & APB Green Powerhouse Oil on ends under heat cap (I'm really missing oil for some reason)
Cleanse: LRC Complete Cleanse Shampoo
DC: SD Shea What
Post-Wash: Mielle Organics White Peony Leave In Spray, SD Wheat Germ Butter Conditioner, OGX Awapuhi Ginger Serum
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Exfoliate scalp with CD scalp elixir. Apply, massage, leave on for 30 minutes and rinse.
Cowash with SM purification mask. Apply, massage into hair and scalp, leave on for 30 minutes and rinse.
DC with SD Shea what deux for an hour under my heating cap
Apply my usual leave-ins: ST kink drink, Oyin hair dew and ST marula maru.
Style: flat twists into some sort of PS.
So many mistakes this wash day, all because I got the urge to do my hair when I knew I was exhausted :badidea:

Clay treatment: Did a mix of rhassoul clay, coconut milk, avj and water. I made sure to make it extra runny, since that worked so great the last time
Shampoo (because I don't know how people get clay off their scalps with only water): Keracare Hydrating Detangling
Oil Rinse: Hempseed oil, argan oil, glycerin and castor oil. This also worked really well last time I tried it and I think my hair just loves hemp oil
Leave-ins: Now here's mistake #2. Because I was so tired I just did my regular routine of avj, Giovanni direct leave-in, shea butter and Lottabody. My hair ended up being sooo greasy. But it was super soft so there was no way in hell I was gonna rewash my hair at midnight :rolleyes:
Stretch: Mistake #3 Applied my cwk sss plates, but the part with the rollers. Now there wasn't anything wrong with this product except I have no idea how to rollerset properly, so what could have been a quick process was just another hour of me figuring out how to roll my hair and keep my ends flat :drunk:

After about 45mins under my softbonnet dryer (I love this thing so much), my hair was mostly dry except for one lazily large section at the front. I was done though, so I put my hair in large greasy (but soft. SO soft) plaits and covered my hair for bed :dighole:
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My box from Naturalicious just came in! Woot!

It promises to reduce my wash-day routine to 1 hour or less. Ha! We'll see. Tonight I'll use the box, doing a two-strand twist-out.

I can't start trialing the box until:
  • I finish writing up this analysis that I must submit to my professor.
  • I purchase a chelating shampoo so that I can see how the Naturalicious products work on my completely clarified hair.
Does anyone know where I can purchase JOICO chelating shampoo?
I'm shifting back to my wig regimen which means washing every 2 weeks. On the weeks I don't wash, I take down my braids, moisturize, seal & re-braid

Spritzed hair with water & finger detangled
Spritzed with Alikay Natural Lemongrass LI & comb detangled
Moisturized: Qhemet CTDG
Seal: Qhemet AOHC
Scalp: Komaza Bountiful Mane
not much
-cowash with EBW
-dc with SM 10 in 1 superfruit stuff
-m&s with cfcg and qb aohc

I'm shifting back to my wig regimen which means washing every 2 weeks. On the weeks I don't wash, I take down my braids, moisturize, seal & re-braid

Spritzed hair with water & finger detangled
Spritzed with Alikay Natural Lemongrass LI & comb detangled
Moisturized: Qhemet CTDG
Seal: Qhemet AOHC
Scalp: Komaza Bountiful Mane

Diva, is your hair low porosity? I am just wondering how this combo would work on my hair.
  • Rinsed out the salt water from swimming in the sea.
  • Shampooed with L'oreal Shampoo for damaged hair( idk the one with ceramides, I dont like it but I needed something a little stripping to get it really clean and I wanted to use this up)
  • Conditioned with Joico Moisture Treatment Conditioner and didn't rinse it out completely.
  • Leave in: Sof n Free Curl activator mixed with aphogee green tea restructuriser.
  • Seal with oil sheen on lengths
  • Oil mix on scalp.
not much
-cowash with EBW
-dc with SM 10 in 1 superfruit stuff
-m&s with cfcg and qb aohc

Diva, is your hair low porosity? I am just wondering how this combo would work on my hair.

@blackeyes31626 well, yes and no. I've always said I'm low porosity but my Komaza hair analysis determined I'm normal to high porosity. I just don't believe that to be 100% accurate. I still believe I'm low porosity or at a minimum, have some low porosity traits, with how my hair behaves.
My hair is still shedding badly for the second week in a row. Tried oiling my scalp heavily with vatika garlic oil and left it overnight. DC on dry hair with tresemme, motions, keracare and aphogee mix. Shampoo with CoN. Now air drying, having sprayed with SAA. Still shedding lots though :(
Today I prepooed with Marula Nature Oil Condish over EVCO
Cleansed w/ SM Moisture shampoo
I am currently under my bonnet dryer with Proclaim cholesterol DC
And I might braid up my hair again or do mini twists if I'm feeling the 2 hour install time :)
I planned to do a CLCT on my friend yesterday but she went and had crochet braids installed, so I applied it to my dirty hair today.

I am sitting with it now while I have a munch. I will eventually rinse it out and proceed to clay wash (rhassoul and c.bentonite, SAA, water and some steeped hibiscus). I will oil rinse with grapeseed and sunflower oils and style with gel.
My Silk Dreams is here!!!!! So I prepooed overnight with oil, and shampooed in 4 sections with Alffia Black Soap (liquid) to guarantee squeaky clean hair that will soak up all the coming goodness of Mocha Silk Infusion (my love, my boo, the reason the sun shines). I sat under the dryer for 15 minutes, now I'm going to let it cool a few minutes while I figure out what I want to do next

ETA: I think I want to do a curl formers set today. I'll go under the dryer and set the curls with pins overnight. Sleeping in CF is not the business :nono:
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My Silk Dreams is here!!!!! So I prepooed overnight with oil, and shampooed in 4 sections with Alffia Black Soap (liquid) to guarantee squeaky clean hair that will soak up all the coming goodness of Mocha Silk Infusion (my love, my boo, the reason the sun shines). I sat under the dryer for 15 minutes, now I'm going to let it cool a few minutes while I figure out what I want to do next

Well dang! I am glad that I scooped up a jar during her sale! Do you follow up with a moisturizing DC? Or is it one of those protein DCs that is more on the moisturizing side?
@AgeinATL hey! Yes, sometimes I follow up with Shea What. It just depends on what shape my hair is in when I do the treatment and how lazy I am. Today I followed it with Destination Hydration for about 5 minutes in the shower. Meh. Not impressed. But I'll try again of course. I love me some Mocha Silk. My hair is so finnicky, that I struggle with finding products that actually do anything positive for me. Mocha Silk and Shea What are great for me
Nothing. I plan on washing all my hair next week.
This has now changed. I had to wash my entire head since it was now affecting my face. I prepoo with ogx kukua (sp) conditioner the washed my hair twice with keracare 1st lather shampoo then with the hydrating shampoo (this stuff tangles my hair). I'm currently deep conditioning with NG mixed greens conditioner, kenra moisturizing conditioner, castor oil, rosehip oil, silk amino acids and acv.
My hair is still shedding badly for the second week in a row. Tried oiling my scalp heavily with vatika garlic oil and left it overnight. DC on dry hair with tresemme, motions, keracare and aphogee mix. Shampoo with CoN. Now air drying, having sprayed with SAA. Still shedding lots though :(

How clean and clear is your scalp? Have you ever tried exfoliating your scalp? Just a thought.
Henna my hair on the 26th hair felt like Brillo, quickly used my Tresemme Naturals Conditioner then it felt softer. Flat-twisted but hair still feels weird. Will continue my LOC method this entire week to see if hair feels any better.:afro:
Pre-poo: Red Pimento Oil massaged in with scalp massaging brush & APB Green Powerhouse Oil on ends under heat cap (I'm really missing oil for some reason)
Cleanse: LRC Complete Cleanse Shampoo
DC: SD Shea What
Post-Wash: Mielle Organics White Peony Leave In Spray, SD Wheat Germ Butter Conditioner, OGX Awapuhi Ginger Serum

OMG this wash day was so good! Hair has been soft and fluffy at each step of the process, even after clarifying.
I just needed to remark about it so I can hopefully recreate it at some point.
@blackeyes31626 well, yes and no. I've always said I'm low porosity but my Komaza hair analysis determined I'm normal to high porosity. I just don't believe that to be 100% accurate. I still believe I'm low porosity or at a minimum, have some low porosity traits, with how my hair behaves.

that's funny they told me the same thing, normal porosity and high on the damaged ends.
but my hair is low porosity so...