Oct 2,3,4 What Are Your Weekend Hair Plans?

Pre-Poo: HOT: Tropic Isle Red Pimento Oil on scalp & AV Methika Pre-Shampoo Oil on ends
Cleanse: Redken Hair Cleansing Creme
Protein Treatment: Claudies Normalizing Conditioner
DC: Bobeam Unscented Conditioner with lavender EO added
Post-Wash: LRC Shake and Go, TGIN Green Tea Leave In, Amika Heat Defense Serum (I really need to get to the store for more OGX Macadamia Oil Serum)

Mixed the Bobeam with lavender, rosemary, and peppermint EOs.
Hair was soft and fluffy at each step again. Twists were nice and juicy, another pretty good wash day.
Washed my hair last night at midnight again. I may just have to get used to washing so late and just nap ahead of time.

Scalp exfoliation: Redken Intraforce Scalp Treatment
Shampoo: ORS Creamy Aloe
Protein: Aphogee 2 step mixed with Neutral Protein Filler
DC: glycerin, castor oil and shea butter layered under SM Superfruit masque
Leave-ins: AVJ, Giovanni Direct Leave-in, Shea butter, Lottabody milk
Stretch: cwk sss rollers (these were a lot easier to apply with end papers, managed to do my whole head in under half hour)

Then I sat under my soft bonnet dryer until i Literally couldn't stay awake anymore, plaited each section (most were still damp-ish) and went to bed.

Nice plan. How did it turn out?
Over the weekend...
Saturday: redid loose twists with QB Cocoa tree detangling ghee
Pre-poo 1 hr with a cap
Scalp: Komaza Pona Hair and Scalp treatment
Length: EVCO, rosemary infused olive oil, castor oil​
Wash & DC (with twists braided into abt 10 large chunky braids)
CV Herbal Shampoo bar
Protein treatment with SheScentIt Okra
DC Bobeam conditioner​
Air dried 90% in Bantu knots before applying MHC Type 4 Hair Cream in sections (about a nickel size in total so it wouldn't weight my hair down).​
Nice plan. How did it turn out?

It turned out really well actually. My hair didn't shed as much after when I was detangling and it was pretty fluffy from the rollerset (I suddenly see the appeal) so twisting my hair was a breeze. The only thing was my scalp felt a little itchy after I washed it, and now it actually feels a bit tender in some spots though I'm not sure why. I probably tugged on my hair too hard in some spots, or it's the scalp treatment. I'm keeping an eye on it.
Last night:

Shampoo: Giovanni Don't Be Flaky Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Deep Condition: I used Bed Head TIGI Dumb Blonde (original formula) on my ends, nape and edges as a focused protein treatment and Aussie Moist on the rest of my hair.
LOC: ORS Olive Oil Girls Leave-In Conditioning Detangler, my coconut oil blend, and Lotta Body Moisture Me Curl & Style Milk and Lotta Body Wrap Me Foaming Mousse.