********Self Relaxing Tips/ Add Your Tips Here******

:spank: :deadhorse: :boxing: :clubu: :catfight:,
I know you fell like doing all of the above to me but I have yet another question:lachen:...
Since I will be adding oil to my Mazani Sensitive Scalp relaxer.... And the process time is 10 -15 minutes, depending on the hair type (fine, medium, coarse)... Should I just go by when my hair lays smooth?... Since the oils will slow down the breakdown process of the new growth? As Always thanks...
I feel bad asking so many questions, but I am new, so I have to ask?

I add EVOO to my relaxer because I like to take my time and get it right. There are suggested times in the instructions, but believe me it still takes me apporximately 30 minutes to apply and smooth. Adding the oil buys me the time I need and allows me to get my hair bone straight (and I mean bone straight).

Also, I coat my hair and scalp with Chi Silk Infusion 1-2 hours before relaxing. There is a thread that discusses the use of Silk to prevent alkaline damage from relaxers and trust me it works. My hair is always silkier and stronger with very little shedding. Good luck Lady Z, I'm sure you'll do fine.
I have been self-relaxing for you years. In the past, I relaxed between 7-10 weeks. But for the last year or so, I've been stretching 10-15+ weeks. And I don't focus on getting the hair bone straight. I thought stretching was the way to go. But now that summer is coming back around, I'm thinking that I'm not going to stretch and see how it goes. I am very much into hair care (I used could conditioners, deep condition regularly,etc), but I've never followed a real regimen.

Do you think it a good idea to do a relaxer thats more bone straight than texturized to minimize the styling I would have to with a flat iron? I've been re-evaluating the way I care for my hair because I would like to reach BSL this year (I'm currently APL).

I'm thinking that if I relax bone straight, my hair while dry straighter, and my roller sets and wraps will come on smoother with less heat.

Also how do you ya'll feel about going over just the underprocessed parts a week after having a relaxer? (i guess like a corrective relaxer). Just to get the parts that are still puffy and prevent overprocessing during the initial relaxer. Although it is not technically correct, I've been doing this for years and I have a head full of healthy hair :) Just want someone else's opinion
I got a question ladies.
I'm about to self relax my hair and I want to put avosoya oil in the relaxer. Would this be ok? I see everyone using evoo, so I just wanna make sure. I'm paranoid about relaxers

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